Watershed Newsletter -September 2021-www.pwswcd.org
How Much Attention is given to Local Waterways in PWC? Be the Change!
Do you think water quality issues are fairly addressed in PWC?
The above survey was taken by participants during the " Water Equality: Sustainability and Access for All" August Webinar
Special thanks to Renee Hoyos, Director of Environmental Justice at Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Prince William County Partners and all who joined the Prince William Cooperative Extension and Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District August 26th webinar, " Water Equality: Sustainability and Access for All".

If you missed this presentation and discussions, please visit the recorded video at:
Fairfax Water offers $5,000 to the Conservation District's Water Quality Programs

The Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District has received $5,000 grant from Fairfax Water as support to its Water Quality Monitoring programs. This money will be used for more water quality monitoring in Prince William County.
Special thanks to Fairfax Water!

Promote Science and Research around PWC waterways with the 'Clean Swell' App!

Join the science community to promote citizen science, research and water quality awareness in Prince William County.

Explore the Clean Swell App provided by Ocean Conservancy and record your data from any cleanup location across Prince William County.
Down Load "Clean Swell" App - Free

Enter Group Name : "PWC Water Quality"

Promote More Water Quality Awareness in PWC!

Water Quality Volunteers Make a Difference!

Welcome to our New Water Quality Partners!

Girl Scout Troop 4670 and the Hamlets Home Owners Association, Manassas

Together, We Can Make A Change!
To adopt a waterway or pond,

Marine Debris Project - Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District
You Made a Difference in Our Waterways!

Adopt-A-Stream/Pond/River Program
  • ZZ's Cleanup Event - Leesylvania State Park (Potomac -Neabsco Creek Watersheds
  • Juan Group - Broad Run Watershed
  • Northern Virginia Community Collage Environmental Science Class- Woodbridge Campus - Quantico Creek Watershed
Water Quality Monitoring Programs
Thanks to all the amazing Conservation District Water Quality Monitors and volunteers.

With the mission to promote clean waterways in PWC, the District gets an additional professional YSI water meter to collect chemical data in our local waterways. This program follows the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality's (DEQ) data standards. It also gets support from the Chesapeake Bay Monitoring Cooperative (CMC). The parameters collected are; conductivity, pH, temperature, Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and turbidity.

Become a Citizen Scientist under the Conservation District and promote its Biological and Chemical Monitoring programs .

For more information, contact waterquality@pwswcd.org
Some upcoming Events
Saturday, September 11
Rain date September 18
12th Annual Occoquan Cleanup Event -(PWTSC)
Time: 9am -2pm

PWTSC also needs experienced kayakers, canoeists, jon boaters, and pontoon boaters to sign up for this major on-the-water conservation effort. Some kayaks and canoes will be available for loan provided by Penguin Paddling at Hooes Run and by the Prince William County Parks and Recreation Department at Lake Ridge Marina. Please visit www.pwtsc.org for more information and to register for this event.
Or contact Ed Dandar (703-489-0269) efdandar@verizon.net or Veronica Tangiri at waterquality@pwswcd.org (571-379-7514
Saturday, September 18 (Save the date!)
2nd Annual Cleanup of Russia Branch - Manassas Park City
Time: 9am -12pm
To register, visit:
Thursday, September 30 (Save the date!)
Virginia Water Quality Monitoring Council Conference
Exploring Emerging Water Issues Online via WebEx
Presentations run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. See draft agenda for details.
To register visit :
Cost: $40 via check or credit card. Registration Closes: September 28, 2021.  
Saturday, October 9
Leopold's Preserve and Villages of Piedmont II HOA Big Community Cleanup event - Haymarket.
Saturday, November 13
10th Phase - Bull Run Protectors Cleanup event.
Costco Manassas and Bull Run Shopping Center area.
For more information and update visit: https://www.facebook.com/PrinceWilliamSWCD
To register this cleanup visit:
Thanks again for making a difference!
Prince William Soil & Water Conservation District is funded by Prince William County Public Works Department, Stormwater Management Branch, and through financial and administrative assistance provided by the Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board, and the Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of Soil and Water Conservation.
Programs, activities and employment opportunities are available to all people regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or political affiliation. Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
PWSWCD,  8850 Rixlew Lane , Manassas, VA 20109, Ph.: 571-379-7514 ,Fax: 571-379-8305