Thank you to everyone who has responded to our membership drive! If you haven't made your pledge yet, we kindly ask that you make your pledge by July 16. Contact the office with any questions. If you're not yet a member and want to find out more, contact Danny. | |
Contact to sponsor Oneg or Flowers for Shabbat.
Scroll down to read more about our exciting Oneg Chavurah!
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Friday Night Services for Hukkath
July 12 at 7:30pm
Anniversary Shabbat and Va'ad Installation
Celebrate our 47th anniversary and install our new lay leadership. Our past presidents will pass the Torah from generation to generation of leadership.
Hybrid: On Zoom and In-Person
Led by Rabbi Copeland and Mike Shriver
Drash by Deborah Levy
Register Here for Zoom Service
Meeting ID: 886 7131 3838
Saturday Morning Service
July 13 at 10:00am
Hybrid: On Zoom and In-Person
Join the Zoom Meeting. Meeting ID: 365 434 855 and Passcode: 068575.
To join by phone for either service, dial +1 669 900 9128 or find your local number.
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Mazel Tov to our new Va'ad!
President: Mike Shriver
Vice Presidents: Patty Caplan, Sara Haber and Steve Mazer
Treasurer: Martin Tilzer
Recorder: Morey Lipsett
Board Members: Barbara Cymrot, Brad Friedman, Brandie Solovay, Quinn Martinez, Heidy Zohar Ramirez, Josh Muller, Ruth Schoenbach, Shelli Rawlings-Fein and Tirtza Pearl
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Climate and Justice advocacy for the November Election:
How SZ Members can Help
This Week! Friday, July 12, 6-7pm, Hybrid
RAC-CA (Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism) is rallying advocacy to KEEP THE LAW (recently signed by Gov. Newsom) which bans oil drilling less than 2800 feet from private residences. This Proposition supports climate efforts, as well as racial equity and public health throughout the state. Oil companies are spending enormous amounts of money to overturn the law. Organizer extraordinaire Lee Winkelman will present this effort and educate us on how to best advocate.
co-sponsored by SZ Climate Action Committee, Racial Equity Committee
and Social Action Committee
Sign up for in person
Sign up for Zoom
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Postcard Writing
Sunday, July 14, 11am, Zoom Only
Join us to write postcards together in community to get out the vote. Help us contact registered Black women voters in Florida to inform them about early voting in the general election. This will be a Zoom only postcard party on Sunday, July 14, at 11:00 a.m. (in-person parties resume in August.) Please let Tirtza Pearl or Geri Kahn know if you need postcards and addresses and we will make arrangements to get them to you.
Join Zoom Meeting
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Drash Workshop
Monday, July 15, 7pm, Hybrid
Learn how to write and deliver a drash (sermon)! Author/darsheh Maggid Eli Andrew Ramer and Rabbi Copeland will teach what is unique about a drash, how to find good sources, and common snags. Drash coordinator, Kay Magilavy, will be on hand for signups. Great for newbies and longtime darshehs. Presented by RitCom
Sign up for in person
Sign up for Zoom
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44th San Francisco Jewish Film Festival
July 18 - August 4
Members: Check your emails or contact the office for a special signup for Shabbat Queen screening and Soul Spa experience!
We are proud to be a community partner of the Jewish Film Institute’s 44th San Francisco Jewish Film Festival, taking place July 18 – August 4 in the Bay Area. SFJFF44 will showcase dozens of films, talks, parties, and events that celebrate the latest and greatest in independent Jewish storytelling for audiences everywhere.
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SoulSpa with Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie
Saturday, July 27, 10am, In Person Only at Sha'ar Zahav
Registration Required
Members contact the office or check your email for free access
Start Saturday morning with a meditative spa for the soul and the body. Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie and Shira Kline, will co-lead a 90 minute, musical Shabbat morning service that will provide grounding, gratitude, & contemplative conversations, honoring our ancestors, lifting up healing, and hope. And bagels too. This will be in place of our regular Saturday Morning Shabbat service.
Non-members sign up here
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Shabbat Queen Film Screening
Sunday July 28, 8:05pm, In Person Only at the Palace of Fine Arts
Ticket Purchase Required
Members contact the office or check your email for discount
Sandi DuBowski fixes his gaze on Amichai Lau-Lavie, the “Sabbath Queen,” who emerges from her bathtub sipping Slivovitz on ice to greet Shabbos. Amichai, the heir of 38 generations of Orthodox rabbis, is torn between rejecting and embracing his ancestral destiny. Follow along as he becomes a queer bio-dad, a prince of peace and the founder of Lab/Shul. Can Judaism reinvent itself in a rapidly changing 21st century?
Non-members sign up here
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Blankets, Jackets and Clothing for the Homeless
A project of the Social Action Committee
There is a bin in the lobby at 290 Dolores to collect blankets, jackets, and new and lightly used clothing and socks to be distributed to the homeless by The Gubbio Project. Drop by and drop off some items. We will be doing an ongoing collection.
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History of Israel-Palestine Dual Narrative Style
Monday, July 22 & 29, Hybrid
5:30pm - Watch Party with Dinner
6:30-8pm - Program
Have you been looking for a balanced historical overview of Israel and Palestine from the beginning? Rabbi Maurice Harris, Israel Affairs Specialist with Reconstructing Judaism, employs a dual-narrative approach: teaching the same historical events, first from one perspective, then from the other. Either join us at 5:30pm to watch together, or watch on your own beforehand if possible. Rabbi Harris will join us at 6:30pm. On July 22nd, we'll focus on the first video, on July 29th, we'll focus on the second. See the videos here. Open to all. Watching the videos is highly recommended but not mandatory.
Sign up for in person
Sign up for Zoom
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Israel/Palestine: Let’s Talk!
August 11 & September 8, 2:30-5:30pm, Hybrid
Come to One Session or Both
Members Only
The war between Israel and Hamas continues, following the horrific events of October 7, impacting Gazans, Israelis, folks all around the world, and – of course – all of us. As a congregation we hold the broadest spectrum of perspectives on the war. The program - led by member Claudia Bernard, a professional facilitator, mediator and educator - will include learning, dialogue and reflection designed to strengthen our ability to listen and respond to each other with resilience, sensitivity, curiosity, and respect. Click here to read more
Sign up for in person
Sign up for Zoom
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Sha’ar Zahav’s Israel Trip Sign-up Site is Live!
We’re excited to announce that registration for the Israel trip is Open! The official website for the November 15 to 24, 2024 trip is up and running with information about our trip and registration details. Join us as we explore the impact of the October 7 attack and the war and more through our site visits, nature visits, community service and meetings with NGOs, academics, politicians, Israelis from many communities, guided by an American Jewish and Palestinian Israeli peace builders. If you have disability concerns or other questions about the trip, please email us.
Click here for our trip website.
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Recurring Gatherings and Meetings | |
Weekday Morning Prayer
Weekly on Tuesdays
We will be on break in July. We will start again on Aug. 6
Songs and prayers to set our hearts and minds! This service takes place every Tuesday morning, and is led by community lay leaders and Cantor Bernstein. Contact Cantor Bernstein.
Join the Meeting: Zoom link
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Food Creates Community!
Please join our new Oneg Chavurah with other Sha’ar Zahav members who volunteer to cook, bake or shop to assure we have a plentiful and delicious oneg each week. We’re also building a library of recipes and menus and would welcome your contributions. From now through September, you can sign up to organize, cook, bake or shop — once or many times.
To learn more, please email
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Can you do a mitzvah for someone in our community?
Hineni, our caring community at SZ, is in great need of more volunteers (and in more Bay area regions!) to meet the caring needs of our community. If you can help by making a call, helping with an errand, making a home visit, or offering a ride; please contact Marla Allen, co-chair of Hineni.
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Caregiver's Group
1st Wednesday of the month, 7-8:30pm on Zoom
Are you a caregiver for someone in your life? A parent, relative, spouse? Christina Irving of the Family Caregiver Alliance leads our monthly Caring for the Caregivers group. If you are interested, please reach out to Rabbi Copeland. Find out more about the Alliance here.
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Bereavement Spiritual Support Group in Formation
Led by Rabbi Elliot Kukla
Wednesdays, 12-1:30pm
begins in Fall '24 on Zoom Only
The group is for anyone who is grieving the death of a human being. All types of loss are welcome. Many of our readings will center LGBTQ grief experiences to reflect our community, but all genders and family relationships are welcome. No Jewish knowledge or identification is required. Group size is limited to eight participants and an intake conversation is required pre-registration. To register for an intake conversation email Rabbi Copeland.
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Disability and Accessibility Committee
If you identify as disabled, are exploring that identity or have a loved one with a disability and are interested in joining the Disability and Accessibility Committee, please reach out to the committee for more information. If you are interested in learning more about disability and how you can become a better ally, stay tuned for educational events to come!
Climate Action Committee
The Climate Action Committee is on hiatus. Our next meeting will be the 2nd Monday in August (8/12). If you have any questions or would like to get involved in greening SZ and other shared climate advocacy work, join us in August or contact Deborah Levy any time.
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Social Action Committee
The first Monday (unless a holiday) of the month
6:00pm on Zoom
On fair elections, welcoming the stranger, secure housing and food, ending gun violence, and more! Want to join us? Come to our next meeting or contact Nancy Wecker or Neil Young.
Join the Meeting: Zoom link
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12-Step Meetings by and for SZ Members
Weekly on Thursdays
5:00-6:00pm on Zoom
Join SZ's 12-step group at our new time for some pre-High Holiday reflection in the spirit of recovery! Meetings are open to everyone in our wider SZ community (and the Bay Area Jewish recovery community), and we welcome folks who are members of any 12-step fellowship (AA, NA, Alanon, CMA, etc.). Join us this Thursday at 5pm and use this zoom link. Questions? Email Erika Katske.
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L'Havin: Understanding Israel and Its Neighbors
Last Monday night of each month, 6pm
Members Only
L'Havin: Understanding Israel and Its Neighbors is a Sha'ar Zahav working group that provides our members with support, knowledge, and dialogue skills that deepen our relationship with the land and peoples of Israel and Palestine, and to advance understanding and healing within our Jewish community. You do not need to come with any previous knowledge of the topics we may discuss or with any set viewpoints. In fact, we encourage all to come with open ears and a learner’s mindset. Led by Rachel Nilson-Ralston. Contact the office to add yourself to the listserv.
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Weekly Torah Study Group
Weekly on Wednesday
Lay leaders lead discussions about the weekly Torah reading. Drop-ins welcome, no experience with Torah necessary!
Join the Meeting: Zoom link
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Mussar Discussion Group
Bi-weekly on Thursdays
Mussar is a very practical and flexible spiritual discipline to help you balance soul-traits (Middah/Middot) such as Humility, Loving-Kindness, Generosity, and Silence. Drop-ins are always welcome! Contact Mark Pressler.
Join the Meeting: Zoom link
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Meditation Chavurah
1st Saturday of the month
Everyone is welcome. And you will not regret it! A typical session includes a short and longer silent sit, with chanting, movement, and a short teaching. The group meets on the first and third Saturday of every month.
Join the Meeting: Zoom link
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Hiking Chavurah
2nd Saturday of the month, 9:50am
Join other Sha’ar Zahavniks on monthly urban hikes – mostly in SF but we sometimes venture farther afield. This is a great way to get to know other SZ members while exploring the city and beyond. The hikes usually last about two hours. Email Karen Schiller and Ellen Murland.
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Ikuko Korthof 7/11
Kelly Thiemann 7/12
Naomi Zingman-Daniels 7/12
Jonathan Zimman 7/13
Deborah Udin 7/13
Samuel Pannor-Watenpaugh 7/15
Eliana Smithstein 7/16
Samuel Walters 7/16
Lois Scott 7/16
Leah Goralsky Cohen 7/16
David Zinn 7/16
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While we strive for all our events to be mixed-access, this is not always possible. Some events are only in-person, and some are Zoom only. If you have any questions about a particular event, please contact the office, or the contact listed for the event. | |
Health and Safety Policies at 290 Dolores |
COVID rates are up in the Bay-please stay home if you have any symptoms of illness. As always, we are a mask-optional and mask-friendly community so please wear them if you wish! Help us all stay well!
Sha’ar Zahav expects everyone who attends in-person services and events to be vaccinated against COVID-19. If you are unvaccinated, sick, or experiencing any symptoms of illness, please enjoy services and events via Zoom.
Sha’ar Zahav is a scent-free environment. Because keeping our synagogue safe for those with scent and chemical sensitivities is part of our commitment to accessibility, please refrain from wearing perfume/cologne or using other scented products.
For more information, email the Accessibility Committee.
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