Office of Christian Formation

Oficina de Formación Cristiana

February 2023

Dear Nina,

We love because he first loved us. (1 John 4:19)

God’s example of love reminds us again and again of our need to love one another. We cannot truly receive God’s love if we are not willing to love in return.

During this season of love, may we remember that we can love because God first loved us, and we must love because He loved us first. 

Teresa Lee


Sacrament Study Day

For new leaders and anyone wanting a refresher about the diocesan Instruction for Sacraments - Infant Baptism, First Penance, and First Holy Communion. Lunch will be provided.

Compare USCCB-approved curriculum programs. Ask your questions directly to the publishers. Make informed decisions.

Publishers will include their resources for parent and family support, as well as digital resources. Bilingual materials will be available for preview.

There is no cost to attend this event and lunch or dinner is provided.

Contact Megan Cottam [email protected]

Lay Ecclesial Ministry Institute (LEMI) is a comprehensive formation opportunity for Diocese of Richmond lay leaders who have at least one year of leadership experience. 

The program includes diocesan sponsored workshops, an annual spiritual retreat, and earning a Master of Arts degree in Theology or a Certificate in Catechesis from an approved university. 

Contact Tracy Brookmire at [email protected]

Resource Highlight: Real + True, a video-based series on topics from the Catechism Available in Spanish, Portuguese, & French

If you have only ten minutes to plan, we can help you incorporate parent participation and prayer into your First Communion Retreats with Family Adoration time. Click below to get started:

The vision behind family adoration

Family adoration script

Coming Events

Office of Christian Formation | Catholic Diocese of Richmond | (804) 359-5661 |[email protected] |

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