Climate action plan update
We know many people in the community have suffered disruptions and loss from the recent ice storm. We hope you are recovering, and if you are among the people who need assistance, some resources are available at As our community recovers from this emergency, we wanted to provide an update on the climate action plan project.
As we kicked off 2021, the climate action planning process has continued to move forward. With two new commissioners joining the County Board on January 4, we have slowed the process a little as they get up to speed on this and many other county projects. However, staff and the consultant team have continued to make progress on the project.
Our consultants at SSG and whatIf? have completed the initial analysis of our communities’ emissions, which will form the data foundation for the climate action plan and understanding the impact of proposed actions.
We had over 60 applicants for our Community Advisory Task Force (CATF), bringing perspectives from all corners of the county and many areas of experience. We hope to announce members of this group once the Board of Commissioners has had a chance to become more oriented to the project.
We also opened applications for our Youth Advisory Task Force, and had 24 outstanding applicants. Working with our Public and Government Affairs Department, this group will provide an opportunity for members of our community under age 25 to explore the climate issues they find most pressing and help shape the climate action plan.