Prescription Drug Take Back Day is less than two weeks away. Locally and around the country, unwanted or unused prescription and over-the-counter medications will be collected on Saturday, October 29th, 10 AM - 2 PM. Pet meds accepted, but no liquids, creams or needles. Click the graphic to see local collection sites.
Why It's So Important
Did you know, 42% of teens begin misusing prescription drugs that they find in their parents' medicine cabinets and nearly half get them from a friend. Removing unused or unwanted medications from your home can prevent a person from misusing them, which can lead to addiction.
If you cannot attend a Take Back Day event, you can learn how to safely dispose of medications at home or contact The Hub to get a free medication disposal bag. You can also dispose at medication drop box. Here are locations in Southwestern CT. Remember, always store your medication in a secure place so nobody else has access to it.