Monthly News & Updates

October 2023

Thoughts from DS Olivia

One of the beautiful things about the Church of the Nazarene is that we are a global church. We have made a commitment to work together across nations, languages, and cultures to be a Christian, Holiness, and Missional people. It is essential for us to remember this when it seems the world is coming apart at the seams. When horrific terrorist attacks happen like what Hamas has done in Israel, and when governments respond as Israel has, and when Palestinian and Israeli civilians suffer in the wake of it all we need to remember who we are.

As Christian People, we must remember the words of Jesus that those who make peace are blessed. While nations may fight, we can work for peace by standing against both anti-Semitism and anti-Arab hate in our nation. There is no place for this in our churches, lives, or communities. Remember Jesus' words in Matthew 5:9, "Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God."

As Holiness People, we rely on the Holy Spirit to shape us in such a way that we look more and more like Jesus every day. As we are being formed in love to be like Jesus our holiness leads to social holiness. This means we work against injustice of all kinds, we stand against the abuse of our neighbors no matter who they are, and in love, we recognize we are connected to each other by the image of God within all people. Holiness changes us personally and changes the world as we live in this kind of love that comes from God. 1 John 2:6 reminds us, "Whoever says, 'I abide in Him [Jesus],' ought to walk just as He walked."

Finally, as Missional People, let us keep before us the truth that we have Christian brothers and sisters who live in Israel and in Palestine. However, it isn't just those with the same faith that we are concerned about! We care about the lives of all people, for our good God cares about them all as well. As our Christian faith, which is particularly rooted in the message of holiness, is lived out may we be those who continue to proclaim the Good News that is for all people. Paul wrote to the church in Corinth a good word for us today, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us." 2 Corinthians 5:17-20.

My prayer is that we will be people of peace who, by grace, walk as Jesus walked. May we embrace the reconciliation God has offered us and live as those called to mirror what God has done as we embrace our ministry of reconciliation in a broken world.


Pastor Olivia

See what the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene says on these matters:

  1. Nazarene Core Values
  2. Holiness
  3. Discrimination
  4. Peace and War
October is clergy appreciation month! Check out this article from Nazarene News to find out more. We want to bless the men and women who serve us so well! Be sure to honor them in a special way. There are ideas in the article linked above and the National Association of Evangelicals has compiled a list of creative ways to bless your Pastor too.

Opportunities for Pastors

Advent 2023

Pastors! We want to resource you well as you lead your church. One way we are doing this is to offer the Advent Pastor's Resource to you at half price! Go to The Foundry and use the code NWYO for $10 off.
If you are interested in participating in the Creative Preaching Co-Op we would love to have you join! This is a weekly gathering where you can share ideas and resources, learn from each other, and build better relationships with other pastors.
We will meet to talk about broad Advent ideas on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, from 6:30-8:30pm via Zoom. That evening we will determine the best day for the Preaching Co-Op! Hope to see you there.

THIS HAS ALREADY STARTED, BUT IT ISN'T TOO LATE! Join pastors from other districts as we learn from former General Superintendent, Dr. Jesse Middendorf. He will share his expertise and research and we will dialogue together! Sign up and we will get the Zoom information to you.

Sign up!

Pastoral Care

Pastors, you heard at Assembly about the value of Full Strength Network! If you are currently using it or would like to sign up, we need your help.

Please fill out this form and we will be sure to renew your subscription when the time is right or get you signed up to start. This is a tool to support you in your work. Take advantage of it!

FSN Form

District Mission Trip to Nairobi, Kenya

We celebrate the hard work and dedication of our district team! They were blessed and were a blessing as they represented us in Kenya.

Upstate NYI

Thank you, Upstate NYI Youth Leaders!

Youth pastors and volunteers, we are so grateful for all that you do to pour into the lives of our students! 

The hard work, sacrifice, and time you put in do not go unnoticed. Our teens see and feel your love and encouragement and, because of this, they know that they matter. 

Your investment has an eternal impact. Please know you are so very loved and appreciated. We see you and we love you! 

In Christ, 

Pastor Noelle and the Upstate NYI Team

Winter Retreat Open To All Upstate Teens

We are excited to share registration information for IGNITE Winter Retreat hosted by Binghamton Naz. Join us on November 9-11 for bowling, a trampoline park, food, and much more including guest speaker Pastor Jay Geistdorfer!

The retreat registration form can be found here! Overnight accommodations are available. Those interested should make a note on their registration form.

Cost is $125 per student and $50 per adult. Payments is required at registration. The fun starts at 6 p.m. on November 9th and ends at noon on the 11th.

Any additional questions can be directed to Danielle Groome.

Thank you to Binghamton First Church of the Nazarene for sponsoring this awesome event. We are excited and looking forward to future opportunities to gather as a district.

Upstate NDI

NDI Promoting Local Women's Retreats

NDI will be promoting local women's retreats this year! If you have a Women's Retreat happening at your church this coming year, please let us know so that we can promote it to other women on the district.

Owego - November 4th 10am. (Contact: Sharon Frampton). Pastor Olivia will be speaking and you are invited to come to this special event!

Let's Pray Together

Join us on November 18th from 10-11:30 for prayer. When you click the button below you will be able to register and the Zoom link will be sent to you. These are rich times of fellowship with one another and our good God!

Prayer Registration

Pastors! Don't forget that we gather to pray on the first Thursday of every month. You will receive an email with the Zoom link the day before. Mark your calendar and join at either 8am or noon.

Eastern Nazarene College, OUR college, is inviting us to join them in praying. Will you sign up to support Dr. Colleen Derr, the faculty, staff, administration, and students in prayer?

Exciting things are happening, lives are being changed, and our college is being salt and light! Let's pray together that God would continue to work through ENC!

ENC Prayer Partners

Fruit of the Spirit Resources

All year we are talking about the Fruit of the Spirit. Click below to find some ways to grow in your faith, learn more, and engage with others on this journey!

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