Where Are They Now?
Neha Deshpande
Mentor for the Pakistani Young Leaders Program 2014
Team Leader for the Pakistani Young Leaders Program 2015
What have you been up to since the program?
Since Civic, I've been living and working in Boston. Currently, I am working as a paralegal at an Immigration law firm.
What is your favorite Civic memory?
There are too many to count! But one of my favorite memories includes going on a reunion trip to Pakistan in 2015. It was a wonderful experience to reconnect with students in their home country, reflect on their experiences in the US, and learn more about Pakistani culture and politics while actually there! I also loved the presidential campaigns each group did in Amherst. While the campaigns were a lot of work, I was always impressed with the creativity of each group and how much everyone learned about the electoral process in a short amount of time.
What do you miss most about working with the Civic Initiative?
I truly miss the opportunity to become friends with people from such diverse backgrounds! It was fascinating to learn about the different lives and experiences of each person (program participants and Civic staff alike), and to share my experiences with them as well.
What advice would you give a first time Civic Fellow on their first day?
Just jump right in! Working as a Civic Fellow is an incredible experience, but I would be lying if I didn't say it can be overwhelming. But if you go in with a positive attitude and use the support network of the other Fellows, Mike, Becky, and your respective Academic Director, you are sure to have an unforgettable experience with Civic!
What is next on your To Do list?
Next on my to-do list is to take a trip to Germany at the end of May! I will be doing a two week loop through Nuremberg, Munich, Berlin and Heidelberg. Once I'm back, I'll be hitting the books to start studying for the GRE!