Community News

March 2024

Message from Mayor Pribonic

Dear Residents,

I am so pleased to inform you that we have officially acquired the former Cornerstone Church, 5344 Fishcreek Road in Stow and plan for it to serve as the NEW senior center. The property aligns well with the City's needs to provide a facility for fun, active, social programs and events for what is the largest segment of the City’s population. The new property/facility offers a considerable upgrade to the current Senior Center with over 8,000 square feet of space, enabling it to serve a larger population and facilitate a wider array of programs. This acquisition fulfills an urgent need we had on our plates this year - to address the shortcomings of the current senior center. A decision was made last year not to propose a levy for a comprehensive community recreation center, as property taxes for residents were already due to be increased for other reasons, including recent property reappraisals. However, the improvement of the current senior center remained a priority. This facility and property will significantly contribute to meeting the City’s immediate needs.   


I, in collaboration with Zack Cowan, our Director of Planning and Economic Development, have been engaging in business visits to connect with members of our local business community across various sectors, including manufacturing, retail, and services. Our outreach efforts have just begun this year, and we look forward to continuing to engage with businesses in the coming months. Below is a list of the companies we have conducted site visits at this year:


  • AtNetPlus: A reputable Managed IT Service Provider known for delivering high-quality IT services to businesses in Northeast Ohio.
  • Hydraulic Manifolds: A prominent designer and supplier of customized hydraulic manifolds for industries such as agriculture, aerospace, oil & gas, mining, defense, and industrial sectors.
  • Blaze Technical Services: Established in 1996, Blaze is a full-service manufacturer of temperature sensors with applications in industries like racing, aerospace, clean energy, and food & beverage.
  • Suncrest Gardens: A landscaping design and garden services company that will be expanding its operations in 2024 with a new location in the City of Stow.


We are dedicated to supporting the advancement and prosperity of our local business community. So, it is with pleasure that we announce the upcoming arrival of Dick's Sporting Goods to the Stow-Kent Shopping Center. This development will undoubtedly have a positive impact on our community. Construction has commenced, and the store is projected to be operational by early 2025.


If you are interested in learning more about the progress and future plans for our City, I invite you to attend my upcoming State of the City Address at the Stow City Council meeting on March 14th. I will be giving a brief synopsis of the full printed address. This event is open to the public and free of charge. Additionally, I will be speaking at the Stow-Munroe Falls Chamber of Commerce luncheon on March 19th at 11:30am at Silver Lake Country Club. Registration is mandatory for this event, and lunch will be provided. Register here.


2024 is off to a great start! I continue to be very optimistic about Stow’s future and our long-term success. I pledge to continue my accessibility to our residents and businesses. Your ideas, input, and feedback are so very beneficial in understanding the concerns of our community. I have the best interest of Stow at heart and I hope you do as well.





John Pribonic

Mayor, City of Stow

Mayor Letter

It's About That Time!

Stow Income Tax Returns

E-File will be available February 15, 2024

Due Date:

April 15, 2024

Office Hours:

Mon. - Fri. 8 AM - 4:30 PM

Extended Hours:

Saturdays: April 6 & 13 (8 AM - 12 PM)

Weekdays: April 9, 10, 11, 15 (4:30 - 6 PM)


(330) 689-2849

Forms and E-File Available

Accepting Applications for Boards & Commissions

Stow Mayor John Pribonic is seeking Stow residents who have an interest in serving the City in a voluntary capacity. Stow residents are needed to fill a vacancy on the Stow Arts Commission and the Senior Citizen Commission. An appointment to these vacancies are made by the Mayor and confirmed by Stow City Council.

Commission Information

Community Art Programs

  • Open Call for Phase IV Traffic Signal Box Art (DEADLINE: March 15, 2024)

  • Women in Arts - Art History Month (March 1 - 31, 2024)
Stow Arts Information

Want to Honor an Armed Forces Member?

Honor a past or present member of the Armed Forces with a commemorative banner flying high above the community streets. Honorees are not required to be current or past residents of Stow or Munroe Falls.

DEADLINE: March 15, 2024

Military Banner Program Information

Commemorate Your Graduating Senior!

Honor your 2024 graduating senior with a commemorative banner to display on the grounds of Stow City Hall.

DEADLINE: April 7, 2024

Senior Banner Program Information

Tree Clearing in Stow

Sunoco Pipeline, on behalf of Inland Corporation, operates and maintains a high-pressure transmission pipeline through or adjacent to property in Stow and will be conducting right-of-way clearing operations within its easements along the pipeline route in areas south of Progress Park Drive.

More Information

Sign up to be a part of our green-thumb community!

STOW COMMUNITY GARDEN Important Dates to Remember

Registration for returning gardeners start:

Wed., March 13

Registration for new gardeners start:

Tues., April 2

Garden plots must be planted by:

Sun., June 16

More Information on Garden Program
More Information

Stow Water Rate Increase


The City of Akron has informed Stow that there will be adjustments to its monthly water usage rates. Stow customers are required to be subject to any rate increases implemented by Akron. The current water rate in Stow is $3.49 per hundred cubic feet (HCF) and will increase to $3.84 per HCF. This change will be reflected in the April billing cycle, based on March usage readings, for Stow's customers.

Season to Open Soon!

Stow Silver Springs Campground

reservations are open.

Camping Season

April 12 - October 31, 2024

More Information and Reservations
Fun In Stow

Your Guide to All Things Parks & Recreation

Let your Parks & Recreation professionals be your guiding light. Let us help you reach your goals, discover new adventures, increase your knowledge, and most importantly, have an absolute blast while doing it!


Wine & Design: Cookie Decorating

Fri., 3/15/24

Bunny Trail Hop

Sat., 3/23/24

Cocktails & Cottontails - SOLD OUT

Thurs., 3/28/24

Ribbon Cutting Celebrating The NEW Range at Fox Den

Wed., April 10, 2024 5:30 - 7 PM

Join the fun!

Grand Opening Information

MARCH: Love Your Water

As winter begins to slowly loosen its grip, and you quickly develop the spring cleaning itch, keep water quality in mind: clean green! Household chemicals are potential sources of water pollution, making their way into local streams and rivers and eventually Lake Erie! By using natural cleaning products (easy to DIY) you can save money and protect yourself and your watershed from exposure to harsh chemicals. Happy Spring!



If you or someone you know needs support now, call or text 988 or chat


Backflow Prevention / Cross Connection Control

With the inception of the Stow Public Water System in November of 2001, the City began a vigorous Backflow Prevention Program. The program ensures that any perceived hazard to the quality of the water system is isolated and the water system is protected from contamination. This program requires on-site inspections of all sites where a potential hazard may exist. When any potential hazard is identified, the user/customer is directed to install a backflow prevention device. The program assures that all devices are installed, as directed, not removed or made inoperable, and are tested on an annual basis, as required by law. Comprehensive records are maintained for all sites and devices within the system. At present, the system Contains in excess of 1500 approved and tested devices in commercial and residential settings.

EPA Backflow Prevention Brochure

Backflow Test

Low-Pressure Cut Off

Water Backflow Information

Stay up-to-date on Stow News!
