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 Clinical Research in Autism


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In honor and in memory

of Dr. Bernard Rimland,

Autism Pioneer and Advocate

 Issue: # 41                           

August-September 2019

Dear Subscriber,


This e-newsletter provides obstetricians, pediatricians, and nurses with links to the latest research on ways to understand and to help children and adults on the autism spectrum.  Please feel free to send us your comments and feedback to: [email protected]


Previous issues of this e-newsletter can be viewed at: www.ClinicalResearchInAutism.com.


Steve Edelson, Ph.D. and Lenny Schafer


Being anemic while pregnant may increase a woman's chance of having a child with intellectual disability, autism or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
[Original article appeared in JAMA Psychiatry]
[Original article appeared in the  Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry]
[Original article appeared in the  Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders]
Exploring a possible link between C-Sections and autism children born by cesarean section may have important differences that affect their neurodevelopment.
[Original article appeared in JAMA Network Open]
[Original article appeared in Autism Research]
[Original article appeared in the  Journal of Perinatology ]
Diagnosis and Prognosis
[Original article appeared in the  Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry]
[Original article appeared in Molecular Autism]
[Original article appeared in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities]
[Original article appeared in the  International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology]
[Original article appeared in  Biological Psychiatry]
[Original article appeared in Current Biology]
[Original article appeared in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry ]
Language skills can benefit from parents' early support, interactions
[Original article appeared in Autism Research]
[Original article appeared in Pediatrics]
[Original article appeared in Pediatrics ]