Dear Northeast Florida Region!

Following the successful launch of our regional Clean Air Northeast Florida Newsletter in May, my colleagues and I are thrilled to bring you the second issue.

Our newsletter aims to inform you about our Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) efforts, encourage regional collaboration, and foster community engagement. We will continue to share updates, upcoming events, regional news, and more, ensuring you receive engaging content.

We invite EVERYONE to participate as we work towards developing a Comprehensive Climate Action Plan over the next year.

Brief Background on CPRG

The Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) program provides $5 billion in grants to states, local governments, tribes, and territories to develop and implement ambitious plans for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other harmful air pollution. Authorized under Section 60114 of the Inflation Reduction Act, this two-phase program provides $250 million for noncompetitive planning grants, and approximately $4.6 billion for competitive implementation grants.

In September 2023, the City of Jacksonville, the lead organization and applicant for the NE FL Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), was awarded a $1 million climate pollution reduction planning grant. By April 1, 2024, the Jacksonville MSA CPRG team had completed the region’s first greenhouse gas inventory and first climate action plan and submitted/participated in three applications for implementation grant dollars. 

Read on and subscribe/share this newsletter with others to stay updated and engaged!

Thank you in advance for helping our community grow sustainably. 


Ashantae Green 

Sustainability Manager 

City of Jacksonville 



The City of Jacksonville's Sustainability Manager, Ashantae Green, will present at a Cuppa Jax breakfast to share her experiences as a local sustainability leader. Cuppa Jax is an organization that hosts gatherings for neighborhood and community leaders that are open to everyone in Jacksonville. Join them on Wednesday mornings in the Skyline Lounge Room in the Riverplace Tower on the South bank to discuss important issues facing the city of Jacksonville.


The Comprehensive Climate Action Plan Kickoff launches the regional sector roundtables and outlines the timeline to complete Northeast Florida's first Regional Comprehensive Climate Action Plan and Greenhouse Gas Inventory due to the EPA in 2025. Attendees will review the Regional Priority Climate Action Plan, receive updates on implementation grants, and discuss local survey results and national strategies.

If you cannot attend the August 29, 2024, kickoff event but would like to participate in the CCAP Sector Roundtable effort, please email Sarah Boren (sarahaboren@gmail.com) with your interest and preferred sector.


Join us on Zoom for the Clean Air Northeast Florida Forum, where we will discuss the latest progress with the Northeast Florida Climate Action Plan. This forum will highlight community wins and successful strategies in our collective efforts to improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, we will have an open forum session, inviting community members to share their ideas, insights, and experiences related to GHG reduction and sustainability. This is an excellent opportunity to collaborate, celebrate our achievements, and plan for future successes. Your participation is crucial to advancing our shared goals for a cleaner, healthier environment in Northeast Florida.



City of St. Augustine Florida Friendly Fertilizer Ordinance

The City of St. Augustine has adopted the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's model ordinance for Florida-Friendly Fertilizer Use on Urban Landscapes. This ordinance regulates proper fertilizer use and requires Best Management Practices to improve and maintain water quality throughout the city. Proper fertilizer use helps prevent issues like algae blooms and low dissolved oxygen levels, protecting surface waters from degradation. This initiative is a significant step towards preserving the health of St. Augustine's waterways.

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City of Atlantic Beach Adds Environmental Stewardship to their November Ballot

The City of Atlantic Beach's City Commission unanimously approved an amendment to add environmental stewardship to the city charter. City Attorney Jason Gabriel announced that this amendment will allow voters to determine whether the City Commission will have the power "to protect and preserve the city's beaches, marshes, maritime tree canopy and property through environmental stewardship."

Come November, Atlantic Beach residents will vote on whether to include environmental stewardship into their City Charter, the first of five amendments proposed to the Charter.

Nassau County Conservation Land Acquisition Management (CLAM) Program Working to Acquire More Land

In partnership with the North Florida Land Trust, Nassau County staff has been busy working towards land acquisition for the Conservation Land Acquisition Management (CLAM) Program. This includes two properties within the Lofton Creek Watershed ranked in the top 15 CLAM priority projects. These properties are important because they protect Lofton Creek, and the headwaters and marshes of the Nassau River-St. Johns River Marshes Aquatic Preserve.


Should the County move forward with the acquisition, the properties would be designated as conservation lands per the CLAM Manual & Conservation Plan adopted in January 2021. Potential public benefits of acquiring these properties include minimizing future storm surges and flooding vulnerabilities and providing recreational opportunities through kayak launches, viewing platforms, and trails.

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City of Jacksonville's Ashantae Green Presents "Advancing Local and Climate Sustainability Goals" at USGBC Panel

The City of Jacksonville celebrates Ashantae Green, Sustainability Manager, for her recent participation in the USGBC's Building Transformation Forum and Leadership Series in Winter Park, FL. Ashantae shared her expertise on the panel "Advancing Local and Climate Sustainability Goals," highlighting our region's innovative efforts and commitment to sustainability. Her contributions continue to inspire and drive progress in our community.


Earlier this year, we submitted our Clean Air Northeast Florida Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) due to the initial $1 million climate pollution reduction planning grant. We also submitted three comprehensive implementation grant applications – one as part of a consortium with other regional councils, one from Clean Air Northeast, and one from the City of Palm Coast.

Unfortunately, our statewide, regional, and individual grant applications were not selected for funding. Other MSA leads throughout Florida have also shared with us that none of their regional and individual grants were selected for funding. In the coming weeks, we will engage with the EPA to understand their selection process, refine our strategy, and strengthen any future applications.

The Clean Air Northeast Florida Regional CPRG team wants to express our gratitude for our region's support throughout these processes. Staff from national organizations supporting this work, specifically the USDN, provided positive feedback on our grant proposals. We will continue developing the Comprehensive Climate Action Plan due to the EPA next year. Our commitment to reducing regional climate pollution remains a priority, and the team is confident that we are well-positioned to garner future funding opportunities.

Click the link below to learn more about the EPA's Climate Pollution Reduction Grant and the entities selected for funding.



Clean Air NEFL Comprehensive Climate Action Plan Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Measures Survey Call to Action?

As we approach the Comprehensive Climate Action Plan Kickoff, we kindly ask for your help in completing the GHG Reduction Measures & Strategies Survey. This survey is a crucial tool for gathering insights from community stakeholders like you, and your responses will directly influence the development of the most effective and inclusive climate action strategies for our region. If you have not already done so, please take the time to complete the survey—your input is vital to our collective success. The priority deadline is August 16th, 2024, and the last day submissions will be accepted is November 22, 2024.



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