Dear CCISD Staff and Families:

Your school district has been planning to reopen schools since March. We are ready to roll those yellow buses in your neighborhood, unlock the front doors of 45 schools, and welcome 42,000 boys and girls into our community of learning. It is what we do best.

I am confident and comfortable with our safety protocols because they are deeply rooted in the guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and the Texas Education Agency.

Our school board has infused us with staffing, technology, and the physical resources to successfully and securely reopen our schools. For example, we have added 24 custodians. We have added aides to every campus to help each school nurse. We are hiring additional bus drivers. We have placed an order to provide students in Kindergarten through 3rd grade laptops in the event there is a need to move to remote learning. This brings Clear Creek ISD to a complete 1 to 1 program K through 12, a statement not many other school districts can make. I am thankful to our seven school board members who have been responsive to the needs of staff and students.

We are ready to start brick and mortar school. But as we know, the pandemic continues to affect our community. 

Although, I have been working closely with health authorities, physicians, school board members, the Texas Education Agency and superintendents in our region to make the best decisions with the most accurate data, no one has proclaimed to be an expert on this pandemic. The issue we have today is that there is not a single metric, or goal to reach to declare it is “Safe to Return” to brick and mortar, despite our valid efforts to protect students and staff from COVID-19. Like you, I have asked what does “safe” mean? Is it a single digit of positivity rate, 14 days of a downward trend in COVID-19 cases, or it is a vaccine? We still are seeking answers to those important questions from health authorities.  We do know that the positive test rates need to continue downward with a goal of 5% positive test rates but that is one of several variables to be considered in multiple counties. We also know that we all must do our part with daily health screenings, remaining calm if and when there is a positive test, and help each other adapt our behaviors so we can mitigate the risk of this virus.
I, like many of my colleagues across the region believe the best environment for a child to receive quality instruction is within the classroom, face-to-face albeit six feet apart from the teacher. We know our schools are the hubs of the community. I am concerned about the increasing sense of isolation, depression and anxiety among students. They need to be with their teachers, their friends, visit with the school counselor, and participate in the activities that bring joy to their lives. The longer our doors remain closed, the more distant children become from those experiences. This realization weighs heavy on my heart and my decision-making. Is it more dangerous to keep our school doors closed? I would argue, yes.

However, I have always said, we will listen to the advice of health officials. There are several phases to our current plan that will enable us to make sure our procedures and protocols are not only adhered to but will change behavior to make sure our students and staff stay healthy. 
We are currently in a phase where our 330 new teachers have reported to their respective campuses while band students and strength and conditioning students are continuing at their local campuses. I am proud of our kids and staff to date for staying healthy. Please continue to mask up, socially distance and practice good hygiene habits. 

The next phase brings in our 5,000 employees next week to get ready for students through a variety of professional learning activities for online learning as well as introducing our Standard Operating Procedures to safely reopen CCISD. This will take place over a two-week period.  

The third transition phase will introduce students in Pre-K, Kindergarten, 6th Grade, 9th Grade and some self-contained classes for students with special needs who selected Brick and Mortar beginning August 31, 2020. This amounts to approximately 9,200 students learning inside CCISD schools. While these three stages are occurring, we will be monitoring our Standard Response Protocols and procedures.

On Monday, I will update the Board of Trustees with a plan that will extend the 3rd transition phase by one week, which will bring the rest of the Brick and Mortar students on campus beginning September 14, 2020 in order to adhere to the guidelines discussed with county health officials. Currently, over 60% of our parents have selected Brick and Mortar for their children.
I know moving the goal post down the field is a hardship for working families and a disappointment to our kids who really want to get back into their schools. I get it. I want to resume normal operations as soon as possible.

Despite this setback, let’s remain united and committed to working together. We are at our very best when we walk through challenges hand in hand. We have done it before, and we will do it again. We continue to walk through unknown territory and I know our community has high expectations for this year and so do I, but please be patient as there will be plenty speed bumps along the way that will make things somewhat messy from time to time. Our Mission is to get better every day so your children can achieve, contribute and lead with integrity. 

Last night, we held an informative session on our reopening plans. If you did not see it, please watch it here.

Thank you,
Greg Smith, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Please remember to complete your Back-to-School forms no later than August 10, 2020 to verify school attendance for class list and scheduling purposes. Anyone who does not complete the forms will automatically be enrolled in Brick and Mortar for the first nine weeks of school.

Log in to your Skyward Family Access account and find the forms on the left.

Parents who select Clear Connections will receive an e-mail regarding course selection for intermediate and high school students.

Parents of both new and returning students will not be required to bring their registration documents to the campus this year. The required documents can be uploaded into Skyward Family Access. Campuses will reach out if there is an issue with the uploaded documents and further verification is needed.

If you still have questions after reviewing this information or need technology assistance, please contact the campus data specialist at your school.
The deadline to register and select courses for Clear Connections Online Learning Program is Monday, August 10, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.
Clear Creek ISD recognizes that for some families, returning to in-school instruction may not be possible due to students or loved ones who are medically fragile or have an uneasiness with the rising cases of COVID-19. Clear Connections is a way to continue to learn from CCISD teachers from home.
Have questions about Clear Connections?
Watch the latest livestream for more information.

If you can't find the answer to your question, visit the FAQ page or send an email.
Now more than ever, It is important to your school district that your child feels safe when learning.

Clear Creek ISD pledges to keep children and adults first in all decisions and measures taken to protect them and their learning environment.

This pledge extends to our aspiration to ensure that, in the midst of challenges, our schools and facilities remain a place of genuine warmth and a welcoming spirit.
Clear Creek ISD has a team of medical professionals monitoring the latest in the COVID-19 pandemic. In this short video, Coordinator of Health Services Marina Keeton gives information on CCISD's health protocols and tips for parents sending their children to Brick and Mortar this school year.
  • Students (as developmentally-appropriate), staff and visitors will wear a face mask/covering when entering a CCISD facility.
  • Hand sanitizer stations will be available upon entry and throughout CCISD facilities.
  • Visitors proceeding beyond the secure vestibule area will be subject to screening by way of a symptom screening form.
  • All staff will be required to take a COVID-19 Health Assessment prior to coming to work every day.
  • Parents will be asked to administer the COVID-19 Health Assessment daily prior to sending their children to school, take their temperature, and keep them home if ill.

Principals from across CCISD have been working diligently to develop plans and protocol for elementary and secondary level classrooms, however, each school and classroom will handle these new challenges differently.

Watch this video to get a peak at what your child's class might look like this school year.
Breakfast and lunch time on your child's campus will look a little different this year with our social distancing guidelines. Watch as CCISD Director of Child Nutrition Fred Walker shows us how students will pick up their meals.
  • Cafeteria and serving areas will be cleaned between uses.
  • Students may eat in various locations throughout the building to maximize social distancing.
  • All CCISD child nutrition staff will use face coverings/masks and gloves.
  • Implementing new card system to limit cash transactions.
Bus transportation will be offered for all eligible students, however, Clear Creek ISD encourages families to transport their children to school, if able.
  • Since social distancing will not always be possible on our buses, students utilizing bus transportation will be required to wear face coverings, as developmentally-appropriate.
  • Bus drivers will also wear face coverings.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available upon entry.
  • Buses will cleaned between each transportation run and disinfected nightly.
The safety and health of our students is our top priority every year in CCISD, but we understand our cleaning procedures need to be intensified to further prevent the spread of COVID-19.
  • On each campus, there will be cleaning throughout the day of high touch areas and restrooms.
  • Each night every classroom will be disinfected.
  • Classrooms will be provided hand sanitizer and disinfecting supplies to be used between classes.
  • Reduction of shared supplies.
  • Students encouraged to clean desk area when they arrive and before leaving.
  • CCISD Board of Trustees approved hiring 24 additional custodians.
Here at Clear Creek ISD, we understand the COVID-19 pandemic has caused stress and anxiety for your family as you prepare to send your child back to school.

If you have a question, feel free to navigate through our FAQ page, which is subject to change as directives are provided by governing authorities and/or health officials or as environmental conditions change.
Clear Creek ISD is committed to providing our students and parents with the most up-to-date information. Follow us on social media for information on future streams.
Have a school-issued laptop you don't need?
If your child plans to use a personal computer for their learning this year, please return your CCISD laptop, so that it can be repurposed for another student in need.

Drop off:
Technology Learning Center
330 S Iowa Ave, League City, TX 77573
Monday - Thursday 1-3 p.m.
Through August 14
It's time to get those supplies ready for the start of the year!
You can find your child's list below:
Elementary Schools
Intermediate Schools
Clear Connections students should follow the supply list from their home campus.