CACCI Update

Issue 4: March 28, 2023

The new Comprehensive Action for Climate Change Initiative (CACCI), launched at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), partners with key stakeholders, researchers, and policymakers at the country level to create actionable programs and policies to mitigate and adapt to climate change. For those countries who have ratified the Paris Agreement, their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) will outline plans and goals. CACCI is designed to support nations in their implementation of NDCs and NAPs through technical and analytical support, capacity development, and inclusive and evidence-based policy dialogue. CACCI aims to help achieve a critical mass of countries able to respond to their commitments under the Paris Agreement, thus promoting household and community-level resilience, food security, and robust inclusive growth.

Upcoming Events


CACCI is developing its program to present at the May 8-10 AIM for Climate Summit, to be held in Washington, D.C.  This summit will address climate change and global hunger by uniting participants to increase investment in and support for climate-smart agriculture and food systems innovation over five years (2021 – 2025). Participants include Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and former Vice-President Al Gore. Organizers also expect a presentation by USAID Administrator Samantha Power as well as attendance by over 30 Ministers of Agriculture from around the world, and numerous CEOs of major private-sector agricultural firms.  

Go to the Summit website

CACCI Launches


On January 12, CACCI-Rwanda was officially launched, led by CACCI institutional partner AKADEMIYA2063 in collaboration with country partners, Rwanda Environmental Management Agency and the Ministry of Environment (MOE). The Rwanda launch event was well attended. Participants included:

  • Representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Rwanda Meteorology Agency, and other public agencies
  • USAID country mission and GIZ colleagues working on climate change
  • Civil societies and green growth initiatives
  • Academia: University of Rwanda and AIMS
Learn more about the launch

Pillar I Updates:

Clarify ambitions and set

policy agendas

  • Ghana In the last week of January, ISSER in collaboration with Policy Link met with the Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI) to discuss modalities through which the Ministry and other agencies could be involved in CACCI and other working groups surrounding climate change.
  • Zambia The Zambia country CACCI Technical Team from IAPRI and Ministry of Green Economy and Environment (MGEE) met on January 31, 2023, for a full-day meeting to refine and finalize the country work plan, draft the country profile report, and draft the NDC and NAP stakeholder maps.
  • Bangladesh CACCI-Asia lead met with colleagues from the Agricultural Policy Support Unit, Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh; Global Center on Adaptation, Bangladesh; Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council; and BIMSTEC to discuss opportunities for collaboration.
  • India in February a CACCI-Asia team met with Dr. Ravi Kota, Economics Minister at the Indian Embassy, to discuss climate change related collaboration opportunities under CACCI-Asia.
Learn more about recent CACCI-Asia work

Pillar II Updates:

Strengthen human capacity and improve institutional infrastructure

  • CACCI-Asia With support from USAID under CACCI-Asia, IFPRI and Michigan State University co-organized an international workshop titled “Climate Change and Agriculture: Analytical Methods and Policy Options.” This hybrid workshop which occurred on January 17-19, was specifically designed to enhance climate change related analytical capacity of agriculture researchers, environmentalists, policymakers, analysts, and government officials. This workshop was held in partnership with the Centre for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies (CARDS) at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India, and the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN (ERIA) in Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • Sri Lanka in Kandy, Sri Lanka at the University of Peradeniya the Sri Lanka Agricultural Association (SAEA) in collaboration with PRCI, IFPRI, and IPS co-organized the 16th annual Research Forum of SAEA, held on Jan 20, 2023. The event titled “Enhancing Agricultural Value Chains in South Asia”, had 61 participants (including presenters).
  • Ghana This February, research fellows participated in joint training organized by the Ghana Statistical Service, IFPRI, and ISSER to update Ghana’s Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) as a key input for Computable General Equilibrium(CGE) modeling. The SAM was last updated in 2015.
  • Zambia Also this February, IAPRI and MGEE signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU). The MoU covers collaboration with the Ministry on broad areas of climate change and was facilitated by CACCI support to Zambia.  

Pillar III Updates:

Facilitate implementation and progress toward net zero carbon emissions

  • Ghana ISSER team met with Policy Link Climate Change lead to clarify operational procedures and action plan for implementation of NDCs and NAPs in February.
  • Zambia As part of its work on CACCI, IAPRI was invited to attend the launch of an online weather information portal, the Zambia Drought Management System (ZADMS), on February 20, 2023, at the Radisson Blu hotel in Lusaka. The online portal was launched by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture. ZADMS is aimed at providing information to help policymakers and other stakeholders to gain access to weather information services in order for Zambia to enhance its resilience to climate change.

Visit the CACCI Website to learn more.


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