June 2012
Civic Voice - talking civic sense

Civic Day update

www.civicvoice.org.uk | 0151 708 9920 | [email protected] | @civic_voice

Our vision is of a country where every individual can say "I am proud of where I live"


We are delighted to announce that over 100 civic societies and other community groups will be putting on over 175 different events and activities for Civic Day 2012. This is a magnificent effort across the whole civic movement. 

This bulletin provides practical information on how to make the most of the last few days before your event to raise your profile. 

You can find details of all the events on our interactive Civic Day map at http://www.civicvoice.org.uk/civicdaymap  .

Check your event out and let us know if any of the information is not correct by contacting [email protected]. If you have an event going on that we do not know about, let us know asap!

In this issue

Securing media coverage

Civic Day is an ideal way to promote your group and raise your profile. You have already achieved a large amount of coverage for Civic Day – just a few examples include

We would really encourage you to use our template press release (available here) as it is a simple way to get in touch with your local media to increase coverage, both for Civic Day and for your own group. The media press release can be downloaded here.

We have provided general guidance on how to raise your profile in the media here

Keep an eye out for Civic Voice appearing in the media over the next week. We have already had mentions for Civic Day on Radio 4 and several local BBC Radio stations.

Civic Voice will be keeping an eye on the press and media for coverage of Civic Day, but we want you to send in any coverage that you see to [email protected]. This will help ensure we capture as much coverage as possible!

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It you are still thinking about something to do for Civic Day, why not get involved in Civicwatch?

Any individual or civic group across England can take part. We are asking people to tell us how proud they are of where they live! Civicwatch can be linked with any activitiy your group already has planned or can be "your" participation for Civic Day.

Some general guidelines to get involved in Civicwatch are available here and much more information on it is available on our website here.

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Don’t forget the Civic Day awards

Every member of Civic Voice participating in Civic Day is eligible for the special Civic Day awards.  These will go to those groups making the best contribution to Civic Day this year.  There will be separate awards from groups under and over 200 members.

The awards will be judged by the volunteer Civic Day Team drawn from groups around the country.  It is very easy to enter by providing details of your Civic Day activity here and sending it to [email protected]

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Displaying a Civic Day poster

Don’t forget to publicise your event locally on local websites and notice boards.  We have produced a poster template which you may find helpful. 

Download your Civic Day poster here and click here to view other posters that other civic societies are using.

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Certificates signed by Griff Rhys Jones

If you are running a competition or other event for Civic Day where you want to make an award or reward someone for their efforts then why not use a Civic Day certificate?  This can be customised to your event and has been signed by Civic Voice President Griff Rhys Jones.  You can also add a signature from your civic society.

Download your Civic Day certificate here

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What about 2013?

We are pleased to announce that everything will be carrying on next year with the focus on Saturday 22 June and the following week.  Although it has been a busy year with the Diamond Jubilee, European Football and the Olympics (still to come), the fact that so many civic groups have still participated in a Civic Day activity has demonstrated the interest and enthusiasm for civic societies coming together around the country to celebrate their areas and encourage more people to get involved.

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