Issue No. 188 | Mar. 27, 2020
Dedicated to the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
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Video Lectures (中文)
Caijing's open class series 财经战『疫』云课堂 is an opportunity to take a deep-dive into how expert Chinese economists are explaining the economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic.

There are 10 classes available so far, each approximately 1 hour long.

In the latest video lecture , Bai Chong'en (白重恩), a noted economist who holds the Mansfield Freeman Chair in Economics at Tsinghua University, discusses how to deal with the economic shock caused by the pandemic.
俗语 from Xi Jinping's Speeches
shě shēng wàng sǐ

Meaning : bravery with no thought of personal safety; risking life and limb; undaunted by perils

Original : "在新冠肺炎疫情防控斗争中,你们青年人同在一线英勇奋战的广大疫情防控人员一道,不畏艰险、冲锋在前、舍生忘死,彰显了青春的蓬勃力量,交出了合格答卷。"

Source : Xi Jinping letter to 90后 party members of Peking University's Aid E medical team, sent March 16, 2020.
Weekly Reading
We recommend reading Holly Snape ’s  guide to Resources for Researching with Party and Government Documents, featured in the  latest issue of Neican on March 22. The original version was published as a Wechat  post .

This is very informative and straightforward guide to how you can take on the daunting but critical task of reading primary language sources for yourself.

For many of us, watching Chinese TV series is one of the easiest ways to refresh our Mandarin language skills.

To see what TV shows are airing in China, check out CCTV 8 , or browse the gamut of streaming sites such as iQiyi , QQTV and Baidu TV .

The list of 电视剧 below is not comprehensive, but is just to highlight some of the shows that have been popular among Chinese viewers during self-quarantine.

Popular romance dramas

Costume/period dramas
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