The City has been assigned an AA+ rating from Fitch Ratings and an AA rating from S&P Global Rating for its $13.5 million subordinate lien gross receipts tax (GRT) refunding bonds, 2021 series. Fitch also affirmed AA+ ratings for the City's $21.7 million general obligation bonds, $56.7 million senior lien GRT revenue bonds, and an earlier series of $31.4 million subordinate lien GRT bonds. S&P Global also affirmed its AA long-term ratings for the City's Santa Fe gasoline tax/subordinate lien gross receipts tax improvement revenue bonds and the Santa Fe subordinate lien gross receipts tax refunding revenue bonds.
Finance Director Mary McCoy says: "We are pleased to receive these very positive bond ratings and recognition of the City's strong budget management and good fiscal management practices during the COVID-19 pandemic. These ratings are a testament to our city's strong financial health. The savings from the refinancing will allow us to continue investments in programs that improve Santa Fe’s future.”
City leadership expects the ratings to result in $1.5 million in savings over the next five years.
In its credit opinion, S&P Global termed the City's economic fundamentals as "strong," noting, "New economic development continues with restaurants, retail and commercial establishments. Tourism and the movie industry are picking back up after a slowdown due to the pandemic."