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City of Poulsbo June E-Newsletter

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Planning and Economic Development Department Update

2024 Comprehensive Plan Update.

Outreach efforts are in full bloom this month!

Join us at the following engagement opportunities

June 1st, from 3-5pm at Café Cocina Downtown

💐 June 3rd, find us at the Poulsbo Farmers Market

June 8th, from 1-3pm at Café Cocina Finn Hill

🌆 June 13th, starting at 6pm - Planning Commission

Meeting at City Hall Council Chambers

SR305 Market Analysis and Feasibility Study Results. Last month the Planning Commission and City Council held a special joint meeting on Tuesday, May 23, to hear the results of the SR 305 Market Analysis and Feasibility Study.

The consultants, Leland Consulting, shared their key findings based on months of analysis of existing real estate conditions, demographics, employment trends, regulatory frameworks and land use. The study also included a site visit, a number of stakeholder interviews with developers and other real estate professionals, an analysis of development feasibility for representative sites and building types in the corridor area, and an analysis of Puget Sound Regional Council’s framework for regional centers as it applies to the study area.

The study will be used to inform the 2024 Comprehensive Plan update and fold into a subarea plan for the corridor. 

Link to view the May 23rd Agenda and Recording: Past Meetings / Planning Commission / Agenda Packet and Video

Public Works and Engineering Department Updates

Viking Fest Note of Gratitude.  Viking Fest was a great success! Sending out a big THANK YOU to all on the Public Works crews and City staff who manned the event.

Tire and Scrap Metal Collection.  Kitsap County is holding a tire and scrap metal collection event from 9:00AM – 3:00PM on Saturday, June 10, 2023, at Thunderbird Arena1275 Fairgrounds Rd NW in Bremerton. All approved items will be accepted for free; no commercial tires or large appliances will be accepted.

Please see Kitsap County’s link for more information about the event and accepted items.

Household Chemical Collection Event. Kitsap County Solid Waste and the City of Poulsbo will be hosting a household hazardous waste collection event, at the Public Works facility, 22097 Viking Ave NW on Saturday, June 24th from 10:00AM – 2:00PM. For more information about this event please see Kitsap County’s link above. 

Storm Line Repairs. Public Works will be repairing an 18” storm line that runs down Glen Haven Place NE; we will made every effort to minimize impacts to Glen Haven neighborhood.

Dates: June 12th- 16th, 2023

Times: Monday - Friday, 7:00AM - 6:00PM

If you have any questions, please contact Public Works at

(360) 779-4078.

Glen Haven Storm Line depiction

SR305/Johnson Parkway Project. As construction on the SR305/Johnson Parkway project nears completion, the new roadway will be officially open to the public the beginning of June. A grand opening celebration of the new roundabout and artwork installation will take place in the middle of the month with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and guest speakers. A public announcement will be posted to our website once the exact date and time is determined. 

Noll Road Corridor Improvements Project. Full design and right-of-way acquisition is under way for the north segment of the project, at the intersection of Noll Road and NE Mesford Road to Maranatha Lane and Lincoln Road. For specific project information, please visit the City of Poulsbo Engineering department website. 

Housing, Health, and Human Services Update

Here Comes the Sun. Kim and Jen in the H3 Department are preparing for a busy Summer.

Riding for Everyone! H3 is working with Kitsap County to bring two adaptive trikes to Poulsbo. These trikes feature two side-by-side seats and allows one or both people to pedal-or cruise comfortably with the electric motor. Adaptive trikes are a great way for people with mobility issues to get out and explore our beautiful city. City Council will consider being a part of this program on June 14 and, if approved, Parks and Rec will manage the program.

Mobile Home Park Efforts. Some of the most precious affordable housing, in North Kitsap, are the mobile home parks in our area. The owners of the Poulsbo MHP are requiring property repairs from residents (as is their right) and the City is working with Fishline to create a fund to help offset costs to residents. Six nonprofits/churches in the area have offered to help with volunteer labor. Stay tuned: this is turning into a great example of people coming together to support each other when a little help is needed. 

Calling Good Samaritans. Senior CARES is up and running, and matching seniors with volunteers in the Poulsbo area. Volunteers call an assigned senior once a week for friendly conversation, and we’re watching the start of some great new connections. Please contact Jen Pettigrew to sign up or learn more about the program.

Finance Department Reminders

Seasonal Averaging for Sewer Billing. The sewer portion of your utility bill is based on the metered water used. The City recognizes for residential accounts there may be summer irrigation not flowing into the City’s sewer system, so it takes the winter (November to May) monthly average of water usage and applies this “seasonal averaging” when calculating the sewer portion of your bill from June to October each year. Please remember that you are still billed for all actual water usage.

** MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Seasonal averaging watering can begin around Memorial Day & end around Leif Erikson/Columbus/Indigenous Peoples’ Day. **

Utility Billing Auto-Payment. The City offers auto-pay as an option to pay your utility bill. Have your payment automatically deducted from your bank account on the 20th of every month. Click here for additional details and an application. If you’d like an application mailed to you, please contact the Finance Department at (360) 394-9881.

Parks and Recreation Department Update

Poulsbo Garden Club

Thank You. The Poulsbo Garden Club thanks all the wonderful customers, club members, volunteers and organizations that helped make our Annual Plant Sale on the first Saturday of May at Raab Park such a huge success! Thank you all! We are excited that we will be offering gardening grants again next Spring. Mark your calendars for our exciting June meeting!

Upcoming Events. Our June meeting will be on Saturday, June 10, at a new venue, Faith Episcopal Church (20295 Little Valley Rd NE, Poulsbo, just north of Town and Country Market). We will start with a meet and greet and general meeting at 9:30 and, at 11:00a.m., are very excited to have Christie Lassen of Wild Birds Unlimited talking about Creating a Backyard Wildlife Habitat. Christie calls her talk Emotional Landscaping! Christie and her husband Marc started their Wild Birds Unlimited store 20 years ago this summer. They love that they get to bring people and nature together every day; Christie will be bringing some of her favorite bird-attracting and feeding products with her to sell.

Both the meeting and speaker are free and open to the public -- everyone is welcome and invited!

Job Openings

The City of Poulsbo is currently hiring. Click here to learn more details about open positions!
