This November, with the presidential election coming to a close (not soon enough for me - can't take another 'throw ding dong under the bus' ad!), we want to reflect on the impacts of some important decisions that have been made on our campaign to be great.
We decided to hire our newest Project Manager, Amal Sedrak. She is already helping us become more efficient, which will have a great internal impact on us and bring great benefits to our clients. An existing client, the City of Beverly Hills, decided to extend our contract, giving us greater responsibilities through Spring 2017. David Song decided to demonstrate Civiltec's appreciation for the City of Monrovia by helping with a beautification project as part of "Make a Difference Day." And we decided to double-check civil engineering industry best practices at ASCE Week 2016, to ensure our work stands the test of time.
All these decisions combine to show you how Civiltec Engineering is dedicated to innovative thinking and premier quality.
Check out this Fall 2016 Quarterly newsletter for a brief glance at the various projects going on at Civiltec and the people who make this work happen. If you know others who would appreciate this Quarterly Newsletter,
and encourage them to join our mailing list!
(Be careful not to delete this email from your server!)
W. David Byrum, P.E.
President and Principal Engineer
Civiltec Engineering, Inc.
Cleaner, Clearer Water in Santa Fe Springs
"We are proud to know that, once the treatment system is in operation, we will have made a direct, positive impact on the City--not only on a financial basis, but also on its water source by curtailing expensive imported water with a local, dependable and cost-effective water source."
Improving Well Production for La Habra Heights County Water District
Civiltec designed and provided full construction management and observation services for the rehabilitation of Wells No. 10 and 11 for the La Habra Heights County Water District.
Well production was increased from about 1,200 GPM (gallons per minute) to 2,500 GPM and, as a result, the pumping efficiency has increased significantly
Contract Extension in Beverly Hills
Civiltec's contract with the City of Beverly Hills was extended to include reconstructing the water system computer model onto the City's GIS platform! The model will require months of construction and testing and should be ready for use in the Spring of 2017.
ASCE Week 2016 Recap
Civiltec Project Manager David Song recently attended "ASCE Week 2016" in Henderson, Nevada.
Click/tap the image or the link below to learn about his experience at the event and to view his photos.
We love hearing news from everyone in the Civiltec community. Feel free to reach out, say hello and tell us all the news from your organization!
"I like the variety of job responsibilities I have from ordering office supplies to human resources, payroll, corporate insurance, medical, dental and vision insurance, proposals, organizing Day at the Races, etc. Basically, whatever is needed to get the job done and assisting others."
"In 1993, after years of experience in planning, I got a call from Joe Valenti at Civiltec who told me that their Planning Technician was leaving on maternity leave and would not be returning. He asked me if I wanted to work for Civiltec, I said yes, and here I am 23 years later."
"I especially enjoy working on water/wastewater infrastructure planning projects--they are so necessary in in California. And I always appreciate design-heavy projects where you can see something come to life from a two-dimensional drawing to a real-world structure."