City of Spokane
COVID-19 Community Update
December 29, 2020
Spokane County COVID-19 Data
Each day, information evolves COVID-19. At the City, we want our citizens and visitors to know that we are working to reduce the spread of this disease in our community, continue to provide critical City services, and address impacts of closures of schools, business and events. For the most recent and local data on cases and outcomes, visit
State of Washington COVID-19 Data
Track information with these interactive dashboards for risk assessment, health data, economic impact and recovery, schools and PPE information.
A Safe Holiday Season
Tips to Celebrate Safely
As you celebrate during the coronavirus pandemic, we have some tips on how to celebrate safely. Many traditional holiday activates like attending or hosting gatherings are simply high-risk for spreading coronavirus. The safest way to celebrate winter holidays is to celebrate at home with your household unit. We can get creative and find new holiday traditions!
Need Tree Pick-up?
The City will offer free curbside Christmas tree pickup Jan. 4-8. Once the decorations are removed, residents can place their fresh-cut trees on the curb on their regularly scheduled garbage pickup days.
Ring in 2021 with Neighborhood Fireworks!
Join us for a New Year's Eve Drive-In Fireworks celebration! Participants can park at one of the four locations listed above or watch the fireworks from home. Parking lots open at 7:30 PM and the Fireworks show begins at 9:00 PM at all locations.
Utility Payment Options
We know that the pandemic has created economic hardship for many of the City’s utility customers. Assistance with monthly City utility bills for water, sewer, and solid waste is available during the COVID-19 pandemic:
Residential property owners as well as tenants can seek direct financial assistance through the City's U-Help program by calling 456-SNAP.
Utility Billing can also provide interest-free payment plans for residential customers. More information.
Business owners with an active City of Spokane utility account, may qualify for a small business assistance utility bill deferral. More information.
Late fees and water shutoffs for non-payment have been suspended to assist customers during the pandemic.
Your Spokane Fire Department
On your good days and your bad, Spokane Fire Department is with you. By mid December 2020, SFD has responded to over 42,115 fire and medical incidents in our community. And will continue to be here when you need them.
Give Spokane Police Feedback
The Spokane Police Department is seeking your input on our service to the community regarding trust, professionalism, community outreach and more. The results of this survey will be used in an ongoing effort to assess and improve SPD training and practices. The survey is similar to other surveys SPD has put out since 2015, with Department of Justice assistance. Your feedback by December 31 is appreciated!
Public Comment Period Coming for Neighborhood Community Development Program
The Community, Housing, and Human Services Board will host a Public Hearing to amend the 2020 Annual Action Plan. For more information, please contact You can find the meeting agenda and call-in information on the City's website.
Park Ranger of the Year
Recently, Andrew Willis was awarded Park Ranger of the Year with Spokane Parks and Recreation. This year he rescued a dog stranded on the riverbank, helped people going through difficulties in the field, and he is always looking for ways to creatively do his job through this difficult year. Andrew has demonstrated tremendous leadership, commitment, and truly embodies our motto “Community First”. Congratulations Andrew, the community is lucky to have you!
Vote for Spokane's Flag Design!
Over 300 designs have been submitted to the City of Spokane Flag Commission and now it's time to show your love for which ones you would move forward in the Flag Design Gallery.
Spokane Rewards. Spokane Solves. Spokane Gives
The City of Spokane is a great place to combine community support with expertise. There are over 30 Boards, Commissions and Committees made up of volunteers who help shape our community. Whether it's one day a year or one day a week, there is an opportunity for you. Pick your passion below and get involved!
- Meals on Wheels Volunteer Drivers
- Human Rights Commission
- Civil Service Commission
- Plan Commission
- Office of Police Ombudsman Commission
- Salary Review Commission
- Food Bank Assistance
- School Program Tech Help
Winter Escapes: Ski in the City
You don't have to go the the mountain to get your cross-country ski fix! Look for groomed trails provided by City of Spokane Parks & Recreation at Dwight Merkel Complex, Indian Canyon, and Riverside State Park.
On the Bright Side
Winter Farmers Market Brightens Spirits
The Winter Market at the Pavilion returns this week! Head to Riverfront Park Wed., Dec. 30 from 3-7 pm to shop with local vendors. Also, the holiday lights will continue through Jan 30th!
Need Access to Food?
Visit to reserve a weekly delivery!
Need Mental Health Help?
Contact 24/7: Frontier Crisis Line (509) 838-4428
Contact or Walk-In: Inland Northwest Behavioral Health (509) 992-1888
CHAS Health: (509) 444-8200
Excelsior Wellness Center: (509) 559-3100
Help for children, adults and families is available via telehealth.
Veterans Crisis Line: (800) 273-8255
Lutheran Community Services: (509) 747-8224
Intensive Behavioral Health, Victim Advocacy and Foster Care, are available.