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City of Poulsbo March E-Newsletter
Please visit out website for the latest information and resources related to COVID-19.
Sign up for Nixle to receive important notifications.
The City of Poulsbo has partnered with Nixle to implement a notification system to alert residents in real-time about urgent and emergency situations. There are two simple ways to register: 1) Text POULSBO to 888777 from your mobile phone (or) 2) Go to https://cityofpoulsbo.com/community-alerts/ and sign up via the Nixle Widget. The service is secure, reliable, and easy to use.
Housing, Health & Human Services Update
COVID infections dropping but hospitalization numbers concerning. Weekly cases of COVID are in sharp decline and the number of COVID-related hospital admissions is dropping. It’s important to note, though, that COVID-19 admissions in Kitsap are still higher than at most points during the pandemic and community members are still perishing from this virus. Mask mandates will be ending this month so boosting and testing are critical. Kitsap Public Health continues to offer testing at Poulsbo City Hall parking garage every Thursday from 9am to 1pm. Information here: https://www.kitsapgov.com/Pages/Kitsap-COVID-19-Test-Site.aspx
Free, In-Person Mental Health Counseling at Fishline. Connecting to mental health care has been challenging during the pandemic. In person services have been reduced and it can take months to make an appointment. Thanks to a partnership with the City of Poulsbo, and funding from the county “treatment tax” fund, Fishline now has its own full-time mental health counselor on site. Appointments can be requested by contacting (360) 779-5190.
Volunteers Needed for Warming (and Cooling) Centers Ever wonder how our community’s homeless population manages when the temperatures drop below freezing? For years, Gateway Fellowship, in partnership with Kitsap County’s Department of Emergency Management, has operated a cold weather shelter at its Poulsbo campus. This shelter is staffed entirely by volunteers and—when not enough are available—the shelter is not activated. We’re looking for volunteers, now, to help if the temps drop again—and to assist this summer when cooling centers are needed. The hours of this job can be challenging (some volunteers work an overnight shift) and candidates must register as Emergency Workers with the County. For those able to help, however, the commitment is minimal (the shelter is typically open 1-2 weeks each winter) and the work is of critical importance. Contact Kim at the City of Poulsbo for more information kimberlyh@cityofpoulsbo.com or apply at https://www.kitsapdem.com/programs/volunteer/. Recent article about the County’s cold weather shelter system here: https://www.kitsapsun.com/story/news/2022/01/12/severe-weather-shelters-protect-people-cold-temperatures/9190079002/
Police Department Update
Poulsbo Police Department Co-Response Navigator Program. Responding to individuals experiencing behavioral health issues has become a significant part of the Poulsbo Police Department’s function. It is estimated that at least 30% of all calls are related to behavioral health issues. The co-response model allows for officers to have immediate access to a mental health professional who can help with de-escalation in crisis situations while also navigating to appropriate services. Having a mental health professional working in collaboration with officers reduces the burden on the criminal justice system and local healthcare systems while connecting the most vulnerable populations in our community to services they may not have otherwise had access to.

Our co-response team can respond within minutes to crisis situations allowing for quick de-escalation of intense or emotional situations. When situations are de-escalated in a quick, effective way it decreases arrests of mentally ill individuals and reduces use of force involvements. This team allows for more effective follow-up with individuals, their families, and support systems after a crisis which reduces future incidents. In addition, the co-response team responding to behavioral health calls helps to free officers’ time to focus on their primary function of responding to calls regarding crime and public safety.
Planning and Economic Development Department Update
2024 Comprehensive Plan Update. On Wednesday, February 23, 2021, the Mayor, City Council, Planning Commission, Staff and interested members of the public kicked off the 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update. The Comprehensive Plan describes the 20-year vision for Poulsbo and how that vision will be achieved. The City is mandated by the state to update their 20-year plan every eight years and the update is due June 2024.
During the 1.5 hour presentation, the Mayor, City Council and Planning Commission were asked to respond to two questions; the first was an icebreaker and the second was to frame their thinking as they plan for the next 20 years of growth. The word cloud below captures the responses to the question the Mayor originally raised at the end of her State of the City address to the City Council, “What do you think Poulsbo is missing or needs more of?”.
The City Council and Planning Commission plan to gather again on Tuesday, March 22 to discuss population and employment targets for the 2024 Comprehensive Plan. Poulsbo is one of four communities designated as a high-capacity transit (HCT) by the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC). The HCT communities include Bainbridge Island, Port Orchard and Kingston. PSRC forecasts these communities' population will grow by 34,000 and employment growth will be 18,000 between 2017 and 2050. As part of the Comprehensive Plan Update, Poulsbo will work with the other HCTs to determine how much population and employment growth are anticipated to occur in Poulsbo between 2020 and 2044.
The 2024 Comprehensive Plan is the document that guides the City of Poulsbo and is intended to represent the community’s desires, and all are encouraged to participate. To stay abreast of upcoming events over the next two years, please visit our website or subscribe to our listserve.
Job Openings
The City of Poulsbo is currently hiring for the following position: IT Senior Systems Administrator, Municipal Court Judicial Specialist, Associate/Assistant Planner, Police Officer (Lateral and Entry Level), and Public Works Seasonal Employee. Click here to learn more details about the open positions.