Quarterly Newsletter | Fall 2020
Upcoming Events
Virtual Camp -Christmas Crafts
December 3, 2020 2:00pm (via Zoom)
Virtual Camp -Christmas Caroling
December 17, 2020 2:00pm (via Zoom)
Watch your email inbox for future event announcements.
Message from the Executive Director
It’s been quite a year – like no other in Camp Health, Hope & Happiness sixty years of operation. With our 2020 summer camps cancelled, facility rental program shut down, and staff numbers reduced since mid-March, things behind the Camp He Ho Ha gates have been eerily quiet.

We have worked hard to stay connected with our camper community by offering Zoom programs/meetings since early June. It’s been wonderful to visit with so many of our campers virtually and reassure them that we will be back hosting summer programs just as soon as we can. For every one of our campers, their caregivers and those of us at Camp He Ho Ha that day can not come soon enough. Until then we will continue to offer an opportunity for campers, caregivers and past summer staff members to connect via Zoom throughout the winter months.

We remain positive that some good news is just around the corner and our campers can look forward to another magical summer on Lake Isle in 2021.

Once again, I thank you for your financial support during these most challenging times in Camp Health, Hope & Happiness’ history of providing summer camps for people with disabilities.

I wish each of you and your families wellness and peace this holiday season.

Stay Well,
Greg Nielsen
Executive Director,
Camp Health, Hope & Happiness
Donate Now
Every single donation makes a difference in helping change lives and empowering people of all abilities at Camp Health, Hope & Happiness. The incredible work we do is only possible because of donors like you. With your support, individuals with physical and mental disabilities will be able to attend more than just summer camp; they will be empowered through activities with memories that last!
Virtual 'Summer' Camps
Virtual Camps are BACK!

The fall line-up of virtual camp programs resumed this October. Some of the camper's favourite are back on Zoom. For updates and meet-up schedules keep your eyes on your email inbox for updates.

The virtual camp programs include some of our most beloved programs such as skit night, arts and crafts, bingo, and virtual campfires! Virtual programs are hosted through Zoom and open to all our campers!

We look forward to seeing you online soon.
*If you are interested in joining, but have not received any virtual camps emails please email [email protected].
Camp's Cheerleader “Gone but not Forgotten”
In Loving Memory of Ivor McBeath
There are times when it’s beyond difficult to express how devastating the loss of an individual can be to an organization. 
This; is one of those times.  

Ivor MacBeath had been a volunteer for 54 years with the Associated Canadian Travellers organization, which he joined in 1966. When he joined the ACT Edmonton Club, he jumped in with both feet, volunteering for Telerama, Gold Brick, Casinos, Bingos, and serving on the ACT Board of Directors. Many of the proceeds raised through these endeavours were donated to Camp. As he became aware of Camp He Ho Ha’s mission, and the very significant role his new club played in the health and well-being of the Camp, Ivor became instantly involved.
 His journey with Camp Health, Hope & Happiness on Lake Isle started in 1992 when he and his partner Betty volunteered at Camp’s first Snowmobile Rally. 
You would find him directing traffic, parking vehicles, setting up tables, cleaning up after the dinner and dance, and whatever else was required. I’ll always remember Ivor and Betty moving to the rock and roll music just as smooth as butter!
Ivor served as Camp’s Casino Chairman for numerous years, managing it from start to finish. This can be a daunting task, attempting to secure sufficient individuals, but he always managed to have an entire complement of volunteers for every Casino. It was difficult to say “No” to Ivor when he asked for a favour. A commitment was a commitment to Ivor, and he always delivered.
Ivor never missed an Open House, a day of appreciation for our donors, friends and family. Again, he was ready to assist with any task.  
Since 1994, Ivor has served on the Board of Directors in various capacities except for a handful of years. Ivor was serving as the President of the Camp Board at the time of his passing.
“The heart of a volunteer is not measured in size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others.”  This; was the epitome of Ivor!
Ivor will be missed! He will be remembered as Camp’s cheerleader, a volunteer extraordinaire, an advocate, a confidant and a great friend.
As Dr. Suess said, “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” Wise advice but sometimes hard to do.
Thank you Edmonton ACT/UCT #1016
A big thank you to the ACT / UCT #1016 Edmonton Club for their most recent support of Camp He Ho Ha. The club has pledged 2 gifts (one in Winter 2020, one in Spring 2021) to update Camp technology and maintenance equipment.

These gifts are two of many in a longstanding history of generous philanthropy on the part of ACT. Thank you so much ACT / UCT #1016 Edmonton Club for your incredible generosity.
Thank you Stony Plain Kinsmen Club for your Support
For decades, the Kinsmen Club of Stony Plain has worked to 'Serve the community's greatest needs.' 
Despite a vastly different world than normal, the group hosted their Annual Partner's Event to award funding to many deserving organizations.

The event wasn't the same as in previous years, but the feelings of appreciation and generosity still resonated loudly. We are so grateful for the ongoing support of the Kinsmen Club of Stony Plain.
Thank you so much to everyone who joined, supported, shared, and donated to the #Gratitude60 campaign. Together you helped us celebrate the incredible history of Camp He Ho Ha. You continue to support a place of acceptance, inclusion, and love for thousands of Albertans with disabilities. If you haven't already, please take some time to reflect on all that you are thankful for, why you love Camp, and share your positive thoughts and gratitude with others.

In total 261 donors helped 36 participants raise $29,520 for Camp.

Thank you, this would not have been possible without our amazing and supportive camp community. We appreciate you so much!
Chwelos Family Foundation Gives the Next Generation of Campers a Special Place to Play and Relax
Tom Chwelos attended camp for many years and sadly passed at age 55 in 2005. The time Tom spent at camp was very special to both him and the rest of the Chwelos family; so much so that the Chwelos DeBelser Family Foundation has made several substantial gifts to Camp Health, Hope & Happiness over the years.

The Chwelos DeBelser Family Foundation graciously donated the funds to erect the waterfront gazebo in Tom's Loving Memory.

Tom's Place (the waterfront gazebo) serves as a special place that brings joy, laughter, and peaceful contemplation to campers each week.

Tom's genuine love for life lives on through the next generation of campers that get to enjoy Camp He Ho Ha just like Tom.
Air Canada 'Shoot For Cause' Prize Winner
The Air Canada Foundation has been a strong supporter of the Shoot for Cause Archery Fundraiser in support of Camp for many years. They have generously donated a pair of tickets to awarded, by a random draw, to a participant who has raised significant pledges for Camp He Ho Ha.

Although no physical event was run this year, our participants still managed to raise over $30,000.00! This incredible amount of funds raised even without an event speaks to the large hearts of our archers.

A random draw of participants who raised the qualifying amount of money, resulted in Don Kotanko receiving the pair of tickets for travel for two for any destination within North America courtesy of Air Canada. Congratulations Mr. Kotanko, and thank you again to the Air Canada Foundation for your generous support.
Congratulations Terry Hanlon
A huge Camp He Ho Ha thank you and congratulations to Terry Hanlon! Terry was the top pledge earner for the #Gratitude60 campaign with a total of $5,595 raised!

As the top pledge earner, Terry received a $500 Amazon gift card for his efforts in our first ever completely virtual fundraiser.

Thank you again to everyone who participated in our #Gratitude60 campaign.
Thank You for Your Support!
2020 is certainly a unique year at Camp and around the world. Thank you to those of you who have already given in 2020, despite the uncertainty of life amid these challenging times.

The value your donation brings to campers, their families, and caregivers is immeasurable. For the mothers, fathers, caregivers, and family members of individuals with disabilities finding supportive and inclusive respite programs can be a challenge. Having a reputable facility and programs like ours means more than words can explain.

Thank you to everyone who has given this year. Your generous contribution ensures that our facility can be open and available in 2021 and the future. Together we can create an atmosphere of love where each individual is celebrated, and campers are encouraged to be themselves and believe in their abilities.
Helping a person with disabilities experience inclusion and unconditional love in a safe environment is a gift only someone like you can provide to countless individuals with disabilities and their families.