E-news made for those with a passion for being active on a clear, invasive-free Charles River. Learn more at CRWA.org.
Successful First Herbicide Treatment!
On May 31st, DCR’s consultant, SOLitude Lake Management, applied Sonar herbicide to 105 acres in the Lakes District, in the densest patches of fanwort. This was followed by water quality monitoring, required by the Division of Marine Fisheries during the herring migration season, which showed normal levels of pH and dissolved oxygen, indicating no adverse impacts!

The results of treatment are being monitored – a preliminary plant biovolume survey was conducted on June 1st, and follow-up surveys will be conducted throughout the season. Sonar herbicide is expected to reduce aquatic plants 30-45 days after the first treatment, and will mainly target fanwort and milfoil.


The next Sonar treatment is scheduled for this Friday, June 23rd! 

A reminder that river users should plan to stay out of the way of the treatment boat during the herbicide application, to allow them to work efficiently. The herbicide itself is safe for humans and would have no health effects on anyone who may accidentally come in contact with it. However, use of the treated water for irrigation will result in death of irrigated plants.

The next treatment dates are scheduled for July 12th and August 3rd.


DCR wants to know where you observe invasive plants! While the treatment is focused on the Lakes District this summer, spot treatments of milfoil or fanwort may be done in the Lower Basin as well if there are dense patches of weeds. Please send your observations, including the location and a picture (if possible), to Lisa at [email protected].
Support Invasive Removal!
Removing invasive plants is a big job, and we rely on community support to meet our goal of a clean, healthy Charles!

Donate today to help complete this critical project! Your gift provides the resources to help clear invasives from identified prioritized areas of the river as part of DCR’s extensive 5-year management plan.

We invite YOU to partner with us to complete this effort.
For more information about the project’s benefits and why CRWA supports it, check out our frequently asked questions.
Community Invasive Removals!
We are also excited to host three community invasive removal events this season! Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Suggested donation: $25/Adult, $10/Kid (ages 12 and under). Donations support equipment and supplies, ongoing invasive removal work, and staff time.

Water Chestnut Community Removal (FEW SPOTS REMAINING!)
Date: Saturday, July 15th, 2023
Time: 9 AM–12 PM

Bittersweet Community Removal
Date: Saturday, September 16th, 2023
Time: 9 AM–12 PM

Questions? Contact Andrew Taylor, Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator, [email protected].

Charles River Watershed Association | www.crwa.org
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