City of Spokane

Community Update

Aug. 9, 2022


Walking With Woodward

Mayor Woodward visited CHKN-N-MO to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the family owned business.

Your City at Work

Redistricting Board Seeking Community Input on Updating Council Districts

The City of Spokane Redistricting Board is seeking input from the public on what they feel is most important for the Board to consider when proposing boundary adjustments to current City Council Districts.

The Board has created a ThoughtExchange to collect feedback. Click here to participate. The exchange is scheduled to close on Friday, Aug. 19, at noon.

Based on 2020 Census Data, the Board is tasked with adjusting current district boundaries as necessary to make them as even as possible population-wise. This is not a full districting plan or overhaul of the current City Council Districts but is focused on simple boundary adjustments. Visit our website for more info.

Ten Reasons to Visit the Central Library

Ten reasons to visit the newly renovated Central Library!

  1. The Library of Things
  2. The New Leaf Café
  3. Media Production Rooms
  4. Multipurpose Meeting Space
  5. River Rumpus Play Area
  6. The Business Lab
  7. Panoramic Event Space
  8. Special Collections & Historical Records
  9. Volunteer at the library!
  10. The Books (Duh)

For more information on the Central Library visit our website

LaunchNW Community Town Halls

Have your voice heard! LaunchNW, a community and economic vitality initiative incubated by Innovia Foundation, invites everyone to a series of Community Town Halls this summer. Engage with a data report about Spokane County, then discuss our community's needs and opportunities to support student and family success. Learn more here.

District Two Traffic Calming Workshops

Join us at an upcoming traffic calming workshop! Learn about the new Traffic Calming program and share your ideas on how our neighborhoods can be safer, better connected and more livable for everyone. To find your neighborhood's workshop visit our website.

Construction Zone

Construction season is underway! Stay up to date with our Obstruction Notice.

Obstruction Notice

Water Wise Tip

Got a lawn to mow? Don't forget to inspect your sprinklers when you're finished to check for leaks and spray pattern.

Coronavirus Information

COVID-19 Vaccines

Get Vaccinated!

COVID-19 Testing Sites

Drive-up and walk-up COVID-19 testing sites are open to the community. These testing sites offer free testing and are open to anyone who is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or has recently been exposed to someone with COVID-19.

Need Mental Health Help?

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 9-8-8

Contact 24/7: Frontier Crisis Line (877) 266-1818

Contact or Walk-In: Inland Northwest Behavioral Health (509) 992-1888

CHAS Health: (509) 444-8200

Excelsior Wellness Center: (509) 559-3100

Request Online Appointment

Help for children, adults and families is available via telehealth.

Teen Text and Chat Line: 844-814-TEEN (8336)

Free confidential safe place service available to any teen or young adult.

Veterans Crisis Line: (800) 273-8255

Need Resources? 

Call Washington 211 at 2-1-1 or (877) 211-9274 to speak to a local agent

Text your Zip Code to 898211 or email

Apply for Basic Food assistance over the phone!

Access to resources online at:

Sign up for their Newsletter!

Need Access to Food?
Contact SNAP at (509) 319-3050 or

Lutheran Community Services: (509) 747-8224
Intensive Behavioral Health, Victim Advocacy and Foster Care, are available.

Resident Assistance
The impacts of COVID have created hardships for people in many ways. The City continues to connect residents with available and eligible resources.

Utility Assistance

There are Resident Assistance programs for emergency help to pay for City utility bills, which include charges for water, wastewater, stormwater and garbage collection. Interest-free payment plans are also available for residential and commercial customers.

Rent Assistance

City of Spokane residents will soon be able to apply for $5.59 million in new Emergency Rent Assistance Program funds awarded by the Washington State Department of Commerce.

The application process for the funds will be announced in the near future on the City’s website once funding is received for disbursement.

Spokane Rewards. Spokane Solves. Spokane Gives

The City of Spokane is a great place to combine community support with expertise. There are over 30 Boards, Commissions and Committees made up of volunteers who help shape our community. If you have one day a year, or one day a week, there is an opportunity for you. Pick your passion and get involved!

Manito Park: Flower Power Crew

Make a positive impact on the quality of life in our community by volunteering with Spokane Parks & Rec! With over 4,000 acres of protected green space and hundreds of recreation activities, volunteers are integral in helping Spokane keep our public spaces and recreation actives enjoyable and accessible to all.

Volunteer responsibilities for this opportunity at Manito Park may include weeding and pruning plant material and raking and clearing plant material from garden beds and garden pathways. Volunteers are encouraged to volunteer any time that their schedules allow.

Volunteer orientations will be lead by Gardener Tara Newbury starting outside of the Manito Offices on the north side of the Gaiser Conservatory every Wednesday at 9 a.m. Click here to sign up!

Summer Fun: Riverfront Explore!

Discover how the Great Missoula Floods shaped the Spokane landscape so many years ago and experience the Ice Age Floods Playground through hands-on activities. Learn about the Salish language with instructors from the Salish School of Spokane! This is a free activity designed for school-age children. Details on our website.

Location: Ice Age Floods Playground

Date: Wednesday, Aug. 10 and Thursday, Aug. 11

Time: 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

On the Bright Side

Spokane Parks & Recreation Facilities Foreman Dave Randolph has wound and maintained the clock in Riverfront Park's Clocktower for more than a quarter century.

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We are here to help! Simply dial 311 or if outside City limits: 509.755.CITY(2489).