A few weeks ago I did a post entitled “I Can Count to Five” (click link to read). I talked about my ability to collaborate with my Council colleagues and my ability to get things done. Why is that important? Because as you will see from the City of Greensboro website it states that “the Council sets and directs policy”

"I Can Count to Five" 

“The Mayor is the presiding officer of the Council; a Mayor Pro Tem is selected from its members. Through this arrangement, the Council sets and directs policy regarding the operations of city government. The City Manager is the Chief Executive Officer of the City and is responsible for the execution of Council policy and for the management of all City departments and services.”

No one person on Council can honestly promise to do anything. It takes teamwork. It takes five.

I have spent years building relationships with my Council colleagues and members of our community. They trust me. I value people's input as we move Greensboro forward.

In my original post I closed with this: I encourage you to talk to your representatives on Council, or if you have a friend on Council ask them privately who they speak to on Council – my opponent or me. I am confident of their answer.

So far, the feedback has been what I expected.

I need your support on July 26 if you value results over rhetoric.


May 17th Primary Election Results

Green = Vaughan

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