City of Spokane
Community Update
March 5, 2024
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Message from the Mayor
The beauty of community lies in its diversity. Here in Spokane, we have a rich tapestry of perspectives, experiences and cultures. That is why the City is calling on residents to apply to serve on various boards and commissions. This is an opportunity to ensure your voice is heard and that you have influence on the issues that impact you. I hope you will consider volunteering your time and working with the City to make a lasting impact on our town.
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Read Across America Day at Balboa Elementary School
Mayor Lisa Brown celebrated Read Across America Day by reading, "Chickens Aren't the Only Ones" by Ruth Heller to students at Balboa Elementary School.
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Garland Theater Grand Re-Opening
The Garland Theater re-opened! Mayor Lisa Brown joined the new owners for a ribbon cutting using a "Freddy Kreuger Claw."
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Doll Festival at Mukogama U.S. Campus
Mayor Lisa Brown participated in the Doll Festival at the Mukogawa U.S. Campus. She heard from students and learned the history of the Japanese Friendship Doll Miss Tokushima, who lives at the Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture.
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Water Wise Wednesday Workshops
Starting tomorrow, Wednesday, March 6, learn about a variety of Water Wise topics at Spokane Public Library Shadle Park. Meet the incredible Water Wise team, get your questions answered, and expand your knowledge!
- March 6 - Intro to SpokaneScape
- March 13 - Mulching, Edging, and Laying Hardscape
- March 20 - Firewise for City Dwellers
- March 27 - Irrigation Systems
- April 3 - All About Composting
- April 10 - Integrated Pest Management
- April 17 - Pesticide & Herbicide Application
- April 24 - Native Plants, Keystone Species, & More (held at Spokane Public Library Liberty Park)
Click here to learn more about the Water Wise Wednesday Workshops!
Neighborhood News You Can Use
News you can use with the Office of Neighborhood Services! Visit to find out what neighborhood you live in and how to join your neighborhood council.
Planning Efforts Protect Pedestrians
The City of Spokane's traffic calming projects improve safety for cyclists and pedestirans.
To participate in Spokane Regional Transportation Council's Safety Action Plan click here.
New Markets Tax Credit
About 100 investors, bankers, developers, and industry leaders attended the “Bridging the Investment Gap: Flexible, Forgivable Capital for Spokane” educational forum on the New Markets Tax Credit Program hosted by the City of Spokane’s Community and Economic Development Division. The program can be a game-changer for a variety of projects that create jobs and provide services in distressed census tracts. Click here to watch the presentation!
CHHS seeks comment on Annual Action Plan
The City’s Community, Housing and Human Services (CHHS) Board and Department are accepting public comments through Saturday, March 9 on the proposed 2024 Annual Action Plan and funding recommendations posted on the City website. Comments can be submitted via email, phone, or at the public hearing tomorrow, Wednesday, March 6, at 4 p.m. in the Council Briefing Room in City Hall. To attend the hearing virtually, request a meeting link here. Email your questions about the process, proposed allocations, or documents to the City.
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Council Recap
Council President Betsy Wilkerson recaps the Monday, March 4, Spokane City Council meeting.
Disposal Passes are Available
City of Spokane residents can submit a request for a disposal pass as part of the Neighborhood Clean-Up Program. Passes will be emailed to you and will be valid for 30 days. Disposal passes are available until program funding is expended. Request a digital pass today!
Small Business Deduction for Fire Sprinklers
The Federal Fire Sprinkler Tax Incentive allows small business owners to deduct the cost of retrofitting their buildings with fire sprinklers. Click here to learn more.
Spokane Public Schools Community Survey
Spokane Public Schools invites residents to participate in a brief, anonymous survey as the district explores our community's thoughts regarding the 2024 bond vote. The survey will end on Wednesday, March 13. Click here to take the survey.
City Facilitates Community Plan for Emergency Warming Shelters
The Cannon Street emergency warming center closed the morning of Friday, March 1, as part of previously arranged plans, while the Trent Resource and Assistance Center ramped down from 350 beds down to 250. The City is also extending its contract with Jewels Helping Hands to continue maintaining shelter services at local churches, which accounts for 80 beds. Meanwhile, an audit process has been launched to assess shelter capacity among regional providers and facilitate a community discussion on how Spokane envisions its future shelter system. More info on our website.
Disaster Outreach Centers for Gray Fire and Oregon Road Fire Survivors
The U.S. Small Business Administration and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced that two in-person disaster outreach centers are available for survivors of the Gray and Oregon Road Fires. For more information on the disaster outreach centers visit the Spokane County website.
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City of Spokane Jobs
The City of Spokane is hiring! Check out our featured job of the week:
For a full list of job openings with the City of Spokane click here.
25 Years of Life-Saving Service
Lt. Keven Smith, of the Spokane Fire Department, has been responding to fires and medical calls for a quarter century here in Spokane. Thank you, Lt. Smith!
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Connect With Us About City Jobs
Find the City of Spokane at College Career Fairs in 2024.
EWU Criminal Justice Career Fair – Thursday, April 4, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
SFCC Career Fair – Thursday, April 25, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
EWU All Majors Career Fair – Wednesday, Oct. 23, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Visit our website for more info!
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Your Vote Matters
Election Day is in one week! Ballot drop boxes will close promptly at 8 p.m. on Election Day, Tuesday, March 12. Ballots can also be mailed, no postage required. For a full list of drop boxes visit the Spokane County Elections website.
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Spokane Rewards. Spokane Solves. Spokane Gives
The City of Spokane is a great place to combine community support with expertise. There are more than 30 boards, commissions and committees made up of volunteers who help shape our community. If you have one day a year, or one day a week, there is an opportunity for you. Pick your passion and get involved!
Apply for City of Spokane Boards and Commissions to Ensure Inclusive Representation
The City of Spokane is calling on its diverse and talented residents to apply for vacant positions on various boards and commissions.
Serving on a board or commission provides opportunities to shape policies and influence important issues like public safety, transportation, and housing.
Mayor Brown is looking to remove barriers to participation on Spokane’s boards and commissions. She is looking at possibly reimbursing childcare costs incurred due to a member's attendance at a City meeting and how best to assist members who may need assistance with transportation and other costs associated with serving.
A list of open positions and applications can be found here.
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Winter Wonders: Free Zumba Classes
Enjoy free Zumba classes at the Northeast Community Center!
- Mondays and Thursdays, 6 - 7 p.m.
- Saturdays, 10 - 11 a.m.
These FREE Zumba classes are taught by Shanda and Judy at the Northeast Community Center, 4001 N. Cook Street.
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On the Bright Side
Jeanne Finger, Chief Dam Safety Engineer at Upriver Dam, was recognized by the American Society of Civil Engineers, receiving the Engineer of Merit Award. Congratulations, Jeanne!
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