Sanctuary Closed Sunday

The Grotto will be closed again today, Sunday, Jan. 14, due to the storm. This includes all Masses.

Please check our website,, for updates about reopening.

In the meantime, please enjoy a few more scenes from last year's snow storm.

Stay warm everyone!

Gracious and ever-loving God, help me to seek you, to learn from you, to know you. I so often get caught up in my thoughts, my daily routine, and my circle of friends and family that I forget about everything else. Remind me of the Big Picture: others around me who I do not see.

Open my mind and heart to their needs and burdens.M ay I tend to others as sisters and brothers.

Broaden my view and understanding of the world around me. May I tend to the earth as a steward.

Help me to see others and the world with your eyes - your view becoming more loving and forgiving; patient and kind.

I pray that each day I grow to be ever more faithful to the teachings and life of your Son. I humbly ask all this through Jesus Christ your Son, in union with the Holy Spirit.
