March 2017                         Monthly Newsletter
Issue 2
To educate all students to succeed by insuring quality leadership, curriculum, and instruction.
Planning for Upcoming Assessments

Iowa Assessments begin on March 20th and staff have put together helpful information and tips for parents to help students prepare.  

What are the Iowa Assessments?
The Iowa Assessments are a state mandated written test that happen once a year in the spring.  This test evaluates student's progress in Reading, Math, Science and Social Studies.  Our staff use the data from individual student scores and aggregate scores to help guide instruction and develop curriculum.

Why are they important?
These tests are used to monitor your child’s progress from year to year. The information gained from these tests allow us to compare results to other students of the same age across the state of Iowa and the rest of the nation. It is one measure we use to help identify how well our students are learning.

Tips for Success
1.  Remind your child to take the test seriously.

2.  Encourage your child to do their best.
3.  Make sure your child gets a good nights sleep. 
4.  Ensure your child eats a good breakfast to start the day right.
5.  Write your child an encouraging note in the morning.

Kindergarten & Junior Kindergarten Registration!

  Garfield Elementary
Wednesday, March 15

Students turning 5 before 
September 15th are able to 
participate in Junior Kindergarten & Kindergarten Round-up.

     You will need the following information to register your child:
  • Birth Certificate
  • Emergency Contact numbers
  • Immunization (shots) records

    At Parent Night, students will be assigned their round-up
    session to attend.  Student Sessions will be:

    Wednesday March 29th : 8:15-11:15 or 12:15-3:15
    Thursday March 30th : 8:15-11:15 or 12:15-3:15

Please contact or stop by the Garfield Office with any questions 
(712) 542-4510

Forms are available on the Garfield website by clicking here
(Refreshments begin at 4:45)
And the Survey Says....
Last month we asked our parents and community members to complete a short survey so the district can better plan and meet your needs.  We appreciate your feedback and will take the survey information into consideration as we plan.

And the survey said:

83% prefer online registration (pay fees, register, and complete paperwork).  The district will work on developing an online registration process to meet your needs.  We will also seek engaging ways to bring you into our buildings to see how your students are learning and how we can support our parents and community members.  

64% prefer parent teacher conferences be held on the same nights. The district will develop a calendar that provides our parents with elementary, middle school, and high school conferences on the same nights and same location so you can conveniently attend all of your children's conferences.  

96% said they can attend parent teacher conferences between 4-8:00 p.m.  The district will plan and schedule conferences to meet our parent’s needs.

Cardinal Theater Presents: The Miracle Worker

Cardinal Theatre’s spring production will be William Gibson’s, The Miracle Worker, The story of Helen Keller.

The play will be presented March 24th and 25th at 7:00 pm.  

Tickets will be available on March 13th by calling the high school office at
712-542-5167; reservations are recommended. Tickets are $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for students.  Students with an activity pass may reserve a ticket free of charge in advance but will not be honored on the nights of performance.  

2017-2018 Budget Forecast
The school board and administration are currently working on the 2017-2018 budget.  As we work on the budget, students' needs are always front and center during the decision making process.

The newly organized Community Advisory Committee will help guide the school board and administration as they make financial decisions reflective of the values and expectations of our community. This Committee will meet on Wednesday, March 8th to review preliminary budget projections and option. (click here to see members). The public is welcome to learn more about the proposed budget by attending any of the following meetings:

School Board meeting: March 13th & 27th at 5:00 pm, in the board room at McKinley

Public hearing: April 13 at 5:00 pm, in the board room at McKinley

Dual Participation Approved for Students
Beginning this fall, 7th-12th grade students will be able to participate in more than one activity within a given season. 

Based on a request received last fall, the district studied dual participation, collaborated with coaches and advisors, and held a listening session with parents and community members to gather information and feedback.   As a result of the collaboration and feedback, a recommendation for dual participation was taken to the school board for consideration on February 27th.  After discussions and deliberations, the board approved the proposal. This impacts all district activities. Coaches, advisors, and administrators we will work diligently to inform and communicate the new model and procedures to students and parents.
Middle School Athletic Split Schedule Approved
At the February 27th board meeting, the school board approved split season athletic scheduling for the middle school beginning this fall.

Based on data and discussions with coaches, parents, and administration; a recommendation to have split season scheduling was made to allow for improved scheduling of middle school events, address gym space, and reduce unsupervised activity after school.  This change will primarily impact winter sports. 
"Cat in the Hat" Reads to Garfield Students
March is National Reading Month. Garfield Elementary teachers, staff, and students celebrate the joys of reading and writing with fun and engaging activities throughout the month. 

When families read together leaning happens.  For more information about how parents can support their children's reading, please follow this link to the Iowa Reading Research Center to access web based literacy resources.  
Join Superintendent Stender for Coffee 
Join Superintendent Deron Stender on Friday, April 7th, from 7:30-8:30 a.m. at McDonald's for coffee.

The events are meant to be informal opportunities for conversation with the Superintendent.  There are no agendas or formal presentations. Participants are encouraged to bring their questions and comments and are welcome to come and go as their schedule allows.  

Monthly coffees are held on the first Friday of each month in a variety of locations in our community.  Please check the  district website for locations.

Clarinda Community School District
423 East Nodaway
Clarinda, Iowa 51632
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