Thursday | February 1, 2024

a cooperative association of Black farmers, landowners, and cooperatives


Climate-Smart Incentives Available for Underserved Farmers

The Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund ("the Federation") was recently awarded a multi-million dollar Climate-Smart Commodities project  under USDA’Partnerships for Climate-Smart CommoditiesThe Federation serves as a designated USDA-Cooperator, and will provide education, outreach, and technical assistance to underserved farmer who adopt certain climate- smart practices.

USDA is supporting underserved farmers, ranchers, and private forest landowners through Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities, a $3.1 billion for 141 projects.

USDA's aims to expand markets for American climate-smart commodities, leverage the greenhouse gas benefits of climate-smart commodity production, while incentivizing underserved producers with, direct and meaningful, benefits to their agricultural, operational bottom-lines.

January 23, 2024 | Federation Live!

FSC/LAF Climate-Smart Outreach Follow-Up

WATCH last week's Federation Live!

Climate-Smart Commodities Project education and outreach discussion with:

  • FSC/LAF's Rural Training and Research Center Director and State Coordinators
  • Forest landowners
  • Cattle ranchers
  • Commodities producers

The discussion was facilitated by the Federation's Director of Communications and Member Relations.

Step 1:

Watch the Video

Question 1: Did you finish watching the informational video above and want to move forward with learning more about adopting climate-smart practices?

Question 2: Are you a Southern forest landowner, cattle rancher, or commodities producer (especially in the states of Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas)?

Question 3: Do you fall into the category of an underserved producer?

If your answer is YES to each question above, let's move forward with getting you signed up for FSC/LAF education, outreach, and technical assistance to see if you are a good fit for any climate-smart project(s)

Step 2:

Complete Intake Form

Move forward to learn how to adopt climate-smart practices. A Federation Outreach Team Member will call you to follow-up within a few business days of your completing the climate-smart intake form.

Complete the Producer Intake form

Step 3:

Review USDA Climate-Smart Dashboard

There are over 141 different projects.

Please click and search for climate-smart projects that interest you.

Climate-Smart Agriculture Project Dashboard

What is Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) ?

Source | Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA)

Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is an approach that helps guide actions to transform agri-food systems towards green and climate resilient practices. CSA supports reaching internationally agreed goals such as the SDGs and the Paris Agreement. It aims to tackle three main objectives: sustainably increasing agricultural productivity and incomes; adapting and building resilience to climate change; and reducing and/or removing greenhouse gas emissions, where possible.

What are Agriculture Commodities?

Source | USDA

Source | The Balance

A climate-smart commodity is defined as an agricultural commodity that is produced using agricultural (farming, ranching or forestry) practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions or sequester carbon.

  • Things you drink, such as sugar, cocoa, coffee, and orange juice. These are called the "soft markets."
  • Grains include wheat, soybeans, soybean oil, rice, oats, and corn.
  • Animals that become food, such as live cattle and pork (called "lean hogs").
  • Things you wouldn't eat, such as cotton and lumber.

What are examples of Climate-Smart practices that an Underserved Producer can receive incentives to adopt?

Source | FSC/LAF Climate-Smart Outreach Team

  • No-Till
  • Minimum Till
  • Agroforestry
  • Cover Crops
  • Virtual Fencing
  • Afforestation
  • Rotation Grazing
  • Nutrient Management
  • Precision Application

What is an Underserved Producers?

Source | 7 USC § 1508(a)(7)

(7) Adequate coverage for States and underserved producers

(A) Definitions In this paragraph:

(i) Adequately served The term “adequately served” means having a participation rate, by crop, that is at least 50 percent of the national average participation rate.

(ii) Underserved producer The term “underserved producer” means an individual (including a member of an Indian Tribe) that is—

(I) a beginning farmer or rancher;

(II) a veteran farmer or rancher; or

(III) a socially disadvantaged farmer or rancher.

Step 4:

Contact Us

Contact the Federation and let us help you adopt climate-smart practices.


In the subject line please provide your name and state

For example:

James Daniel | Georgia

In the body of the email please provide the projects that interest you from the USDA Climate-Smart Project Dashboard, and any questions that you may have.

Administrative Office

2769 Church Street

East Point, Georgia, 30344

(404) 765-0991

Rural Training & Research Center

575 Federation Road

Gainesville, Alabama




Alabama State Association

Alabama Field Office

575 Federation Road

Gainesville, Alabama


Georgia Field Office

624 W Oglethorpe Blvd.

Albany, GA 31701

(229) 432-5799

Florida Field Office

224 NW Hillsboro Street

Lake City, FL 32055

(404) 765-0991

Louisiana Field Office

3717 Prescott Road

Alexandria, Louisiana 71301

 (318) 704-2423

Mississippi Association of Cooperatives

Mississippi Field Office

233 E. Hamilton Street

Jackson, MS 39202

(601) 944-0592

South Carolina

(404) 765-0991

Texas Field Office

Mississippi Field Office

233 E. Hamilton Street

2002 W. Grand Parkway, North

Suite 305

Katy, TX 77449

713 -634-7385

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WATCH this historic Video from the Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund Archives: It's Not a One Person Thing

The Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund is a 57-year-old cooperative association of Black farmers, landowners, and cooperatives founded by twenty-two cooperatives.

Our mission is to be a catalyst for the development of self-supporting communities through cooperative economic development, land retention, and advocacy. We envision sustainable rural communities supported by a network of farmers, landowners, and cooperatives based on local control and ownership.