With our whole being may we give witness to the
goodness that is all around us.

Gospel Living
Unity in Diversity

Giving $1.5 million for climate justice advocacy

Lisa Brouellette and Emily Orth, FSPA partners in mission, tend to bee colonies on FSPA land on St. Joseph Ridge.

"This moment calls for a more unified Catholic sister voice ... to face the enormous challenge of climate change," says Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration Sue Ernster in the Global Sisters Report article, "With Franciscan sisters' $1.5 million gift, Network to take on climate lobbying." The funds will support the organization's ministry of climate justice, an advocacy that Network Executive Director Mary Novak says "really does flow from the wisdom and discernment of the sisters." Read the full article at globalsistersreport.org.

FSPA in the News

Sisters Meg Earsley and Sarah Hennessey were recently interviewed at St. Rose Convent by Jack Socha, host of La Crosse's Connecting the Diocese radio show.

"God busts in when he wants to bust in," says Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration Sarah Hennessey in "Good Advice," a recent episode of the La Crosse radio show, "Connecting the Diocese." In conversation with show host Jack Socha, she and Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration Meg Earsley offer paths to spirituality via simplicity that include prayer and even the mobile app "Pray as You Go." Listen to more of the discussion at connecting.diolc.org.

Messy Jesus Business Blog

In her new Messy Jesus Business Blog, Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration Julia Walsh writes that "... part of the mission that God has given us is to build a world where we demonstrate that every person, species and speck made by God is worthy of honor and respect." We invite you to read "Worthy and unworthy" and get more messy Jesus business by subscribing to the blog at messyjesusbusiness.com.

FSPA Moments in Time

One hundred and seventy-four years ago, FSPA’s foundresses traveled from their parish in Ettenbeuren, Bavaria, to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where, on May 28, 1849, Bishop John Martin Henni received them into the diocese.

This is what St. Rose Convent looked like in 1881.

Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration Rosalia Bauer, Arlene Melder, Cecilia Corcoran, Linda Riesberg and Pauline Wittry recently enjoyed a trip to Paul E. Stry Nature Preserve in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

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