JULY 2021
Monthly Memo from the City Manager
July 1st was the start of the new Fiscal Year, and the City's budget reflects that Temecula remains unwavering in our commitment to providing a high-quality lifestyle for residents, which includes continuously enhanced infrastructure and amenities. Each upgrade is an economic investment into our community. It is so important to maintain the beauty of our City because the aesthetics and upkeep of our landscape, infrastructure, parks, roads and amenities help define, and give assurance, that Temecula is the best investment for businesses and residents even in uncertain times such as the ongoing global pandemic.
The City of Temecula has a five-year capital budget that plans to invest a total of $700,110,289 in identified Capital Projects for Fiscal Years 2022-2026, and it is anticipated that roughly $125M in construction and design work will be infused into our local economy over the next two years, providing fuel for our local economic engine. It is fair to assume that every $1M the City invests in construction contracts generates 10-15 direct jobs and, depending on the nature of the trade, an additional 10-20 indirect jobs.
Temecula's economy is healthy, safe and in-demand. To review our Capital Improvement Programs Budget, and our Annual Operating Budget, click here.
-Aaron Adams, City Manager
The City is initiating an update to the Temecula General Plan and the Temecula Quality of Life Master Plan. To support this effort, the City hired an outside consultant to conduct a citywide community opinion survey to ensure that the City’s priorities and goals remain aligned with citizen input throughout this process.
It is important to note that this survey was conducted and based on Temecula citizens’ perspectives during the first 12 months of the coronavirus pandemic which could have affected overall sentiment. Nevertheless, it still provides a current and relevant baseline of community viewpoints.
Among many results, it is clear that maintaining a low crime rate remains, by far, the municipal service that rates the highest to Temecula residents in terms of “extremely important” at 73%. The next two highest “extremely important" municipal services are also public safety related -- providing fire protection and prevention services (60%), and providing emergency paramedic services (64%). Roads/Streets were next in terms of importance at 60%. These survey results align with the City's Annual Operating budget as the top two City expenditures are Police/Fire and Public Works, as illustrated in the FY21-22 General Fund Expenditures pie-chart graphic below.
The City learned (through the above-mentioned citizen survey) that only 1/3 of Temecula residents are aware of local freeway projects in the pipeline to improve Interstate 15 congestion.
Please share the news!
I-15 through Temecula is expanding!
DID YOU KNOW? Interstate 15 is a Federal Highway and not the jurisdiction of the City of Temecula.
DID YOU KNOW? 66% to 71% of those traveling on Interstate 15 through Temecula are not from Temecula nor going to Temecula (meaning approx. 66-71% of the freeway traffic through Temecula is not attributable to Temecula at all - they are simply passing by).
Despite the above facts, Temecula residents are greatly impacted by traffic along Temecula's local I-15 corridor. City officials continue to advocate for freeway improvements and, as a result of working closely with regional, state, and federal agencies and representatives, the following projects will be constructed:
1. NEW AUXILIARY LANES. New auxiliary lanes will be constructed along I-15 between all on-ramps and off-ramps in Temecula. The first lane (northbound I-15 from Temecula Parkway to Rancho California Road) is expected to be out to bid this fiscal year.
2. FRENCH VALLEY PKWY I-15 EXPANSION PHASE TWO. This project will construct two northbound Interstate 15 lanes, approximately 2.5 miles long, referred to as collector distributor lanes, along I-15 from Winchester Road to the I-15/215 Junction, plus a flyover bridge. It will help correct the daily choke-point on Northbound Interstate 15 where weaving occurs as drivers choose between I-15 and I-215 at the same time as vehicles are merging from Winchester Road onto Northbound I-15. This weaving and merging causes congestion that backs up northbound I-15 traffic from the I-15/215 Junction in Riverside County into San Diego County, at times up to 10-20+ miles long. This project, illustrated below, will bring great relief to those who commute daily to/from San Diego.
Up next! The City is commencing construction of several slurry seal projects. Below are exhibits of the streets involved.
Bring your blankets, lawn chairs, and snacks to the Community Recreation Center (CRC) Amphitheater located at 30875 Rancho Vista Road. Gates open at 6:30pm. Click Here to view the full list of summer concerts.
Visit TemeculaCA.gov/REVIVE for information that may assist Temecula residents and businesses with economic recovery support:
Individual & Families
Education & Students
Senior Citizens
Small Businesses
And more....
Riverside County and State of California websites are updated often with COVID-19 vaccine informationn.
Riverside County Public Health:
Phone: 951-358-5000, or call 211 or 951-329-4703 for assistance
State Vaccination Hotline: 833-422-4255
FREE (no out-of-pocket cost) COVID-19 Diagnostic Testing (PCR) is available to Riverside County residents who want to be tested.
These e-blasts are provided by the Temecula City Manager’s Department to share current news and information from Temecula City Hall. We encourage you to forward these to your Temecula friends and neighbors. They can sign-up at TemeculaCA.gov/SignUp to receive City e-blasts directly.
41000 Main Street
Temecula, CA 92590