

by Superintendent Dr. Avis Williams

Equity. Excellence. Joy.

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January 2024 RECAP

(Click picture below to start video)

Celebrating Our Dedicated School Board Members in January!

This January, we honor and appreciate our Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB) members for their invaluable contributions to our district. Their dedication shapes the educational landscape of NOLA-PS, contributing to the success and growth of our scholars and schools.

Join us in expressing thanks to our OPSB members for their unwavering commitment to education!

  • Katie Baudouin - President (District 5)
  • Leila Jacobs Eames - Vice President (District 1)
  • Ethan Ashley (District 2)
  • Olin G. parker (District 3)
  • Dr. Donaldo R. Batiste (District 4)
  • Carlos Luis Zervigon (District 6)

Thank you, board members, for your dedication to NOLA Public Schools!

Please watch the short video below highlighting the impact of their work and celebrate School Board Recognition Month:

Congratulations to Newly Elected OPSB President and Vice President!

Awesome news from the recent OPSB meeting! On January 19, 2024, Katie Baudouin was elected President and Leila Jacobs Eames as Vice President.

President Baudouin, District 5 representative, brings extensive experience in state and local government, dedicating herself to advancing a robust vision for our school board. We express gratitude for her commitment to improving the educational quality of our schools.

Vice President Eames, representing District 1, with over 33 years of service in various roles within NOLA Public Schools, brings a wealth of experience and passion for advancing equity, safety, and the overall well-being of our schools.

Congratulations to President Katie Baudouin and Vice President Leila Jacobs Eames on their well-deserved new roles. We look forward to their collaborative leadership in advancing NOLA Public Schools.

Empowering Our Future: The Renewed Partnership between NOLA Public Schools and the University of New Orleans

Exciting news! NOLA Public Schools (NOLA-PS) and the University of New Orleans (UNO) have renewed the Orleans Instant Admit Program, streamlining admissions for local high school students. Automatic admission to UNO is granted for NOLA-PS scholars meeting specific criteria, including graduating with a TOPS Opportunity Scholarship Core High School Curriculum, maintaining a core GPA of 2.5 or higher, and submitting an application at

Eligible scholars will be automatically considered for UNO academic scholarships, ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 per academic year, renewable for four years. This collaboration provides a valuable opportunity for our scholars to pursue higher education seamlessly and contributes to the development of future leaders.

Together, NOLA-PS and UNO are actively working to strengthen educational cooperation and empower the next generation in Orleans Parish.

Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's Legacy

As we honored Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, we celebrated his enduring legacy of justice, equality, and love. Dr. King's dedication continues to inspire collective responsibility for a more inclusive and compassionate community.

As a community we united to embrace Dr. King's ideals—unity, understanding, and the belief in every individual's power to make a positive impact. In our schools, we remain committed to fostering diversity celebration, ensuring every scholar feels valued and empowered.

As a way of honoring Dr. King's legacy, I encourage each of you to consider how small efforts, like acts of kindness or engaging conversations, contribute to creating a more just and equitable society. Let's recommit ourselves to Dr. King's principles, working together for a future where justice, equality, and love prevail.

Equity in Action Scholarship

Thrilling news! I am pleased to announce the "Dr. Avis Williams' Equity in Action Scholarship," a $1000 award to support a deserving scholar in pursuing their college and/or career plans after graduating from a NOLA-PS high school.

The deadline for submissions is Friday, February 9, 2024. Scholars can click here to apply today! This scholarship reflects our commitment to equity and investing in the bright futures of our scholars.

I encourage eligible students to apply and look forward to celebrating the selected scholar's achievements. Thank you for your ongoing dedication to the success of NOLA Public Schools.

January JOYful Educator Connection

It's official! The JOYful Educator Rockstar Leads were introduced Tuesday evening at our January JOYful Educator Connection. The leads are:

  • Amber Celestine - John F. Kennedy High School
  • Ben Lozoff - G. W. Carver High School
  • Dami Molumo - Opportunities Academy
  • Deanna Proctor - Mary McLeod Bethune Elementary
  • Freddie Kullman - Frederick A. Douglass High School
  • Hannah Horowitz -KIPP East
  • Josef Pons - Booker T. Washington High School
  • Kim Conner-Davis - Sci High
  • La'Kandice Johnson - Langston Hughes Academy
  • Theresa Sanchez - Fannie C. Williams Charter School
  • Joe Willens - G. W. Carver High School

These dedicated teachers will be taking the lead in hosting virtual presentations on various topics of interest and offering valuable office hours for collaboration and support to their peers.

A heartfelt thank you to all the educators generously volunteering their time and passion to create a safe space for collaboration, project discussions, and building a strong support system for our teachers.

In addition to celebrating our educational rockstars, our teachers showcased their moves in a lively line dancing class hosted by Footprints to Fitness!

To gauge the impact of JOYful Educator Connections over the past few months, we conducted a survey, and the responses from our teachers were truly inspiring. Here's a sneak peek at some of their comments:

"I have gotten a chance to connect and meet with some new educators as a result of the JEC meetings, which has increased my sense of connectedness with educators across the city. Additionally, the acts of care shown at the meetings - food, drinks, raffles, meaningful toasts from community members like Larry Nance - definitely contributed to feeling valued and my well-being as an educator." - 9th Grade Teacher

"The JEC meetings have made a great impact on me professionally. Time to relax, connect with other educators, share and listen to Best Practices when teaching our Scholars and being appreciated for the hard work, we do every day with our Scholars and Families."- 1st Grade Teacher

"The JEC meetings have contributed to my professional development by allowing me to meet other educators around the city to network and talk about ideas to assist our students. I was also able to meet Dr. Avis Williams and talk with her. At the specific event I went to, we were given the chance to meditate which is an important tool for a teacher who may feel overworked or stressed." - 9th grade Teacher

Dear teachers, your enthusiasm and dedication to making these connections meaningful is truly commendable. Together, we're fostering a supportive environment for our educators to thrive!

NOLA-PS and LPO Concerts for Mardi Gras Indians!

Exciting news! Our recent collaboration with the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra (LPO) brought a unique cultural experience to more than 3,000 scholars in grades 2nd-5th, celebrating Mardi Gras Indians.

The Young People’s Concerts, in partnership with Carnegie Hall’s Link Up program, featured interactive experiences with the LPO. Performances spanned four days, with one open to the public at the Eleanor McMain High School Auditorium.

Highlights included the world premiere by Maxim Samarov, featuring Big Chief Juan Pardo, celebrated the rich culture of Mardi Gras Indians.

A huge thanks to Orleans Parish School Board member Olin Parker, the LPO, and our schools for making this initiative a success!

Safety First: Supporting Our Scholars This Mardi Gras Season! 🎭

As Mardi Gras gets in full swing, our scholars are ready to dazzle with their performances. To ensure a safe and joyful experience, we ask for your support:

  • Give Them Space: Avoid crossing between marching groups. Let's keep the procession organized.

  • Respectful Cheers: Instead of throwing beads, offer encouraging cheers. Your support means the world to our scholars.

  • Hands Off: Please refrain from walking with or touching our scholars during the parade.

From our family to yours, have a safe and Happy Mardi Gras! 🎉🎭

For more details on keeping our babies safe, please watch the video below:

Help Cheer On Our Scholars During these Parades!!

Click the picture below to see our schools' parade schedules!

Early Childhood Applications Due Feb. 21

Click Video below to learn more!

To learn more about the Portrait of a Graduate attributes, click here.

To nominate a scholar, click here.

Important Upcoming Dates

  • Feb. 2 - 5 & Feb. 7-13: Mardi Gras Parade Schedules
  • Feb. 4 - Rosa Parks Day
  • Feb. 5 - National School Counseling Week
  • Feb. 8 - Black History Month Quiz Bowl
  • Feb. 10 - Chinese New Year
  • Feb. 11 - International Day of Women & Girls in Science
  • Feb. 12-14 - NOLA-PS Central Office Closed for Mardi Gras
  • Feb. 14 - Ash Wednesday & Valentine's Day
  • Feb. 19 - Presidents' Day
  • Feb. 20 - OPSB Committee of the Whole
  • Feb. 21 - Early Childhood
  • Feb. 22 - OPSB Business Board Meeting
  • Feb. 26 - Black History Month Debate
  • Feb. 26 - March 1 - Public Schools Week
  • Feb. 27 - JOYful Educator Connection
  • Feb. 29 - Black History Month Celebration

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