by Debbie Ingram Schmidt
Associate for Spiritual Leader Development
After the activity of Lent and Easter, many pastors find themselves in need of a change of pace, a change of scenery, and a break from the routine of ministry. The clergy retreat is designed to offer just such a time a few weeks after Easter. It’s a time to get away to a beautiful, relaxing location and spend a leisurely time with colleagues in ministry.
This year, the retreat will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, May 15
and 16
from noon to noon at Bon Secours Conference Center. For those who would like a longer retreat, there are a limited number of rooms available on Tuesday, the 14
as well. The cost of the retreat is only $75 and that low price also applies to the rooms offered on Tuesday night. Scholarships are available for those with limited continuing education funds.
The schedule is intentionally uncluttered to allow time for casual conversations and personal reflection. On Wednesday, MaryAnn McKibben Dana will offer a workshop on her newly released book,
God, Improv, and the Art of Living,
a playful look at self-care and spiritual refreshment. There will also be time for Open Space discussions, worship together, and fun and games ( and what happens at Bon Secours stays at Bon Secours!).
The facility at Bon Secours also offers many means to connect with God: there is an outdoor labyrinth, a walking path that includes the stations of the cross, and a chapel that can be used when there are not services going on there.
Pastors who attended the retreat last year had this to say about it:
"The most meaningful part was the fellowship and worship. Can’t beat either activity!"
"I enjoyed the whole thing: time with colleagues, conversation."
"I am so thankful I took this time away with my dear colleagues."
All meetings are held at the Presbytery of Baltimore's office unless a different location is indicated.
- Steering Cabinet meets at 1pm on Wednesday, Mar. 27
- Reconciliation meets at 6:30pm on Wednesday, Mar. 27
- Triennium meets 10am on Thursday, Mar 28
- Ministry Group Conveners meet 11:30am on Thursday, Mar. 28
Each year we look forward to the annual meetings for Clerks Session for training and to review of Session Records. The following is a list of meetings for the Baltimore metropolitan area.
1st PC of Bel Air, Jack Carlson
Harundale PC, Jack Carlson
1st PC of Howard County, Mary Gaut
Govans PC, Mary Gaut
Click notice above for details . . .
Confirmed Dates for the Dismantling Racism Training in 2019
Monday, May 20, 2019 at Chestnut Grove PC
(3701 Sweet Air Road, Phoenix, MD 21131), 8:30am to 5pm.
Morning refreshments and Lunch are provided
Registration Fee is $20. Registration Opens in March
Saturday, Oct. 19, 2019. Location TBA.
Registration opens in August 2019.
Govans Presbyterian Church Named Earth Care Congregation
Congratulations to Govans Presbyterian for completing the certification process for becoming an Earth Care Congregation. With this recognition Govans joins seven other congregations in Baltimore Presbytery to have achieved this honor. “It is exciting that Baltimore Presbytery is home to 8 of the 232 churches that chose to dedicate themselves to intentional care of God’s earth this year. The congregation’s activities and commitment will inspire others to respond intentionally to God’s call to care for the earth,” says Jessica Maudlin, Associate for Sustainable Living and Earth Care Concerns for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
A group of interested people representing multiple congregations in our presbytery has been formed to imagine and develop ways for Environmental Sustainability to become more deeply rooted in the life of the presbytery. If you are interested in being part of this effort contact Mary Gaut at the Presbytery office. For more information on the Earth Care Congregations program visit
The Endless Night: A Passion Play
The Endless Night imagines what it was like to be standing at Jesus’ crucifixion. Through a series of monologues and popular songs, we step inside the thoughts and feelings of those deeply impacted by Jesus’ love, still unsure of what His suffering means for them. The Endless Night connects this ancient story to our modern lives to feel the power of a life lived in love; the power of a life given in sacrifice.
Friday, Apr. 19 at 7:30pm
Hunting Ridge Presbyterian Church
Book Sale at Prince of Peace Presbyterian Church.
Prince of Peace in Crofton seeks donations for its annual Used Book & Media sale, to be held the last weekend of April. Donations of books, CDs, DVDs, computer games, and audio books can be dropped off on the church's front walkway at any time (1657 Crofton Parkway).
he sale itself will be held on April 26 (5 - 9 pm) and 27 (8 am - 4 pm) at the church. On Saturday, the church also hosts a yard sale, bake sale, and pit beef sandwich sale. Just next door is Crofton's Festival on the Green.
Please call the church office, 410-721-2313, with any questions.
Towson Presbyterian Church Community Fair
Towson Presbyterian Church is hosting a Community Environmental Information Fair at 11am on Sunday, Mar. 31. connect with: wind providers, local CSAs, rooftop solar, farmers' markets and more . . .
TE Jenny Williams will facilitate a 6-session time of prayer and reflection Monday evenings, 3/11/19 through 4/15/19, 7pm to 8:30pm at the Church of the Redeemer. Guided by the work
Out of Solitude: Three Meditations on the Christian Life
by Henri Nouwen and with a focus on Lenten themes, the sessions are designed to encourage the intentional creation of a time for contemplation and reflection in our daily life and to share the same in a weekly community practice. This is a program of Inner Harbor Wellness. Contact Jenny if you would like to attend:
or all 410.523.3961.
Jacqueline E. Taylor
General Presbyter
John "Jack" Carlson
Stated Clerk
Mary Gaut
Deputy Stated Clerk
Debbie Ingram Schmidt
Associate, Spiritual Leader Development
Susan Krehbiel
Director of Congregational Advocacy
Wanda Morgan
Office Administrator
Deborah Greene
Director of Communications
Chuck Brawner
Administrator of Finances
McKenna Lewellen
Coordinator, The Center
Kate Foster Connors
Director, The Center
Presbytery of Baltimore | (t) 410.433.2012 | (f) 410.433.2066| |