City of Spokane
COVID-19 Community Update
February 2, 2021

Spokane County COVID-19 Data
Each day, information evolves COVID-19. At the City, we want our citizens and visitors to know that we are working to reduce the spread of this disease in our community, continue to provide critical City services, and address impacts of closures of schools, business and events. For the most recent and local data on cases and outcomes, visit

State of Washington COVID-19 Data
Track information with these interactive dashboards for risk assessment, health data, economic impact and recovery, schools and PPE information.
East Region Remains in Phase 1
Gov. Jay Inslee announced several changes to the state’s Healthy Washington — Roadmap to Recovery. The plan was changed in two ways; first, the evaluation criteria for regions to move from Phase 1 to Phase 2, and the timeframe in which regions can progress. The changes come after further conversations with public health partners and the state’s increasing vaccination rates.
Spokane County Vaccination Distribution Underway
The first two COVID-19 vaccines have been approved, and vaccine has begun to be distributed within the state. Information on the vaccine and its distribution in Washington is found on the DOH web site. In Spokane, the Spokane Regional Health District has convened a vaccine task force to help roll out vaccines in our community, following guidelines provided by the state Department of Health and the CDC. DOH released an estimated vaccine phases timeline the first week of January. More people will become eligible for vaccines over time. Learn more details on the SRHD website.
City Council Recap
Monday, February 1, 2021
Big Game Tips
Tampa Bay Buccaneers will host the Kansas City Chiefs for the 55th annual Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 7. The safest way to celebrate this year is to gather virtually or with the people in your household unit.

Here are some great virtual party ideas!
  • Use your favorite video chat service so you can chat throughout the game.
  • Wear and decorate with your favorite team's colors.
  • Support a local restaurant and order takeout.
  • Lead an impromptu virtual dance off for The Weeknd’s halftime show.
  • Make a list of your favorite commercials.

If you do plan to spend the Super Bowl with people outside your household unit, take steps to make your celebration safer. Wear a mask, stay at least 6 feet away, and wash your hands frequently. For additional guidance visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website.
Utility Payment Options

We know that the pandemic has created economic hardship for many of the City’s utility customers. Assistance with monthly City utility bills for water, sewer, and solid waste is available during the COVID-19 pandemic:

Residential property owners as well as tenants can seek direct financial assistance through the City's U-Help program by calling 456-SNAP. Utility Billing can also provide interest-free payment plans for residential customers. More information.

Business owners with an active City of Spokane utility account, may qualify for a small business assistance utility bill deferral. More information.

Late fees and water shutoffs for non-payment have been suspended to assist customers during the pandemic. Donations for this effort are always appreciated.
Your City at Work
Learn More About Likely Route to Connect Fish Lake & Centennial Trails
A trail alignment to connect the Fish Lake and Centennial trails has been under way since early 2020. The City of Spokane will share information from its evaluation of routes to connect the popular Fish Lake Trail to the Centennial Trail. Citizens are invited to an online public meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 3, at 5:30 p.m. to learn more and share ideas.
10 Minute Curbside Parking 2.0
When COVID-19 first came on the scene in 2020 and restaurants and bars could no longer provide table service, the City created temporary free 10-minute curbside pick-up parking zones. It was a way to enhance the City’s #OrderUpSpokane initiative to help local restaurants stay open. As other businesses reopened and offered curbside pick-up, the zones became used by all types of people utilizing curbside pick-up. They've been so effective, we're making them more permanent!
Spokane Fire Department Launches Online Safety Program for Preschools and Families
Visits to area preschools to talk about fire safety are a normal practice for Spokane Fire Department. With COVID precautions in place, for the safety of our personnel and community, these visits have been on hold. Educators from preschools around the city continually reached out to Spokane Fire asking for a way to connect. Spokane Fire Department Chief Brian Schaeffer acknowledged a need to think outside the box and find a way to continue to share these vital fire safety messages with preschoolers and their families.
Looking for a meaningful career?
Working in public service is rewarding. Here are a few areas the City is recruiting for:
  • Court Commissioner
  • Engineering Technician III
  • Fire Protection Engineer
  • Police Officer
  • Community Court Program Specialist

For a complete list of opportunities with the City, visit the jobs page.
Local Business Highlights
Ladder Coffee and Kalico Kitchen are great ways to get your day started!
Spokane Public Library Update
The Library is building a cutting-edge facility in the Sprague Union District, opening summer 2021. Called The Hive™ for the variety of learning and arts activities that will take place there, this building will provide event/training facilities and offices for Spokane Virtual Learning as well as a maker studio and studio spaces for local artists. Fun fact: Integrus Architecture already won an award for this building from The American Institute of Architects Spokane chapter in the unbuilt category.
Pothole Season is Here!
Did you know you can report a pothole right from your smartphone or online? It's quick, easy and gets results! You can always do it "old school" and call My Spokane 311 too!
Neighborhoods Training: Comprehensive Plan
In case you missed it, we recorded the virtual training for residents to learn why amending the City's Comprehensive Plan is important to neighborhoods. Find out what it is and how you can work with City planning and effect change. For questions and information contact Melissa Wittstruck.
Remember to Vote this Week!
Spokane Public Schools is proposing a replacement levy in the Feb. 9 election. For more information about the levy renewal and what it will mean for public schools, visit their website.

Do you have questions about the upcoming Educational Programs and Operations levy? You can read these Frequently Asked Questions to get answers.
Spokane Rewards. Spokane Solves. Spokane Gives.
The City of Spokane is a great place to combine community support with expertise. There are over 30 Boards, Commissions and Committees made up of volunteers who help shape our community. If you have one day a year, or one day a week, there is an opportunity for you. Pick your passion below and get involved!

  • Meals on Wheels Volunteer Drivers
  • Human Rights Commission
  • Civil Service Commission
  • Plan Commission
  • Office of Police Ombudsman Commission
  • Salary Review Commission
  • Food Bank Assistance
  • School Program Tech Help
Winter Escapes: Chalk it Up to Art
We love seeing all of your artwork on the Riverfront Park Chalk Art Gallery (located underneath the WA St. bridge)! Chalk is available to borrow at the Numerica Skate Ribbon building. Provided by Lilac City Painting and Sherwin-Williams.
On the Bright Side
"What's my password?" asks Murphy, the unofficial mascot at the SFD training campus. He was excited to add copier operations to his resume.
Need Access to Food?
Contact SNAP at (509) 319-3050 or

Need Mental Health Help?
Contact 24/7: Frontier Crisis Line (509) 838-4428
Contact or Walk-In: Inland Northwest Behavioral Health (509) 992-1888

CHAS Health: (509) 444-8200

Excelsior Wellness Center: (509) 559-3100
Help for children, adults and families is available via telehealth.

Veterans Crisis Line: (800) 273-8255

Lutheran Community Services: (509) 747-8224
Intensive Behavioral Health, Victim Advocacy and Foster Care, are available.
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We are here to help! Simply dial 311 or if outside City limits: 509.755.CITY(2489).