City News Update

Your Cleveland Heights City Government

City to Hold Third Public Meeting about

Setting ARPA Funding Priorities

Wednesday, September 21, 2022, at 6:30 pm

On Wednesday, September 21, 2022, at 6:30 pm, the City of Cleveland Heights will hold its third meeting asking the public for input about how the City should prioritize funds it received through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA). The meeting's location is still being determined and will be announced shortly.

The City continues to ask people to fill out a public input form to prioritize different possible areas of investment and suggest specific ways ARPA funds might be spent. If you haven't filled out the public input form, please share your thoughts with the City today!

Fill out the ARPA Public Input Form
Learn more about the City's ARPA Funding and Process

City Council to Hold a Public Hearing on

Proposed "Lead Safe" Legislation"

Monday, September 12, 2022, at 7:00 pm

City Council Chamber, Cleveland Heights City Hall

The Public Safety and Health Committee of Cleveland Heights City Council will hold a Public Hearing to discuss proposed “Lead Safe” legislation on Monday, September 12, 2022, at 7:00 pm in the City Council Chamber of Cleveland Heights City Hall, 40 Severance Circle.

If enacted, Ordinance 78-2021 would help prevent lead poisoning among Cleveland Heights children by creating a lead-safe certification program in Cleveland Heights and requiring all residential rental units constructed before January 1, 1978, to be certified as lead safe.

The Public Safety and Health Committee is asking for input about this legislation from landlords, tenants, and other interested parties and is asking that anyone who wishes to be heard on this legislation please attend the Public Hearing. Anyone who wishes to speak at the hearing must sign in at the door, and each person who signs up will have three minutes to speak.

Heights Community Congress Celebrates 50 Years as Heights Heritage Home and Garden Tour Returns

by Les Jones

Heights Community Congress (HCC) is proud to announce that its Heights Heritage Home & Garden Tour will return for its 43rd year on Sunday, September 18, from noon to 6 p.m. This year's theme: The Tour is Back in Town!

This year, the tour will showcase six elegant and unique Cleveland Heights properties. They include a colonial with a recently renovated kitchen and bath, a stately Tudor mansion, a remarkable backyard garden oasis, an English brick cottage and garden, a contemporary solar-powered home with tropical foliage, and the magnificently restored exterior grounds of Harcourt Manor.

Ticket holders can also take a guided tour of the landmark Fairmount Presbyterian Church, partake of light snacks, and view a special display about the history of HCC over the course of its 50 years of service to the community.


Buy Your Heights Heritage Home and Garden Tour Tickets Before Labor Day and Save!

Advance tickets are $20; after Labor Day, all tickets will be $25.

Tickets are available online at Heights Community Congress and in person at the following businesses: 

  • Appletree Books
  • Bremec on the Heights
  • Heinen’s (on South Green Road)
  • The Stone Oven Bakery & Café
  • Tommy’s
  • Zagara’s Marketplace

Cleveland Heights Police Department

Earns Award for Policy Management

In 2020, former Chief Annette Mecklenburg contracted with Lexipol to update the Cleveland Heights Police Department's policies and procedures and improve its operating standards. 

After a year of review, the Police Department implemented its new policies and procedures manual in September 2021. All CHPD policies are now current, following best practices and Ohio collaborative standards.

Upcoming Vaccine Clinics at the Community Center

The Cuyahoga County Board of Health (CCBH) will offer vaccine clinics for COVID-19 and Monkey Pox at the Cleveland Heights Community Center, One Monticello Boulevard, in the South Atrium or South rink.


Friday, September 9, 9:00 am–12:00 pm

Friday, September 23, 9:00 am–4:00 pm

Sign Up for the Monkey Pox Vaccine Clinic


Wednesday, September 28, 5:00–7:00 pm.

The COVID-19 clinic will provide first, second, and booster shots of the Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Novavax vaccines. 

Sign Up for the COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic

Pre-sign-up is required for all vaccine clinics. Anyone who needs help signing up for a vaccine clinic may call the Senior Activity Center at (216) 691-7377 for assistance.

Cuyahoga County Still Needs Your Input

About Shareable Bikes and Scooters

You may have noticed more bikes and scooters across Cleveland Heights this summer and may have questions about them.

These bikes and scooters are called “shared mobility devices” and are available to rent for short rides around the city. They are activated through a smartphone app and user account.

Cuyahoga County is working with the City of Cleveland Heights, the City of Cleveland, the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA), Bike Cleveland, and other area cities to expand the existing network of public bicycles and scooters to more Cuyahoga County residents.

One of the challenges of a shared mobility system is where to put the bikes and scooters. The project team and its consultants are developing guidance for organizing where these devices are placed.

They’ve created a “typology” for different hubs and stations and the equipment that could be placed at them based on the location's layout and activity. The six types of hubs they’ve identified are:

Type 1

High capacity (12+ vehicles) locations near large destinations and activity generators

Type 2

Medium capacity (6-12 vehicles) locations near secondary destinations or activity generators

Type 3

Low capacity (2-6 vehicles) locations near smaller neighborhood destinations

Type 4

Low capacity (2-6 vehicles) locations where fixed racks do not fit with space constraints

Type 3+4 Hybrid

Medium capacity (6-12 vehicles) locations with fixed racks and overflow area

Type 5

Medium capacity (6-12 vehicles) in-street locations near primary or secondary destinations

The project team has identified 15 possible hub locations in Cleveland Heights, and they are asking for feedback about their recommendations.

They have set up an information page and a map where you can pull up the proposed hub connections and make comments. The map contains all of the locations they are reviewing throughout Cuyahoga County. You will need to zoom in to see the locations that are in Cleveland Heights.

The project team needs your input to make sure they make the right recommendations for Cleveland Heights. The team will review our feedback and work through the approval process to purchase and install improvements next year.

Please take a few minutes and review the proposed locations before September 30, 2022.

Next Cleveland Heights City Council Meetings

The next full City Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 6, 2022, at 7:30 pm, immediately following the Council Committee of the Whole meeting, which will be held at 6:30 pm.

All of these meetings will be streamed live and may be viewed on the City's YouTube channel. The agendas for the meetings may be found on the City's website.

This Week at Cleveland Heights City Hall

Cleveland Heights City Hall and the Community Center will be closed on Monday, September 5, 2022, in recognition of Labor Day.

Housing and Building Committee

Tuesday, September 6, 2022, 4:30 pm

Executive Conference Room

Council Committee of the Whole

Tuesday, September 6, 2022, 6:00 pm

Executive Conference Room

City Council Meeting

Tuesday, September 6, 2022, 7:30 pm

City Council Chamber

Racial Justice Task Force—Public Safety Subcommittee

Wednesday, September 7, 2022, 6:30 pm


Architectural Board of Review

Wednesday, September 7, 2022, 7:00 pm

City Council Chamber

The Cleveland Heights Happy 5k/10k Race Returns!

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Like we've been saying, we LOVE the Happy 5k/10k race. It raises a lot of money to pay for community recreation scholarships for young people through the Cleveland Heights Youth Scholarship Fund--more than $40,000 during its first four years. And it's a lot of fun!

Three weeks ago, we started listing ADDITIONAL reasons we love the Happy 5k/10k race.

  • Reason #1 was that you get to run in costume.
  • Reason #2 was that you get a chance to outrun the Mayor.
  • Reason #3 was that you can compete as a team.

Reason #4 works whether you compete as an individual or as a team:

You can win bragging rights for an entire year!

We're not saying that you'd want to lord your victory over everyone who crosses the finish line after you do. (You're a better winner than that!) But you could still talk a little friendly smack--all for a good cause. 

Sign up to run today at the Happy 5k/10k registration page

Heights High Homecoming Parade Returns!

by Krissy Dietrich Gallagher

The Homecoming Parade, a communitywide celebration of the Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District, will return this September after a three-year hiatus.

The parade will kick off the 2022 Homecoming Weekend celebrations on Friday, Sept. 16, at 5 p.m., marching north on Lee Road from Fairfax Elementary School to Tullamore Road.

The parade will be followed by a football game at 7 pm against Lorain High School.



Comments and Questions Requested

On Upcoming Projects

Monticello Boulevard Signals (PID 112809)

The City of Cleveland Heights is proposing a project that will upgrade six traffic signals located at intersections along Monticello Boulevard in Cleveland Heights, Ohio:

  • Monticello Boulevard and Lee Road
  • Monticello Boulevard and Forest Hills Boulevard
  • Monticello Boulevard and N. Taylor Road
  • Monticello Boulevard and Yellowstone Road
  • Monticello Boulevard and Noble Road
  • Monticello Boulevard and Belvoir Boulevard

This project also includes the removal of two (2) unwarranted traffic signals at:

  • Monticello Boulevard and Quarry Drive
  • Forest Hills Boulevard and Mt. Vernon Boulevard

Construction is currently scheduled to begin in 2023.

Lee Road Resurfacing (PID 112874)

The City of Cleveland Heights has proposed a project that will include asphalt resurfacing of Lee Road from Mayfield Road to Superior Road in the City of Cleveland Heights, Ohio. The project will include upgrades to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) curb ramps, pavement repairs, curb replacement, and pavement markings. Construction is currently scheduled to begin in early 2023.

The City of Cleveland Heights welcomes questions and comments about both of these projects. Issues that may be addressed include, but are not limited to:

  • The effect of the project on local residents
  • Air quality 
  • The local economy
  • Floodplains, and 
  • Historic or cultural resources

At this stage, the City cannot provide specific information about potential real estate acquisitions for either project. If necessary, a representative working for the City of Cleveland Heights will contact property owners whose properties may need to be acquired to discuss the right-of-way needs, the acquisition process, and their rights under that process.

Please submit comments or questions for the Monticello Boulevard Signals Project by September 1 and for the Lee Road Resurfacing Project before September 26, 2022, to Joe Kickel, Assistant Director of Public Works, City of Cleveland Heights, (216) 291-2470 or to ensure there are considered during the project’s development.

New Cleveland Heights Restaurant Guide

Download It Now!

2022 Fall Recreation Programs



New! Indoor Cycling

A warm-up, 45 minutes of cycling, a cool down, and 15 minutes of abdominal work and stretching. Please be sure to bring your own water bottle and mat.

Instructed by: Alisa Henry

Day: Saturdays

Time: 10:30–11:30 am

Dates: September 17–October 22

Location: Aerobic Room

Cost: $38 CH RES/$44 NON-RES

Sign Up Now

New! Zumba®

Add a Zumba class to your weekly routine! Inspired by Latin dance and music, Zumba uses a variety of styles in its routines, including Cumbia, Merengue, Salsa, Reggaeton, Mambo, Rumba, Flamenco, and Hip Hop. Music selection includes fast and slow rhythms to help tone and sculpt the body.

You'll see why Zumba Fitness classes are often called exercise in disguise. Wear comfortable workout clothes and shoes that you can move in, and bring water and a towel because you will sweat!

Instructed by: Gigi Roney

Day: Fridays

Time: 6:00–6:45 pm

Dates: September 16–October 21

Location: Aerobic Room

Cost: $35 CH RES/$40 NON RES

Sign Up Now

New! Israeli Dance Class

Learn modern Israeli dances as danced today in Israel. This is a GREAT starting point if you want to learn Israeli Dance. No experience is required. Everyone is welcome, and the pace will be slow and easy to keep everyone moving. Circle dances and line dances.

Instructed by: Stuart Meyer, teacher, performer, and artistic director

Day: Tuesdays

Time: 6:00–7:30 pm

Dates: October 25–December 6

(No class 11/8)

Location: Aerobic Room

Cost: $45 CH RES/$50 NON RES

Sign Up Now

Kemetic Yoga

You will study the fundamentals of Kemetic yoga. We’ll concentrate on proper posture for Asana (poses) and Pranayama (breathing). This class is suitable for beginners and focuses on Yin yoga, making it a soothing practice for anyone.

Instructed by: London Hightower

Day: Thursdays

Time: 6:30–7:30 pm

Dates: September 17–October 22

Location: Aerobic Room

Cost: $38 CH RES/$44 NON-RES

Sign Up Now

Fall Evening Barre Workout

The Barre class is back! For those who have not taken a Barre class, it combines elements of dance with the principles of strength and safety from Pilates. This is a barefoot workout. Wear comfortable workout clothes and bring an exercise mat, towel, and spill-proof water bottle. Before heading to your class, you will need to grab a bottle of disinfectant and a towel from the cart near the front desk.

Participants must register a week prior to the start date! The class limit is 8. Sorry, no drop-ins.

Instructed by: Pia Alesci

Day: Monday

Time: 6:00–7:00 pm

Dates: September 12–October 24

(No class 9/26)

Location: Aerobic Room

Cost: $38 CH RES/$44 NON-RES

Sign Up Now

Fall Mat Pilates

Pilates is a series of targeted exercises that strengthen muscles while improving postural alignment and flexibility generated from the core. Wear comfortable clothing and bring your own exercise mat, towel, and water.


Participants must register a week prior to the start date! The class limit is 8. Sorry, no drop-ins.

Instructed by: Pia Alesci

Day: Wednesdays

Time: 6:00–7:00 pm

Dates: September 14–October 26

(No class 10/5)

Location: Aerobic Room

Cost: $38 CH RES/$44 NON-RES

Sign Up Now


Men’s and Women’s Tai Shin Doh Karate

This class will focus on the use of Tai Shin Doh and its real-life applications from the perspective of men and women.

Instructed by: Roan Adognravi, 2nd Degree Black Belt

Day: Saturdays

Dates: September 24–December 10

(No class 11/12 & 11/26)

Time: 9:00–10:30 am

Location: Activity Room 7

Cost: $70 CH RES/$80 NON RES

Sign Up Now

Youth—Advanced Self-Defense/Tai Shin Doh

For students who have achieved a green belt in Tai Shin Doh and above. Students will learn to master the art of Tai Shin Doh.

Instructed by: Roan Adognravi, 2nd Degree Black Belt

Day: Saturdays

Dates: September 24–December 10

(No class 11/12 & 11/26)

Time: 10:30 am–12:00 pm

Location: Activity Room 7

Cost: $70 CH RES/$80 NON RES

Sign Up Now

Youth—Beginners Self-Defense/Tai Shin Doh

Ages 6 & up. Children are taught control, discipline, awareness, responsibility, and consideration in a martial arts environment. Beginners to yellow belts.

Instructed by: David Jones, 7th Degree Black Belt

Day: Fridays

Dates: September 23–December 9

(No class 11/11 & 11/25)

Time: 6:30–8:00 pm 

Location: Activity Room 7

Cost: $70 CH RES/$80 NON RES

Sign Up Now

Adults Kuk Sool Won™ (WKSA)

The Traditional Martial Art of Korea

Ages 14–75. Class includes Etiquette (Respectful Behavior); Rolling & Acrobatics; Safety Falls; Meditation Practice, Hand/Foot Striking & Blocking, Forms Training (Hyung), and Self Defense Techniques.

Instructed by: David Pritts, 3rd Degree Black Belt and School Owner

Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays

Time: 7:30–8:30pm

Dates: September 28–December 7

(No class 10/5, 10/10, 10/12, 10/31, 11/7, 11/23)

Location: Tuesdays–Room 7; Thursdays–Senior Center

Cost: $100 CH RES/$105 NON RES

Sign Up Now

Mini Kids Kuk Sool Won™ (WKSA)

The Traditional Martial Art of Korea

Ages 5 & 6. Class includes Etiquette (Respectful Behavior); Rolling & Acrobatics; Safety Falls; Meditation Practice, Hand/Foot Striking & Blocking, Forms Training (Hyung), and Self Defense Techniques.

Instructed by: David Pritts, 3rd Degree Black Belt and School Owner

Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays

(Fifteen classes a session)

Time: 6:00–6:30 pm

Dates: September 28–December 7

(No class 10/5, 10/10, 10/12, 10/31, 11/7, 11/23)

Location: Tuesdays–Room 7; Thursdays–Senior Center

Cost: $51 CH RES/$58 NON RES

Sign Up Now

Youth Kuk Sool Won™ (WKSA)

The Traditional Martial Art of Korea

Ages 7–13. Class includes Etiquette (Respectful Behavior); Rolling & Acrobatics; Safety Falls; Meditation Practice, Hand/Foot Striking & Blocking, Forms Training (Hyung), and Self Defense Techniques.

Instructed by: David Pritts, 3rd Degree Black Belt and School Owner

Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays

Time: 6:30–7:30pm

Dates: September 28–December 7

(No class 10/5, 10/10, 10/12, 10/31, 11/7, 11/23)

Location: Tuesdays–Room 7; Thursdays–Senior Center

Cost: $100 CH RES/$105 NON RES

Sign Up Now


NEW! A Little Song & Stretch

Ages 3–5 (Participants must be at least 3 years old and potty-trained!). A creative movement and song class designed for ages 3 to 5. Participants will enhance their large and fine motor skills and social development through an engaging class of organized song and movement.

Adults do not stay with children during class, and children should be dressed in comfortable clothes (no tutus). Parent Observation day is the last class of each session.

Instructed by: Maya Curtis

Day: Saturdays

Dates: October 1–November 12

Time: 9:15–10:00 am

Location: Aerobic Room

Cost: $38 CH RES/$48 NON RES

Sign Up Now

Have extra bounty from your garden?

Sell it at the Noble Gardeners' Market!

THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR SELLERS. For more information, please visit

Volunteer with the Many Villages Tutoring Program

      Find out more     
Sign up to Volunteer

Heights Music Hop Returns!

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Heights Music Hop, an initiative of FutureHeights, is an annual multi-venue event using music as the vehicle to help build a sense of community among Heights residents and raise awareness of the Heights as a destination for those living outside the community.

Heights Music Hop 2022 will take place on September 10 in the Cedar Lee and Noble Neighborhoods! More information is available on their website,

Saturday, September 10, 2022



10:00 am–12:00 noon

(During the Noble Gardeners' Market)

Noble/Roanoke Park

2549 Noble Road

5:00–11:00 pm

In the Cedar Lee District


The City of Cleveland Heights is Hiring!

74eba8c7-4272-408b-bb45-a5845f452309 image

Job openings in the Police Department, City Hall, Parks and Recreation, Public Works, and other departments may be found on the Cleveland Heights Job Opportunities webpage.

-- All Are Welcome --


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