Weekly News & Updates

Dear Members and Friends,

Hallween's coming and you can celebrate by entering the Co-op's Pumpkin Carving Contest!  See the poster below for details.

Tarot Readings with Glenn Hendrick

Just in time for Halloween:
Saturday, October 27th
12 pm - 3 pm

Glenn has been reading tarot cards for the past five years and uses them for perspective, clarity, and illumination. The deck she reads with was made by her own hands, each card painted in ink and watercolor with imagery based on the Ryder Waite deck.

For those unfamiliar, tarot is a system of divination using numbers and images, going back at least 300 years. There are 72 cards in the modern Tarot deck, divided into the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana.  Each card can contain multiple meanings, and those meanings can change depending on their relationship to other cards in the spread.  Given the many possibilities present in the cards, each reading is unique to the moment and experience of the individual.  It is up to the querent and the reader to connect and focus the message of the cards.

Readings will be $5 to pull one card, $15 for three cards.


  Sasquatch Sundays!

In honor of National Co-op Month, we are introducing a new membership benefit -- Sasquatch Sundays!

Beginning in October, members will receive 10% off their entire purchase on the last Sunday of every month. In addition, the shopper that finds the hidden sasquatch figurine in the store increases their discount to 25%!

Be sure to come in on Sunday the 28th to maximize your membership.

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In the Store this Week

We're excited to welcome Haley Murto as the new cashier at the co-op!

Haley grew up and went to school in Florida and recently completed her yoga teacher training in Sarasota. She's passionate about running, herbalism, and bullet journaling.

Haley just recently moved to Friday Harbor and is looking forward to being part of a smaller community that supports agriculture, ethics, and healthy living. Please welcome her to the island and the co-op next time you're at the register!


Aurora Farms:  Romanesco green beans, arugula

Blue Moon: carrots, leeks, shallots, celeriac,

Dancing Seeds: Curly endive, kale

Dog Island: shiitake mushrooms

Federico Farm: micro-greens, sugar pie pumpkins, spinach, arugula

Horse Drawn: cilantro, chard, kale, purple & amarosa fingerling potatoes, cabbage, salad mix, spinach, blue ballet & kabocha squash

Mama Bird: greens

Maple Rock Farm:  delicata squash, beets

Mitchell Bay Farm:  Asian pears, quince

Nootka Rose: kale, chard, carrots, lettuce mix, gailon, red, yukon gold & fingerling potatoes, spinach, purple bell peppers & sunshine squash
Sweet Earth: Macintosh, Jonathan, Mutsu, and Royal Court apples, hubba hubba & kabocha winter squashes, padron peppers  

Old Copper Farm:  garlic, butternut & blue hubbard squashes

Pear Point Farm:  "candy corn" pumpkins

Zach Chan: butterhead and cegolaine lettuce, savoy & red cabbage, white cauliflower, Italian eggplant, waldron kale, broccoli, & parsley


Andersen Organics, Othello, WA:  acorn squash

All Seasons, Langley, BC:  crimini & portobello mushrooms

Cascadia Mushrooms, Bellingham, WA: chanterelles (!!)

Siri & Sons, Clackamas, OR:  scallions

Hopewell Farms, Everson, WA: brussels sprouts,

Maywood Farm, Corning, CA:  Black Mission figs

Osprey Hill, Acme, WA:  collard greens, fennel bulbs, chiogga radicchio, mint

Boldy Grown Farm, Burlington, WA: treviso radicchio

Local Roots, Duvall, WA: Romanesco cauliflower

Top Hat, Salem & Scio, OR:  shiitake mushrooms

Ralph's G reenhouse, Mt. Vernon, WA: carrots, parsnips, leeks
Ralph's Greenhouse:   200 acre field of leeks, just south of Mt. Vernon




1.5 lb. bags of frozen blueberries are due this week from Bow Hill Blueberry farm


3 new teas from Traditional Medicinals:  Turmeric, Ginger Aid, and Seasonal Sampler -- just in time for the winter cold season.  

Twin Sister Whatcom Blue Cheese through Samish Bay Creamery

Halloween candy due on Tuesday:  Candy Corn and Pumpkin Pops


More new Supplements:

We now have award winning, whole food based, organic multi vitamins and minerals from Natural Vitality.  In liquid or capsule form.

In addition, we have added a new women's specific whole food based multivitamin plus stress support from Rainbow Light.

We also have Joint Health Specific collagen supplements from NeoCell.

Back on the HABA Shelves:

Himalaya Organics ayurvedically based adapatogenic herbs and herbal blends:





Preserving the Harvest

Not long ago, people relied on preserving foods their families produced or foraged during the growing season to sustain them from equinox to equinox and beyond. There are many people among us who remember helping out in their families' Victory Gardens during the hard times of World War II, growing as much of their own food as possible. 

In our time of full service grocery stores when seasons are forgotten, when half of everyone claims not to know how to cook food much less grow it, and when restaurants and families can serve whatever they fancy any day of the year, it's not just folks with garden surplus who like to continue the traditional household methods of preserving the tastes of summer for the rest of the year and for gifts and celebrations. Practicing the old ways gives comfort and satisfaction, a sense of continuity, and a measure of food security and self-reliance.

There are many ways to preserve foods.  We are planning a series about canning, freezing, drying, jamming, pickling, fermenting, salt curing, and root cellaring to bring the year to an end. 

-- Alice Deane  

  To open the series, we begin with a rerun of last year's column about fermenting:


Our gardens aren't sleeping yet in spite of the fast-approaching winter solstice. There are some good looking cabbages hereabouts and lots of other good produce.  Many people like to preserve foods the old way by fermenting. Here are recipes offered by people we all know and love. 

My recipe for Sauerkraut

I use 2.5 tsp of salt and 1 tsp caraway seed for every pound of cabbage.

I use very sharp knife to slice the cabbage on a wooden cutting board.

I then use stainless steel bowl.
And I knead the cabbage by hand, for as long as my hand can take it. This is to get as much juice out of the cabbage as possible.  

Then I put it in quart jars and really pound it in to make sure the juice covers the cabbage.  I use yogurt lid into the jar to cover the cabbage and sometimes anything that can be used as a weight on top of yogurt lid. Then put the lid on, not too tight, air must escape. Leave on the counter for 10 days, and then refrigerate.

I have used local sea salt, I have used smoked sea salt. But plain salt and caraway seed is my favorite.

-- Valdi Bjarnason  

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"30 years ago my friend Mabel Kegel
from Colville Washington taught me
how she made Sauerkraut."
By Guard Sundstrom

Fresh Cabbage
Crock (I use a 10 gallon crock) (Be careful with the crock as mine is old and expensive to replace maybe irreplaceable)
Kraut cutter or mandoline
Pickling salt
Glass platter
Glass gallon jar
White towel or sheet
Used towel
2"x4" cabbage masher (I use a clean board that I hang in the pump house each year)
Wine (for drinking)

 In October or September I make inquiries of local producers, I purchase 50 to 100 pounds of fresh cabbage; my 10 gallon crock holds 100 pounds. 100 pounds is a lot of cabbage and makes a lot of sauerkraut.

I make enough for friends, neighbors, and enough to last my family two or three years. (I hate to run out of sauerkraut.)  Sauerkraut makes an excellent "pot luck" dish.

I trim the cabbage of the outside leaves and they go to compost.

I and friends quarter and shred the cabbage, including the stem (be very careful not to cut your fingers).  I have an old kraut cutter, but sometimes use a modern kitchen mandoline.  It does not have to shred a large volume of cabbage at a time.

With the crock being one quarter full of loose shredded cabbage, sprinkling small amounts of pickling salt on the shredded cabbage. IT IS VERY EASY TO OVER SALT.  I begin to mash the cabbage with up and down and twisting motion of my favorite cabbage masher, eventually cabbage brine will appear. DO NOT MASH TOO HARD AS NOT TO BREAK THE CROCK.

I continuously taste the shredded cabbage and the brine for proper salinity. If its taste is too salty, I add more cabbage until the taste is less salty. It is best not to over salt the cabbage as you will have too salty sauerkraut.

Continue shredding and mashing the cabbage and adding small amount of salt. You can mix the cabbage and salt with your clean hand and continue tasting for salinity until the crock is full or you have no more cabbage to shred. You will have generated enough brine to completely cover the shredded cabbage.

I have a special platter that just fits inside the crock to hold the cabbage under the brine. THE BRINE MUST COVER THE CABBAGE. I fill the gallon jar with water (for weight) and place it on the platter to assure that the brine covers the cabbage.

Be careful with the heavy crock, it is best if you can fill the crock where you will leave it for at least 6 weeks. I like to make sauerkraut outside on a fall day. I store the crock on a towel in my old milk house, where the temperature is constant and dark. I cover the entire crock with a white towel or sheet for cleanliness. The salted cabbage will begin to ferment in two to three days and continue for several days or weeks and may overrun the brine. I remove most of the mold during the fermentation and prior to processing for long term storage.

After 6 weeks I prepare to process (canning) the sauerkraut in one-half pint jars: blue ribbon at the San Juan County Fair. Sometimes it is more than two months before I process the sauerkraut. It is ready to eat, yum.

Good luck
-- GNS
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Thornbush Farm Kimchi

Based on a Sandor Katz recipe:
Makes 1 quart

sea salt
1 pound bok choi and/or mizuna
8 ounces of daikon radish
1-2 onions, leeks, a few scallions, or shallots
3-4 cloves of garlic
1 TBS chili flakes
3 TBS fresh grated gingerroot
1 TBS fish sauce (without preservatives)

Mix a brine of 4 cups water and 4 tablespoons of salt.

Coarsely chop the greens, slice the radish, and let the vegetables soak overnight in the brine, covered by a plate or other weight to keep the vegetables submerged.

Prepare the spices: grate the ginger, chop the garlic and onion. Add the chili flakes and mash it all into a paste.

Drain brine off vegetables after soaking, reserving the brine. Taste the vegetables for saltiness. You want them salty but not unpleasantly so. If they are too salty, rinse them. If you cannot taste the salt, sprinkle in a couple teaspoons and mix.

Mix the vegetables with the ginger-chili-onion-garlic paste. Mix everything together and stuff it into a clean quart jar, pressing down until brine rises. If necessary, add a little of the reserved vegetable-soaking brine to submerge the vegetables. Weigh them down with a small jar filled with water, or visit daily to push down with your fingers and taste for ripeness. Cover the jar to keep out dust and flies.
Ferment in your kitchen or other warm place. Taste it every day. After about a week, when it tastes ripe, move it to the refrigerator.

--  Roger Ellison  

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  Katy's Kombucha

Kombucha is a variety of fermented, lightly effervescent sweetened black or green tea drinks commonly intended as functional beverages for their supposed health benefits. Kombucha is produced by fermenting tea using a "symbiotic 'colony' of bacteria and yeast" (SCOBY). Wikipedia

When making kombucha, it is important to have clean utensils clean hands and clean conditions, to keep out any unwanted bacteria.

For making kombucha in a gallon size jar:

Boil 3 quarts of water in a nonreactive pan. Make a tea with three tea bags of black or green tea of your choice. Add 3/4 cup sugar. When cooled add to it kombucha baby plus a cup of liquid from the previous batch. Cover with a cotton cloth, put the jar on a high shelf for 1 to 3 weeks, depending on how strong you like it. If the resulting baby has blemishes or a strange color or a strange smell toss it out and start over with a new baby.


-- Katy Nollman

Please join us!  Our Co-op will have a booth at this event where attendees can learn about the many local farms that supply fresh seasonal Island Grown foods at our store.


At the Co-op, we are aiming to raise awareness of why Fair Trade is important and to promote buying and using socially and commercially sustainable fair trade products in place of commodities which may harm the environment, the economy, communities, and disadvantaged individuals.

Products with Fair Trade certification adhere to a rigorous set of standards that ensure safe working conditions, environmental protection, sustainable livelihoods for workers, and empowered communities. Please take a look at our Fair Trade items on the Fair Trade Month shelf and around the store!

San Juan County Hazard Mitigation Plan 2018

Our county is working to make sure we are all prepared:

"We cannot prevent the infrequent disastrous acts of nature, but we can implement strategies designed to reduce the property damage, disruption of services, devastation to the local economy, and the long-term risks to people that typically follow a natural disaster. This is hazard mitigation." Read more:

D isaster Preparedness
The Department of Emergency Management handouts are at the
co-op so you can start your preparations any time:
1. 12 month Household Preparation Calendar
2. Neighborhood Preparation Calendar
3. Immediate Response -- "Disaster! Now what?"

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Global ShakeOut Earthquake Drill Thursday

You can practice this week along with people all over North America and many other countries.   Register at link below.

Volunteer at the Co-op!
Volunteer Benefits:

In addition to the rewards of donating their time, volunteers earn co-op cash to spend in the store at the rate of $4.60 for every two hours of work. Any hours worked within the quarter will count towards co-op cash. All cash earned during the quarter is to be used during the following quarter, with transactions recorded at the check stand.

Contact Information:

If you would like to volunteer, please email Sarah at the co-op with "VOLUNTEER" in the subject line: [email protected]

Or phone the co-op at  360-370-5170.  You can also leave a message with the cashier.  

Thank you!       
 -- Sarah  

Information about special ordering
Special Ordering is a Member Benefit. Save on items you use often--bathroom tissue, pet food, canned goods, pasta, bulk beans, and even chill or frozen items. The markup on member special orders is 20% over wholesale for taxable and non-taxable items. You can request a special order information sheet at the store or via email:  [email protected]



UNFI orders are every week.
Order deadline is Midnight Saturday
Pickup: after 3pm on Tuesday
Please be prompt for chill and frozen items.

Azure Standard orders are every other week.
Next order deadline:  Midnight October 27
Pickup:   After 10am Friday November 2


Monday - Friday: 10 - 7        //        Saturday & Sunday: 10 - 5
Phone:  360-370-5170        //      Email:  [email protected] 


Monthly Meetings

This evening, October 15, and November 19, December 17
Heritage Bank meeting room at 6:30 pm.
All members are welcome to attend meetings.

Any member is welcome to speak at the beginning of Board meetings.  Please contact the Chair or any Board member at [email protected] about the topic of interest, with the understanding that due to the amount of business the Board has to attend to, brevity is appreciated.


Editor: Eleanor Hartmann

Contributors:  Paul Richards, Sarah Benson, Alice Deane, Maggie Olsen, Adrienne Brooks.
Thank you for supporting your San Juan Island Food Co-op 
Mission Statement
The San Juan Island Food Co-op strives to provide access to local and regional food and goods that are organic, sustainable, and fairly produced, with the smallest carbon footprint.
The Co-op encourages conscientious consumption
and nurtures community connections.
San Juan Island Food Co-op | Friday Harbor | 360-370-5170
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