City of Spokane

Community Update

Nov. 22, 2022


In Woodward's Words

Mayor Nadine Woodward’s proposed 2023 budget includes strategies to give families relief and meet homelessness needs.

Walking With Woodward

Meals on Wheels recently invited Mayor Nadine Woodward to visit.

City Closures Planned For Thanksgiving

  • Garbage pickup will be a day late for residents whose garbage is normally picked up on Thursday and Friday.
  • Spokane City Hall will be closed Thursday and Friday.
  • Spokane Municipal Court will be closed Thursday and Friday.
  • City libraries will be closed on Thursday and Friday.
  • The Waste-to-Energy Facility will be closed on Thursday.
  • Riverfront Park attractions will be closed on Thursday.
  • Parking meters do not have to be plugged on Thursday. 

For more information visit our website.

Cooking Fire Safety

Thanksgiving is the leading day for cooking fires with three times as many as a typical day. We want you to have a safe and happy Thanksgiving with your family.

Stuff Green Carts with Leaves and Food Waste

This Thanksgiving stuff your green carts with food scraps! Acceptable scraps include meat, poultry, fish, beans, dairy products, fruit, vegetables, breads, grains, pasta, eggshells, nutshells, coffee grounds, tea bags, and leftovers. Acceptable food-soiled papers include greasy pizza boxes, coffee filters, paper towels, paper napkins, uncoated paper plates and cups, paper egg and berry cartons, and paper grocery bags with food scraps. 

The optional Clean Green curbside yard and food waste collection service suspends service for winter on Friday, Dec. 2. Click here to learn more.

Your City at Work

Leaf Pickup Is Underway!

City of Spokane crews have started leaf pickup activities on City streets. The City’s leaf pickup service is intended to remove only the leaves that naturally fall into the streets. Residents should not rake leaves into the street. For the 2022 leaf pickup schedule visit our website.

Division Street BRT Survey

Make your voice heard on how a Bus Rapid Transit line should look on the Division Street Corridor. Visit the project page to learn more and take the survey!

Small Business Saturday

This Saturday celebrate Small Business Saturday! Get ready to support the local businesses in our community. Visit to learn more and find ways to support all year long.

City Issues Three Notices Of Funding

The City of Spokane has issued three notices of funding availability seeking applications from small business organizations, nonprofit organizations, and proposals from qualified organizations interested in providing down payment assistance. Click here to learn more.

Nov. 21 Council Meeting Recap Video

Council Recap

Council Member Zack Zappone recaps the Monday, Nov. 21, Spokane City Council meeting.

Thank You Water Department Crews!

Water Department crews have been busy responding to water main breaks at all hours. With recent freeze and thaw conditions along with old pipes, this can happen. Thank you to our Water Department crews for their hard work! Call 3-1-1 to report water main leaks.

Spokane Neighborhood Leadership Academy

If you desire skills to equip you with becoming a leader in your neighborhood, consider the free, five-month Spokane Neighborhood Leadership Academy. This partnership between the City’s Office of Neighborhood Services and Gonzaga University is a great opportunity! Applications are due Wednesday, Nov. 30 for the upcoming session starting in late January. Email for more information.

Community Housing Stability Survey

The ZoNE is conducting a survey on community housing stability in Spokane County. The survey is intended to explore the needs of tenants. You will not be asked for your name and all responses will be confidential. As a part of rental assistance funds the City secured for its residents, outreach efforts are required to assure equity in the distribution of the funds. For more information call 509-487-1603.

City of Spokane Jobs

The City of Spokane is hiring! The classifications opening for recruitment this week are:

For a full list of job openings with the City of Spokane click here.

Coronavirus Information

COVID-19 Vaccines

Get Vaccinated!

COVID-19 Testing Sites

Drive-up and walk-up COVID-19 testing sites are open to the community. These testing sites offer free testing and are open to anyone who is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or has recently been exposed to someone with COVID-19.

Need Mental Health Help?

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 9-8-8

Contact Or Walk-In: Frontier Behavioral Health (509) 838-4651 ext 012082. 

Contact or Walk-In: Inland Northwest Behavioral Health (509) 992-1888

CHAS Health: (509) 444-8200

Excelsior Wellness Center: (509) 559-3100

Request Online Appointment

Help for children, adults and families is available via telehealth.

Teen Text and Chat Line: 844-814-TEEN (8336)

Free confidential safe place service available to any teen or young adult.

Veterans Crisis Line: (800) 273-8255

Need Resources? 

Call Washington 211 at 2-1-1 or (877) 211-9274 to speak to a local agent

Text your Zip Code to 898211 or email

Apply for basic food assistance over the phone!

Access to resources online at:

Sign up for their Newsletter!

Need Access to Food?

Contact SNAP at (509) 319-3050 or

Domestic Violence and

Child Abuse Prevention Resources

Prevention at Home Video Series

Trauma Recovery Services

Lutheran Community Services: (509) 747-8224

Intensive Behavioral Health, Victim Advocacy and Foster Care, are available.

Resident Assistance

The impacts of COVID have created hardships for people in many ways. The City continues to connect residents with available and eligible resources.

Utility Assistance

There are Resident Assistance programs for emergency help to pay for City utility bills, which include charges for water, wastewater, stormwater and garbage collection. Interest-free payment plans are also available for residential and commercial customers.

Rent Assistance

Due to a large volume of applications, emergency rent assistance application portals have paused accepting applications from city residents seeking rental assistance who do not have a current eviction notice.

The City continues to work with the Washington State Department of Commerce to identify potential new sources of emergency rent assistance funds for Spokane City tenants and landlords, but a timeline for re-opening the portals for members of the general public (LiveStories), households with children (Family Promise of Spokane), and members of the African-American and BIPOC community (Carl Maxey Center) is unclear.

City of Spokane residents with a current eviction notice still may receive assistance through the ERAP 2.0 program. In order to determine eligibility and the process for doing so, reach out to one of the City’s two Dispute Resolution Centers that are managing the local Eviction Resolution Pilot Program.

Overall, the two-year emergency rent assistance program has distributed about $33 million to more than 6,000 households. 

Spokane Rewards. Spokane Solves. Spokane Gives

The City of Spokane is a great place to combine community support with expertise. There are more than 30 boards, commissions and committees made up of volunteers who help shape our community. If you have one day a year, or one day a week, there is an opportunity for you. Pick your passion and get involved!

Community, Housing, and Human Services Board

The Community, Housing, and Human Services Board, which provides opportunities that enhance the quality of life for Spokane’s extremely low- to moderate-income populations, seeks board members. Candidates in fields such as real estate, financial institutions, lived experience, K-12 education, faith, health or managed care are encouraged to apply. Youth may also serve as members. An average of 5 to 10 hours per month are required by attending meetings, networking and researching issues our community faces. Board positions are three-year terms. Application deadline is Friday, Jan. 6, 2023. Submit applications to

Autumn Adventures: Numerica Tree Lighting

The Numerica Tree Lighting Celebration is a signature Riverfront holiday event and a tradition for many Spokane families. Festivities will kick off at 4 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 26 at the plaza adjacent to the Numerica Skate Ribbon with food trucks and live entertainment. Grab your ice skates, a complimentary cup of hot chocolate provided by Starbucks, and join Numerica and Spokane Parks and Recreation as we count down to light our community tree at 6 p.m. Visit our website for more info.

On the Bright Side

For those who don’t have a place to enjoy a nice hot Thanksgiving meal, you are welcomed to spend part of the holiday with The Salvation Army. They are hosting a free community Thanksgiving meal on Thursday, Nov. 24, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. at 222 E Indiana Ave. For more info call 509-325-6810.

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