Cleaning Out Your Medicine Cabinet Can Save Lives

Prescription Drug Take Back Day is less than two weeks away. Locally and around the country, unwanted or unused prescription and over-the-counter medications will be collected on Saturday, October 29th, 10 AM - 2 PM. Pet meds accepted, but no liquids, creams or needles. Click the graphic to see local collection sites. 

Why It's So Important

Did you know, 42% of teens begin misusing prescription drugs that they find in their parents' medicine cabinets and nearly half get them from a friend. Removing unused or unwanted medications from your home can prevent a person from misusing them, which can lead to addiction. 

If you cannot attend a Take Back Day event, you can learn how to safely dispose of medications at home or contact The Hub to get a free medication disposal bag. You can also dispose at medication drop box. Here are locations in Southwestern CT. Remember, always store your medication in a secure place so nobody else has access to it.

National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month

According to CADCA, 1 in 4 young adults has misused a prescription drug and that 1 in 37 youth, ages 12 through 17, has misused cough medicine to get high. For those reasons, October is dedicated to raising awareness of prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drug misuse. Check out their toolkit at

What may start as misuse can turn to addiction, which then increases the risk of encountering counterfeit prescription drugs. 

You Think You Know, an awareness campaign that was created in collaboration with many state partners, including The Hub, is a great resource for educational materials about counterfeit drugs. Check out their resources for parents, educators and teens/young adults. You can download a FREE toolkit of materials to spread the message in your community. Sign up for their monthly newsletter to get the latest updates.

The FDA has confirmed there is an Adderall drug shortage. Please remember that no pill is safe unless it's from a legitimate pharmacy. NEVER take a pill from a friend or buy it on social media or the street because it could contain lethal doses of fentanyl just like in the story below from a guest blogger for You Think You Know.

It was supposed to be Xanax... now they're dead

Written by: Ally Kernan, Peer Support Specialist, Positive Directions Those were the words spoken by a grieving parent of a childhood friend I grew up with. My childhood friend, my bestie, was gone. Their intention was to purchase a pill that was supposed to be Xanax, a pill used to treat anxiety disorders.

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Kids Can Buy Drugs Easier Than You Think

Kids used to have limited options for where they could get drugs: friends at school, medicine cabinets or on the street. Now they don’t even have to leave the house. Buying drugs online has become increasingly popular and drug dealers are targeting kids on social media.

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Local Events

Deadline to Register: Weds, 10/19



Upcoming: October 19th

Register now.


The Dangerous Truth About Today's Marijuana and Teen Mental Health

October 24th at 7 PM

Don't Miss Your Chance to Register for These November Events!


Come work with The Hub! Application Deadline is October 21s

Gain valuable experience while making a difference in the community! Prevention Corps is an AmeriCorps program dedicated to addressing the opioid crisis in CT and they are currently recruiting applicants for a position with us at The Hub! Learn more and apply today at

In the News


FDA confirms Adderall shortage in the US

After weeks of individual reports of frustration with getting Adderall prescriptions filled, the Food and Drug Administration confirmed Wednesday a nationwide shortage of the immediate release formulation of amphetamine mixed salts, commonly referred to by the brand name Adderall. Adderall is a stimulant medication that can treat ADHD.

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To improve your mental health, don't read this

A constant influx of bad news - pandemic, shootings, inflation, natural disasters, political turmoil - can feel, at best, soul-crushing. Now, a new study from Spain confirms the negative toll constantly being plugged into the news cycle can take.

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The Hub: Behavioral Health Action Organization for Southwestern CT

A division of the Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership (RYASAP) 

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