City of Spokane
COVID-19 Community Update
June 25, 2020

#Inland Strong
Spokane County COVID-19 Data
Each day, information evolves about Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19). At the City, we want our citizens and visitors to know that we are working to reduce the spread of this disease in our community, continue to provide critical City services, and address impacts of closures of schools, business and events. For the most recent and local data on cases and outcomes, visit .
Governor Visits Spokane
Today, local elected and healthcare leaders met with Governor Jay Inslee about response efforts and the importance of wearing face masks.
Washington State COVID-19 Data
Track information on this county risk assessment interactive dashboard for cases, hospitalizations and deaths for people who have had a positive molecular test for COVID -19.
Thank You for Wearing Your Mask
Governor Jay Inslee announced a statewide mask mandate. Beginning June 26, people in an indoor public space, or in an outside public space when unable to physically distance from others, will be legally required to wear a face covering.
Riverfront Park Unveils New Playground Plans
Designs were unveiled for the City’s first all-inclusive playground designed to be socially inclusive, help meet child development milestones, and offer activities that support physical, cognitive, social, and sensory needs playground. The 8,000 square foot playground is funded by a community benefit grant from Providence Health Care and is anticipated to open this fall.

Mayor Nadine Woodward, Peg Currie, chief operating officer of Providence Health Care, along with Garrett Jones, director of Parks & Recreation, unveiled the design illustration, name, and nature theme at a virtual event.
Free PPE for Small Businesses and Nonprofits
Greater Spokane Inc. and Spokane County are distributing free Personal Protective Equipment to help small businesses and nonprofits reduce barriers to reopening and continue operations to keep employees and the public safe. Businesses and nonprofits with 49 and fewer employees must register in advance to receive equipment such as hand sanitizer, disinfecting cleaner, disposable facial coverings and cloth facial coverings.
Your City at Work

Spokane Leads $550 million National Settlement on PCB Contamination
The City of Spokane, along with 12 other governmental entities, announced a proposed nationwide class action settlement with Monsanto Company, Pharmacia, LLC, and Solutia, Inc. resolving national PCB water contamination claims for a proposed class of 2,528 governmental entities.

Traveling the Hamilton Corridor?
On Monday, June 29 long-desired safety and traffic flow improvement projects at six intersections, including the addition of dedicated left turn pockets and signals will begin. Safety improvements will exist from Desmet Avenue to North Foothills Drive and are scheduled to be completed in late November. You can see current street closures and obstructions here. Please slow down and respect road closures in construction zones.
Community Court Resumes Next Week
Spokane Community Court, a program of Spokane Municipal Court, is scheduled to convene next week for the first time since the court went on hiatus in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Look for Historic Preservation in Cannon Hill
The Spokane Historic Preservation Office will host an outdoor and socially-distanced pop-up information table on Friday and Saturday at various locations from 1 pm - 6 pm. Masked office staff will be at the info table to provide information, answer questions, and engage in discussion.
Great Eats in the Park!
Food trucks will be at Manito Park and Riverfront Park

Friday through Sunday, June 26-28
10:30 am-6 pm

Participating vendors include: Curbside Carabiner Coffee, Kona Ice of Spokane, Increditruck, Big Rod's Texas BBQ, Mangia Catering Company, Have Beans Will Travel
Let Your Pets Ride Inside
Injuries incurred by dogs falling or jumping from truck beds or falling within truck beds are less common than injuries incurred by free-roaming dogs struck by vehicles. However, like injuries resulting from vehicular strikes, truck bed injuries tend to be severe, multiple and include fractures and abrasions. Learn more at the American Veterinary Medical Association website .
Be Firework Safe around July 4th
With the Fourth of July holiday just a few days away, the Spokane Fire Department reminds everyone that the sale and use of all amateur (consumer) fireworks is illegal in the cities of Spokane, Spokane Valley, Cheney, Millwood, Liberty Lake and the unincorporated areas of Spokane County. Consumer fireworks have been illegal for more than 25 years. Since the ban has been in place, the average number of fireworks-caused fires annually has dropped from 104 to less than 5. Fireworks-caused injuries have had a similar decrease. In addition to fines and court costs, illegal possession or use of fireworks can result in infractions of $536 for each violation. Learn how to have a safe and happy holiday!
Summer Fun: Napkin Roses
On Wednesday mornings, Spokane Public Library staff offer an Opening Act(ivity). This week, learn how to make napkin roses with the Northtown team and bring some flair to your next picnic, brunch or birthday celebration! Supplies needed are a plastic cup, napkin or wrapping paper and tape.
On the Bright Side
Spokane Hoopfest might not be happening this weekend for the first time in 31 years, but there will be volunteers all over the City replacing nets! #NetDay
Need Utility Assistance?
Through the generosity of over 500 donors, a community relief fund for utilities is available. Those who need utility assistance can contact SNAP at (509) 456-SNAP to request support.

While the matching funds have been exhausted, donations for this effort are always appreciated.
Need Access to Food or Other Supplies?
Call 311 (509-755-2489 outside of city limits)
Need Mental Health Help During this Crisis?
Contact 24/7: Frontier Crisis Line (509) 838-4428
Contact or Walk-In: Inland Northwest Behavioral Health (509) 992-1888

CHAS Health: (509) 444-8200

Excelsior Wellness Center: (509) 559-3100
Help for children, adults and families is available via telehealth.

Veterans Crisis Line: (800) 273-8255

Lutheran Community Services: (509) 747-8224
Intensive Behavioral Health, Victim Advocacy and Foster Care, are available.
#OrderUpSpokane with 10-minute parking zones near restaurants in the City core allows citizens and delivery drivers to efficiently pick up to-go orders. Check out these lists of restaurants you can support.
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