Knitting Help with Janice

Tuesday's & Saturday's from 11-1pm: $25 per person

Get help on anything you are currently working on!

No Class This Saturday, it has been rescheduled to Sunday the 23rd 2-4pm.

Check out the Shop Calendar for the most up to date classes available and to sign-up online!

Or sign up in-store or by phone

Pre-Payment required for all classes

Classes must meet the minimum sign-up to run

Need a project Idea?

Learn socks, magic loop, or how to use them together!

Picture is of a sock made using the pattern included with the class, but you can bring a pattern you want to use or socks you've already started!

If you just want to learn magic loop any yarn can be used, and a 32" or 40" circular needle is recommended.

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The Sweater Trio is complete!

Knit an adorable cardigan for anyone with the Kirby, Elmgrove, and now the Wynn!

Kirby and Wynn both use DK weight

Kirby sizes 3-24 months

Wynn sizes 2-12 years

Elmgrove uses Worsted weight

Sizes 36-68" bust

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Just too cute not to share! The Amigurumi Rosy Turtle by Crafty Kitty Crochet is the newest pattern to catch my eye.

Have I already started it? You bet!

I'm making mine in Cozy 110 from KitteKnits,

This designer has a bunch of other cute patterns too!

Join us for "Craft & Chat"! Stop by with anything you are working on, any craft, and meet other makers!

All sessions are Free.

These times are not a class, but staff is happy to help if you get stuck as always!

Because the Thursday night session is outside normal store hours we do ask for Sign Up on our website or let staff know you plan on coming. If we need to cancel last minute we will do our best to let you know!

The Thursday option is usually put up by Tuesday Afternoon for that week, so check the Shop Calendar!

[488 Essex Ave, Gloucester] [978-282-8809] []