Highlights from the Week of July 12, 2021
There's a lot going on in the City Different!
Bathroom Break
On Wednesday the Mayor, members of the City Council, and Tourism Director Randy Randall broke ground on a sorely needed public restroom on Water Street, a block from the Plaza. Not only will this come as a relief for residents, but, says Randall, “This makes us a complete city for tourism.” There will also be a Tourism Santa Fe information booth at the site. The facility is expected to open in January of 2022.
Firefighters to the Rescue
Two of our local teams, the Atalaya and Black Canyon Wildland Hand Crews, from the City of Santa Fe and Santa Fe County Fire Departments respectively, have been dispatched to help fight a big wildfire in Idaho. This is a first, and, of course, we all wish these heroes a safe return.
And remember: Fire and fireworks restrictions are still in effect in Santa Fe.

Midtown Listening Sessions
The City is sponsoring Public Planning Listening Sessions (July 20-22) to inform future land uses and development plans in the Midtown District by facilitating the exchange of ideas, priorities and objectives. Residents are urged to listen, learn, and share their perspectives at the Convention Center and the Midtown Site. Find the details and much more information about this historic development opportunity here.
Hot Saturday Cool Downs
Here's a reminder that the Parks Division and the Fire Department are going to throw Kids Cool Down 1 at SWAN Park on July 17 (tomorrow!) and Cool Down 2 at Franklin Miles on Saturday July 24. The waterworks go live at 11:30. Play on the playgrounds, run around the fields, get cooled down and make a day of it with a picnic lunch. And don’t forget to bring the towels.
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