DQ News
February 2022
Dear Friends,

A while back, I recorded a couple of videos on how you could dictate into your iPhone or Android phone.

Speech Recognition Consultant Alexandria Carstens of Speakeasy Solutions pointed out: "While it is not perfect, [voice recognition] is an excellent tool for general notetaking. It is very important, however, to understand that your voice is transmitted to a server (almost always in the United States of America) where the voice is processed and then returns to your device for transcription. As a result, Speakeasy Solutions does NOT recommend using your device's built-in voice recognition for any confidential dictation (medical reports, legal summaries and so on). But there are plenty other opportunities to use voice recognition for email, notes, filling out forms on the Internet and so on."

Kudos to Alexandria for pointing this out to us.

New videos on RSI Help YouTube

Here's the February lineup:
  • How do you hold an umbrella in the wind and rain?
  • Click with your foot instead of your hand!
  • How long fingernails could lead to injury

New SHORTS on RSI Help YouTube
  • Stop doing wrist curls!
  • Learn why stretching can lead to more problems. Dr. Markison explains.
  • Smoking makes RSI worse.
  • Do your hands feel heavy? This is a sign of Repetitive Strain Injury.

New in Q&A
"How do you hold an umbrella in the rain?" A viewer wants to know.

Many viewers responded to the video on the role of fatigue and RSI. Read their responses in the Mailbox.

Write to me! Please be in touch. I love to hear your questions and comments. Subscribe to my channel to be the first to know when new episodes appear.

Remember, you can't use your other pair of hands to do what you want to do, so take care of the ones you have!

Have a great February!


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What's new on
RSIHelp YouTube
Bad idea: Wrist curls and RSI
You will think twice about doing risk roles after you see this video. Your weakness can come from overuse, and adding weight to damaged tendons is tempting fate.
No kidding! You can click with your foot.
If you are like a lot of people, you may dread using your mouse. Here's a great solution for you.
How do you hold an umbrella in the wind?
RSI can lead to all sorts of unexpected difficulties. Some problems don't have easy solutions. We wish everyone had a waterproof bubble they could wear in bad weather!
How long fingernails can lead to RSI
Long fingernails are a common, but little-known, risk factor for RSI. Find out why here.
Hands feel heavy? Don't ignore that fatigue.
Fatigue is a big risk factor for RSI but hardly anybody ever talks about it. If your hands feel too heavy to hold to the keyboard, take it seriously.
What does smoking have to do with RSI?
If you didn't have enough reasons to quit smoking already, Dr. Markison gives you another great one. In six seconds, he tells you what one single puff on a cigarette does.
Is STRETCHING really a great idea for RSI?
If you go on the Internet and look for remedies for RSI, you'll find tons of stretches. Just because something is posted on the Internet doesn't mean it's good for you. For the full story, go here:
Help me raise public awareness about RSI!

You can do this by subscribing to RSIHelp YouTube, watching, liking, sharing and commenting on videos of interest, posting episodes on Facebook and other social media, sharing this newsletter and telling your friends.

Big thank you!

Glad to have found this. I sustained a Repetitive Motion Strain I believe on my ulnar nerve or something. It's brutal I cannot play anymore but I also can't afford to see a doctor so I just stopped for now been a couple weeks. It seems to be healing but very slow..I need health insurance. – ES-335

These are the stories I hate to hear. Everybody needs good medical care. RSI does heal very slowly and is easily flared, so please don't rush it. I hope you find a really good doctor and physical therapist! Finding someone who knows how to treat RSI can be tricky, but don't give up. Please see my video on how to find a good doctor: https://youtu.be/9aWtJafDMVc and how to find a good physical therapist: https://youtu.be/1l1LnbVLRPA.
Great info! This is something that I haven't really considered, as a male with short fingernails. Once you have RSI, the risk factors become obvious and are seemingly everywhere!
-My RSI Life
Thank you! When I was first diagnosed, my hand therapist told me to stretch, stretch, stretch!

So I did, and I ended up injuring myself far more. – Lisa Andelin

Thank YOU for your comment, Lisa. I'm sorry that happened. But now you know! There are safer alternatives to stetching on my channel that might make you feel better. Just be ultra gentle if you try them: https://youtu.be/HesJA-EcuNg, https://youtu.be/1Dv3XJWbeS8
Thank you for posting this! My hands really feel like they need a rest today after being at work on the computer for a few hours. I have been feeling frustrated with myself for not healing faster, but your posts help me realize that I am doing the right thing by pacing myself and resting more. – Lisa

Good for you for listening to your hands. Your body will heal in its time, not yours, and you are absolutely doing the right thing by pacing yourself.

This is my exact RSI story! I felt extreme fatigue (no pain) in my hands one day while I was keyboarding. 2 days later, and BOOM, epic hand injury!

Overuse needs to be a bigger part of the mainstream discussions about office workplace ergonomics and risk management strategies. – My RSI Life

Thanks for your response. Fatigue is not even mentioned as a danger in some places, but I consider it a major risk factor and symptom of RSI. We are not designed to be spending endless hours doing repetitive hand movements in unnatural positions.
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Q: Have you ever talked about how people with painful wrists would use an umbrella on a cold, rainy and windy day? It's not an easy task especially in New York City! I broke my umbrella once when I was in New York City because the wind was so strong.
A: Umbrellas can be a real pain for people with RSI. See my advice and suggestions in the video on the left.
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For more info on RSI, go here.



Want to know what Deborah thinks? Book a 45-minute consultation and have a personal chat with Deborah via Zoom.

Book your appointment here.
Do you want to improve your coordination and range of motion? Feel looser without painful stretching?

You'll be amazed by these easy lessons. Awareness Through Movement. Feldenkrais lessons improve all activities, whether related to sport or fitness, or general activities such as sitting, standing, climbing stairs and walking. They also improve posture and reduce pain.

Want to know what it's like to work with Deborah? View here.
Hear how the Feldenkrais Method improves movement. Click video, right.

Students say:

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Most people sit for 11 hours a day. In this workshop, learn how to prevent heart attack, stroke and diabetes, PLUS get fit while you're seated.

You will learn:

  • Why good posture prevents back pain
  • How "Active Sitting" keeps you fit as you sit
  • Tricks to staying flexible
  • Ways to use your chair as an exercise machine
  • Deborah's favorite sitting props

Book your seminar here. Private lessons are also available.
Workstation Evaluations with Deborah
Hate your chair? Uncomfortable at work? Puzzled by product claims?

A workstation evaluation is one of the best investments you can make. Find out how you can be safer and more comfortable at work.

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