Standard Operating Procedures (SOP):
Two new HRPP SOPs have been issued!
HRPP-SOP-008 Addressing Research Participants Inquiries and Concerns, and HRPP-SOP-009 Assessing and Reporting Safety and Deviations can now be found here, along with previously issued SOPs. Stay tuned for more SOPs to be added in the coming months.
Access to Personal Health Information (PHI) for Research Purposes:
A new Access to PHI consent form and process for signed forms are on the horizon.
The new Access to PHI consent form incorporates an option for NovaStudies Connect. More information to follow in the coming weeks.
Work Instructions:
A work instruction is a document created for a particular research team that details how a procedure may be carried out in that research team. It does not apply to any other team. Responsibility for the content, including ensuring alignment with existing direction and revising as needed, rests with the research manager or appropriate research team member. Work Instructions describing the PHI used are submitted to the REB before the process is implemented.
As more HRPP SOPs are published, work instructions are encouraged as a routine for teams to define their specific processes. Please note that these work instructions supplement institutional SOPs, and do not replace the related SOP.