City Council Honors Retirees

Major Robert Ledwell was presented with a retirement plaque during the January City Council meeting for his more than 25 years of loyal and dedicated service to the City of Concord Police Department. During his time with the Concord Police Department, Major Ledwell served as supervisor of the crime scene unit, evidence and property division, and major crimes. In 2012, Ledwell was promoted to Captain and served as the commander of the Adam Patrol District. After being reassigned as Criminal Investigations commander in 2014, he was assigned to the Office of Management, Analysis, and Planning (OMAP). In 2019, Ledwell was promoted to the rank of Major and assigned as the Operations Bureau commander. From 2022 to his retirement, Major Ledwell served as the Commander of the Patrol Bureau. We wish Major Ledwell a happy retirement!

Captain Alan Lee, who has served over 27 years with the Concord Police Department, was honored by Council and presented a plaque by Mayor Dusch for his dedicated and loyal service. Throughout his 27- year career as an officer, Captain Lee served the department in various positions, including patrol officer, criminal investigation, traffic safety unit, and the department's ABC officer. During his tenure, Captain Lee received his Law Enforcement General Instructor certification and the Advanced Law Enforcement certification from the North Carolina Law Enforcement Training and Standards Commission. In 2006, Alan was promoted to Sergeant where he served as the recruiting and training supervisor for the Professional Standards Division. Alan was promoted to Captain in 2014 and assigned as the Adam District Commander and later the Charlie District Commander until his retirement. Under his leadership, Charlie District established a reduction of part 1 crimes in four out of the last five years. Captain Lee will be missed!


Catch our City Council Live Stream

Did you know we live stream our City Council Meetings and the first work session of every month on our YouTube channel? Catching our live stream is a great way to stay involved with your local government without ever having to leave the comfort of your own home! Our next work session is scheduled for February 6 at 4:00 p.m., followed by our regular meeting on February 8 at 6:00 p.m.

Check Out Our YouTube Channel

Second Chance Leaf Collection

We're nearing the end of loose leaf collection season! Typically, you’re required to bag your loose leaves if you miss our regularly scheduled loose leaf pick up. To avoid the hassle of bagging, we will pick up your loose leaves one last time between January 29 and February 8, for a fee of $75. To schedule your loose leaf pick up, please call 704-920-5555. As a reminder, bagged leaves are picked up weekly at no cost by our Solid Waste Services!

HOME Funds Survey

We need your help in determining the best use for federal funding we will be receiving. The City of Concord is part of the Cabarrus/Iredell/Rowan HOME Consortium and we'll be receiving funds that can be used to support housing and other needs for low-income residents. The survey is open until January 31.

Take the Survey


Automobile Dealers Association Hometown Hero Award

Sonya Bost, Team Concord's Fire Administration Manager, was awarded the Automobile Dealers Association Hometown Hero Award! Sonya was nominated by the Ben Mynatt Family of Dealerships in Concord for her constant work in helping those in need. She plays a major role in our annual Public Safety charity toy and clothes drive and continuously supports the homeless in our community. We’re so glad Sonya is part of Team Concord!

Police Department Leadership Training

Congratulations to Sergeants Taylor Holman-White, Michael Lopez, Andrew Kelemecz, and Lindsie Youngo for completing the FBI-LEEDA Supervisor Leadership Institute (SLI)! This rigorous, industry-best leadership course equips officers with the skills needed to effectively train and mentor their team and provide the best service to our community. We're so proud of their hard work and dedication!

The Concord Police Department is committed to continuous learning and has received the Agency Trilogy Award. This award is given to agencies whose entire Command Staff have completed the FBI-LEEDA Trilogy Leadership series, which includes the SLI, the Command Leadership Institute (CLI), and the Executive Leadership Institute (ELI).


Did you know that leaves in storm drains can cause major issues for our city? The purpose of our storm drain system is to help prevent flooding by diverting rainwater off the streets and other paved surfaces and into a natural body of water. When leaves and other debris accumulate at storm drains, it can cause major flooding.

After severe storms like we had last week, it's important to make sure storm drains on or near your property are clear. Keeping these drains clear helps mitigate flooding risks and improves the quality of our drinking water.

Learn More About Stormwater Pollution
See the full list of open positions

.January 23 City Council Second Work Session 11:00 A.M.

January 23 Board of Adjustment 6:00 P.M.

February 6 City Council Work Session 4:00 P.M.

February 8 City Council Regular Session 6:00 P.M.

February 14 Historic Preservation Commission 6:00 P.M.

February 20 City Council Second Work Session 11:00 A.M.

City Council Meeting Schedule
Council Agendas & Minutes
The City of Concord partners with our community to deliver excellent service, and plans for the future while preserving, protecting, and enhancing the quality of life.
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