Hello Fall 2017 Learners Chess Parents and Friends!

Fall 2017 Club Updates: We are very pleased with the progress our students and clubs are making so far this semester. A lot of learning zone activities are taking place and our newest students are noticeably improving at chess! You can help us by having them play at least three games of chess each week outside of chess club. And the more they play the better!
We are also getting to engage our more advanced students with leadership opportunities and with more advanced chess puzzles and concepts.

Chess Ladders: We will soon be introducing our chess ladders in each club. Some have already started with it. A chess ladder is a tool we use to identify our top players for our team tournament and to inject a healthy competitive spirit into each club. It is basically a board with all of their names written on interchangeable name plates and when they play "ladder games," a win can move them up the board and a loss could have another player move ahead of them.
Sometimes the ladders can be intimidating for some players and so if your player is bringing home anxiety about the chess ladder, please let them know it is just a tool to help the chess club's team be the best it can be. And also, if they are really worked up about it, we do not need to keep their name on the ladder.
We will continue teaching lessons and having fun days as well, but the opportunity to play ladder games will now be there for our top players to sort out where they'll play on the chess team on December 3rd.

December 3rd Regional Team Chess Tournaments: Registration is Now Open !

We now have registration open for our Central NM Team Chess League Regional Tournaments on Sunday, December 3rd!
Here are the basic details and flyers for each regional tournament:

December 3rd Tournament Schedule

  • Morning 9:00am-12:30pm, NW Mesa Regional, flyer
  • NW Mesa Clubs: Chamiza Conejos, E Stapleton Coyotes, Maggie Cordova Dragons, Marie Hughes Huskies, SABE, Sandia Vista Thunder, Seven Bar Wranglers, St. Thomas Aquinas Pelicans, Sunset View Mountain Lions, Tierra Antigua Firebirds, Ventana Ranch Roadrunners
  • Morning 9:00am-12:30pm, Rio Grande Valley Regional, flyer
  • Rio Grande Valley Clubs: Alvarado All Stars, Corrales Cubs, Dolores Gonzales Tigers, E San Jose Lizzards, Escuela del Sol, Griegos Mustangs, Lew Wallace Bear Cubs, Montessori of the Rio Grande Dragonflies, Mountain Mahogany, The Montessori School Butterflies
  • Afternoon 1:00-4:30pm, ABQ Metro Regional, flyer
  • ABQ Metro Clubs: Alice King Roadrunners, Bandelier Bears, Cien Aguas Roadrunners, Coral Sea Horses, Holy Ghost Eagles, Lowel Unicorns, Manzano Mesa Meerkats. Monte Vista Penguins, St. Charles Cardinals, Zuni Eagles
  • Afternoon 1:00-4:30pm, Sandia Heights , flyer
  • Sandia Heights Clubs: A Montoya Mountain Lions, Acton Academy, Arroyo del Oso Bears, Double Eagles Double Eagles, Eastern Hills Eagles, Georgia O'Keeffe Rams, Hubert Humphrey Hawks, North Star Wolves, Placitas Panthers, San Antonito Roadrunners

December 3rd Bughouse Tournament

  • Early Evening 5:00-6:45pm: State Bughouse Championship!
  • Bughouse is a fun kid friendly variant of chess that is most accurately described as tandem chess, where kids share chess pieces they've captured with their partner to try and checkmake their opposing team.
  • Youth and Open Sections available!
  • Pay what you can registration fee!
  • Trophies awarded to top youth and overall bughouse teams!
  • Register your child for the bughouse tournament here.

Fall Semester Single Day Chess Camps
Our fall break camps were a huge success! And they all filled up to capacity so definitely get registered soon if you plan to utilize one of these camps!

Who: All chess Learners (beginners to advanced players) are welcome!
When: Mix and match any combination of half or full days that fits your needs! -  Half days (8:30am-noon or 1pm-4:30pm) of Full days (8:30am-4:30pm) with before and after care available!  Discount for multiple days!

November Camps (Monday and Tuesday before Thanksgiving Break):

Cost: Sign up early to get the best price! Full day prices range from $35 per day to $45 per day and half days range from $20 to $30 per day, depending on how early you sign up! Also 10% off for siblings and 10% off for multiple days!
Where: Our headquarters at 532 Adams NE, Albuquerque (near Washington and Lomas). 
Sign up soon to reserve your spot!
Plan ahead! Winter Chess Camp Registration is NOW OPEN !

Remember, to get registered early to secure your spot and the best early bird discount available!
  Chess Practice Online!
Learn and Brush Up on The Basics

Both these links come from the free and open sourced chess website, lichess.org. The site is free and has no ads. You can create an account for free and set it to "kid mode" for your kids to play on without you having to constantly monitor.
Support Learners Chess!
Get your Holiday Shopping Started and Support Learners Chess!
  • Shop on AmazonSmile! Use this link to make any purchase you would normally make on amazon and amazon smile will donate 1% of your purchase to Learners Chess Academy!

  • Go Solar! If you are interested in going solar, you can use this link to schedule a free consultation and if you end up going solar, Learners Chess will receive a $200 donation!

  • Designate Vaya Verde dba Learners Chess Academy as a recipient in your work place giving campaign through United Way

  • Or make a donation to support our need-based scholarship fund and other charitable projects such as Learners Without Borders and the Central NM Team Chess League!
Thank you for reading and staying connected!

-Coach Victor Lopez and the enitre team at Learners Chess
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