Volume 87 Issue 37 | August 30, 2020
Jacksonville Florida's Oldest Business and Civic Organization Founded in 1932
This week we welcome Penny Kievet, Executive Director of The City Rescue Mission as she speaks to us about the effects of Covid-19 on the homeless population.

To view future Guest Speakers and Events, please visit our Upcoming Events Calendar.
This week we welcomed Charlie Cofer, Public Defender as he spoke to us of the innovations the Criminal Justice System underwent when the Florida Supreme Court suspended all court functions in response to Covid-19. Due to jails being severely over capacity, non-violent misdemeanor inmates were released and video conference capabilities for court proceedings were added. Court has since been running pretty well, however there are still several phases to follow before it will be back to fully functioning.

Brandon Stanko
2020 1st Vice President
Wednesday, September 9 will be a special meeting you won't want to miss as we will be hosting our annual Past Presidents' Day.

Please join us as we recognize all those who have served as an SBMC President to our great Club!
The Annual Crump Kirby Memorial YAP Golf classic has been rescheduled to September 21st, and will be held at the Golf Club at South Hampton.

With roll-back pricing, the cost per golfer is just $100!
Additionally, the cost for a hole sponsorship is also just $100!
We are looking for lunch and dinner sponsorships for $500-1000.
The tournament will provide lunch before we play and a BBQ dinner after!