Clear COMMS!

Welcome everyone to the January 2022 newsletter edition.

Happy new year, new games,
new Discord server and new video overlays at
Discord is the new TeamSpeak!
Support Division has finished migration to the new Discord Server structure. This now includes a category for every division, including a locked info channel, a general chat, one default voice channel and a button to create temporary voice channels. Here are the Server commands and the invite link to join.
Next step: Policy Update Discord Policy. Participation policy ( 2.1 Section 4) is being updated to include language on discord since it is in common place usage amongst our Corps and Divisions, TAW might as well have defined rules on that platform. Most of the changes are just adding "Discord" or "TAW Main Discord" or "TAW Divisional Discords" to current policy. TAW did add a final bit '5.7 Discord Policy' that will be new language to definedownership and voice channels.
We would like to thank the committee of CCs and Support Division for their dedication making this change real. Soon the policy modification will be voted on the TFO Round Table and thus Discord and TeamSpeak would both exist as official communication tools at TAW.

Watch the lead fly across the WW2 battlefield as these two divisions go head to head. The Enlisted team has home field advantage as the guests from Hell Let Loose Division are found in new territory in a game they are unfamiliar with. Come see the carnage on
Feb 12th, 2022 at 21:00 GMT - 16:00 EST
Have you heard about Halo Infinite?
Halo Infinite  is a first-person shooter game and features a multiplayer component which is free-to-play, with deathmatch, capture the flag, and other modes available in standard 4-versus-4 and Big Team Battle variants. A channel has been created in the Nexus lounge in the Pathfinder Corps for those that wish to play with other members in TAW while we gather numbers for a potential start up squad within Crossroads. We are about to form a spin-up team to bring the game into Vanguard. If you're interested in being part of the team or if you simply want to play the game with others in TAW, please fill out this form:
Recent Broadcasts @
Get your pro-overlays from your kindly MMD DC the wizard Juneau! Besides the available files in the button below, you may find a short introduction to how to make it work. Simple setup for OBS for is shared on the left. Please enjoy this and other resources at Membership Resource Corps.
Simple Setup For OBS - tawtv on Twitch

tawtv went live on Twitch. Catch up on their Just Chatting VOD now.

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LEAP Early Access - tawtv on Twitch

tawtv went live on Twitch. Catch up on their Leap VOD now.

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