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December 2022 Issue

Happy Holidays, Thank You for all Your Support

As we close out 2022, we wanted to thank you for all the support you've given C-STEM this year. For more than two decades, we've had the opportunity to directly impact underrepresented and underserved students thanks to YOU. Thank you for giving your time, money, support, and enthusiasm. You, the C-STEM family, are our biggest cheerleaders and the most steadfast warriors for our mission to make STEM education accessible to all.

We can never thank you enough, and we wish you and yours a warm, safe holiday season!

STEM Education Insights

Peer Mentoring Empowers Female STEM Students

Written by: Reagan Flowers, Ph.D.

According to a new study, mentoring from fellow students could be the key to improving academic experiences and success for female STEM students in college and beyond. The research project followed 150 female engineering students over eight years, from 2011-2019.

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Be Part of Our Mission

Are you a teacher needing STEMSTEAM Toolkits.png


Download the 2022 State of STEM Report
Register for STEM Toolkit Scholarship
Sign up for C-STEM Challenge Program

The C-STEM Challenge theme for the 2022-23 academic year

Climate Tech: Creating Innovative Solutions

Get in touch with us to learn more!

Opportunities & Deadlines


Don't miss out on upcoming STEM opportunities! This month, we’ve compiled even more opportunities to share!

For Students & Parents

Girl Day at UT Austin

This free hands-on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fun day for elementary and middle school students, families, and educators takes place on Saturday, Feb. 25 from 11:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. CT on The University of Texas at Austin campus.

Register or volunteer

Simform Scholarship

Simform offers a scholarship for students majoring in STEM.

Apply now

Free STEM Activities by Grade

Download free worksheets, activities, and experiments for PreK - 8th grade.

Get activities

For Teachers & Leaders

National Science Foundation Funding

The National Science Foundation is now accepting proposals for funding for undergraduate or graduate STEM programs, building projects and more.

Submit proposal by March 2

STEM Education Summit

The Smithsonian Science Education Center and Shell USA, Inc. are hosting a STEM Education Summit on March 3-5, 2023 in New Orleans to engage leadership teams throughout the U.S. who have identified problems attracting and retaining a diverse STEM teaching workforce. 

Learn more and apply

This Month's Highlights

Socially the Holidays Bring C-STEM Supporters Together

It is always a delight gathering in December for laughter and good cheer. December is the month when we reflect on and celebrate all we have been able to achieve in STEM education with the help of our village. Thank you to all who have donated this month to help C-STEM finish strong.

Blast from the Past

We enjoy taking you down memory lane and are always hopeful that you spot yourself in a video or image that we share. C-STEM has touched so many lives in communities near and far. It is our hope that this memory places a smile on your face and warms your heart. We are so grateful for every member of the C-STEM family!

This month, we're taking you back to 2014, with some of our exciting and heartwarming highlights from that year. We hope you enjoy!

Upcoming Events


U.S. Education Department Launches STEM Initiative

Peer Mentorship in STEM Education

STEM Graduate Programs Should Embrace Failure

STEM Study Proposes New Method for Education Research

Scholarship Program Aims for More Representative STEM Workforce

Computer Science Could Help with Learning Disabilities

Preparing Future Problem Solvers

Next Generation Science Standards

New NASA Program Boosts Student STEM Interest

Using Space to Inspire the Next Generation

Female STEM Faculty Paid Less for Research

2023 Sheldon ISD C-STEM Challenge Competition

Saturday, April 22, 2023

9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

C.E. King Middle School

2023 National C-STEM Challenge Competition


Saturday, April 22, 2023

8 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Virtually on CSTEMbreak

11th State of STEM Education Stakeholder Breakfast

Friday, June 9, 2023

7:30 a.m. - 9 a.m.

The Junior League of Houston

Learn more

Thank You to Our Sponsors and Partners!

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Executive Board

Ahmad Shaheed                      Marlon K. Scott

Chairman                                Treasurer

Dr. Reagan Flowers            Dr. Kelly Cole

President                             Director

Kristal Palmer                Ellana Turner

Director                          Director

Chairman Emeritus

Earl Cummings was the founding Chairman of the executive board and served 16 years earning Emeritus status. Earl maintains an active role with C-STEM. 


Earl Cummings

Chairman Emeritus

Advisory Board

Michael Aldridge

Shomari Williams

Joi Beasley

Zawadi Bryant

Bobby Bryant

Lucy Bremond

Antonio ‘Tony’ Canales

LaQuita Cyprian

Laolu Davies Yemitan

Gayle Fallon

Ruthie Esene

Michael Harris

Renee Logans

David Medina

Antoinette Jackson

Scott Minnix

Dr. Sandra Saldana Ortega

Susan Taylor

Dr. Frazier Wilson

Syalisa Winata

Ross Peters

Dr. Robert Satcher

Charles Samuel

Miloni Shah

Cherrilyn B. Nedd

Dr. Martina Ogbonna

Dr. Letitia Franklin Ozoude

We are C-STEM!


C-STEM Teacher and Student Support Services, Inc.

3226 Alabama Street

Houston, Texas  77004

Office: (713) 443-4521  Email:  Website:

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