Client Alert

Recent Energy Bills

September  19, 2018

Several energy bills have been recently introduced in the Puerto Rico Senate. One of the most notable is Senate Bill No. 773 which promotes the creation of a comprehensive public policy on climate change.   This bill covers several topics relating to fossil fuel emissions, but also proposes an amendment to the Puerto Rico Renewable Energy Portfolio, and the reinstatement of incentives to encourage green energy production. It was approved by the Senate and is currently before the House's Commission of Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Environmental Affairs.

Senate Bill No. 984 proposes to create the Law of Energy Cooperatives of Puerto Rico. The bill seeks to establish the public policy relating to Energy Cooperatives to insert them as part of the energy model of Puerto Rico. It also amends several articles of the General Law of Cooperatives and introduces a new chapter to delineate the authority and general scope of energy or electric cooperatives. At the end of August 2018, Bill 984 was approved by the Senate and referred to the House. There, it was referred to the Economic Development, Planning, Telecommunications, Public-Private Partnership and Energy, and Cooperatives Committees. No public hearings have been scheduled in the House.   If approved, this Bill might provide an alternative to the operation of microgrids, as well as other components of the electric system, by electric cooperatives.

Senate Bill No. 1043 reevaluates, yet again, the Governing Board of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA).  The Bill proposes to modify the composition of PREPA's Governing Board, and how its members are elected.   If the Bill is approved, the Governor would have to nominate five of the seven board members from a list of candidates that would be supplied by the College of Engineers and Surveyors, the Puerto Rico Certified Public Accountants Association, the Puerto Rico Manufacturers Association, the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce, and the University of Puerto Rico.  The Bill was referred to the Senate's Special Commission on Energy Affairs

Goldman Antonetti & Córdova, LLC stands ready to assist as you and your business adjust to Puerto Rico's regulatory and legal changes. If you need further assistance in this area, please contact the following members of our firm:

Alicia Lamboy Mombille, Esq.
Gretchen Méndez, Esq.

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