March 5, 2024

Proposed Almar Avenue Development to Include Commercial and Residential Buildings

Last week, the Planning Department received an SB330 preapplication to redevelop the property at 831 Almar Avenue with a mixed-use development. The project would consist of two buildings with commercial/industrial and multi-family residential uses. The site is located in the General Industrial zone district, and a portion of the site is within the Coastal Zone.

The Almar Avenue site currently has an unoccupied industrial building and surface-level parking. The project proposes an approximately 222,000 square foot, six story mixed-use building, Resident amenities, parking, and approximately 4,000 square feet of commercial/industrial space would be included on

the ground floor. The upper floors would have 60 one-bedroom rental units, 48 two-bedroom rental units, and 12 three-bedroom rental units. The proposal also includes a separate, 5,000 square foot two-story building for commercial or industrial uses. 


The proposed site has a maximum base density of 60 units. The project would provide nine very low-income units and nine moderate income units in exchange for requested density bonuses amounting to 60 additional units, for a total of 120 units. With the density bonuses, the project includes waivers, incentives, and concessions from standards, such as a building height of up to 72 feet and six stories, where the maximum allowed is 35 feet and three stories.


A preapplication is intended to assist an applicant in the preparation of their formal application and allows for initial staff review of a potential project. An SB330 preliminary review also locks in the development standards in effect at the time it is deemed complete.

No public hearing or decision happens at a preapplication review, though a community meeting will be required during this phase pursuant to the City’s community outreach policy for planning projects. The feedback provided may contribute to alterations in the project design. Additional updates will be provided if a formal application is submitted following the preapplication review process. Brittany Whitehill is the planner working on the application.


Streamlining Private Property Outdoor Dining Policy Moves Forward

Last Tuesday, February 27, 2024, the City Council unanimously approved an extension to May 31, 2025, of the Temporary Outdoor Expansion Program permits for private property businesses. The extension provides businesses with a one-year transition to obtain permanent approval once updates to the policy are in effect.

The Temporary Outdoor Expansion Program began as an emergency ordinance allowing businesses to remain outdoors during the pandemic, in the years since al fresco dining became an incredible success for businesses and residents to enjoy Santa Cruz’s temperate climate and provide an outdoor alternative for immunocompromised individuals.

In response to the success of this program, a City Council subcommittee worked with staff to create a

streamlined process for expanding outdoor dining on private property. Most often, private property space was historically used for parking.

Staff and the subcommittee are working to finalize the streamlined policy proposal to make the temporary spaces permanent. Next, the City will seek feedback from businesses and the public before the policy is presented to the Planning Commission for consideration.

Businesses and community members are invited to attend the community engagement meeting. Updates to the permitting process and policies will be presented — your feedback and questions will be welcomed. This meeting will be held Wednesday, March 13th at 9:00 AM at the Civic Auditorium in Room #5.

The Housing Assistance Webpage Gets a New Look

The Housing Division recently updated the Housing Assistance Information Page on the City website to be more user-friendly. In addition to the new look, the page includes new resources such as the “Find Affordable Housing” widget that lists upcoming affordable projects in the City of Santa Cruz and the Affordable Housing Projects Map. Be sure to check out the updated page and new resources!

Gas-Powered Leaf Blower Ordinance to Advance Climate Action Plan

Attend a Community Meeting on March 14

Gas-powered leaf blowers are a source of emissions that contribute to climate change and negatively impact public health. As part of the City's Climate Action Plan, the City of Santa Cruz is considering an ordinance to prohibit the use of gas-powered leaf blowers in the city, with limited exceptions.


Residents and businesses can provide feedback on the draft ordinance by attending a virtual Zoom meeting on Thursday, March 14, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be hosted in English and Spanish, and no registration is required. If you can't make the meeting, you can provide feedback in an online survey that is also available in English and Spanish.

Additionally, the Health in All Policies City Council Committee meeting on April 2, 2024, 9:30-10:30 AM in Council Chambers will review the proposed ordinance.


Visit our website to review the draft ordinance, get answers to frequently asked questions, and submit feedback through our online survey. 

Learn More

Join Us At The Transportation and Public Works Project Open House On Monday, March 18! 

Mark your calendars for the Santa Cruz Public Works Project Open House on Monday, March 18, 6-8 p.m., at Santa Cruz Bible Church (440 Frederick Street).


Engage with Transportation and Public Works Commissioners and Public Works engineers on vital City projects, including the seismic retrofit of Murray Street Bridge, West Cliff reconstruction, and Coastal Rail Trail developments. You will also get updates on the Title 22 Recycled Water Facility, electric vehicle chargers, a new pilot parking program, and much more.


This Transportation and Public Works Commission special meeting is your opportunity to stay informed and learn more about crucial projects for our City's future. Please spread the word and join us!


For more details about the Transportation and Public Works Commission, visit the City's website, and find additional information on major Public Works projects at

Event Details

Opening Day at Loch Lomond!

Friday, March 1, marked the beginning of an exciting season of outdoor adventures at Loch Lomond! Nestled in the heart of nature, Loch Lomond offers a picturesque escape for fishing, boating, picnicking, hiking, or whatever outdoor journey your heart desires.


Explore the pristine waters and scenic trails, and enjoy a day of relaxation or activity! Beginning in April, FREE interpretive tours on the "Newell Jewell" pontoon boat will be offered on Saturdays and Sundays, the second weekend of the month, from 11am-12pm. Tours can accommodate up to 25 people, with sign-ups in the park store (first come, first served).


For more details and to plan your visit, visit our website: Loch Lomond Recreation Area.

Plan Your Trip!

Give Us Your Feedback! 

The City of Santa Cruz is gathering community feedback during the public comment period on the 50-year Community Vision for West Cliff. This Vision, which extends to the year 2073, aims to envision a resilient West Cliff that is accessible to all residents. As part of this initiative, the community can participate online through the Feedback Form until March 10th!

Provide Your Feedback!

What Is A Vision?

A vision represents a shared expression of values developed with community input to guide future decisions. A vision can be used to guide planning and decision-making and work to implement specific policies and projects.  

The 50-year Community Vision represents the community's aspirations for what West Cliff will look like in 50 years and how the community wants to use West Cliff in the future. It allows the City to allocate resources to projects which may take decades to plan, fund, and complete. This also gives the City time to build disaster resilience along West Cliff to weather future extreme storms and ongoing stressors and protect the community from the impacts of climate change. By doing so, the City aims to ensure the protection and well-being of the community for generations to come.

Click here for PDF!

City of Santa Cruz

City Manager's Office

809 Center Street

Santa Cruz CA 95060
