March 18, 2022
March 18 - Tonight is a full moon and indicator that Spring is nearly here.


The online Virtual Classroom fully operational and experiencing minor issues that are corrected immediately after an item is identified. Tech support continue to provide help immediately during office hours with slight delays when contacted after hours. This additional customer service will continue through the first one-half of 2022.
(loaded directly into the User account)

2022 USERS
(purchases made in 2022)

2021 Users - or those who made purchases in 2021 - use the site at until all their courses are completed and certificates have been downloaded. Accounts automatically close after course completion.

Course updates or revisions are in progress using regulatory changes published for 6 CCR 1011-1, Chapter 26. Courses not affected by the changes remain available. The regulatory update is the first since the 2009 inception of Licensure.

Non-medical HCBS policies and procedures with updated information are now available (see below). Skilled policies and procedures are in edit mode now. Non-medical, licensure-only policies and procedures are in edit mode now.

Administrators and Managers from all agencies have been very helpful, patient and understanding during this transition. We are so grateful for everyone's willingness to engage kindly throughout this process.

Non-medical Home Care
Policy and Procedure Manuals
Now Available
with 2022 UPDATES

Purchasers receive personal instruction on the updates from Laura Neill

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment released the 14th Amended Public Health Order 20-38, extending the order for four weeks through April 14, 2022. The public health order revises requirements for face coverings and updates hospital reporting. 
These changes align with new federal mask guidance and incorporate Colorado’s COVID-19 Roadmap to Moving Forward. The roadmap details the steps necessary to maintain a level of preparedness and agility that will keep Coloradans safe and healthy against the next potential wave of COVID-19 or an unknown future pandemic.
The PHO is effective through April 14.
Continue to stay up to date by visiting

Thank you for reading! ~ (303) 548-4310 ~