CoC Updates- August 2020
In this CoC update, we have much to share about how our community is continuing to respond to the ongoing challenge of homelessness while facing a pandemic and wildfires.

Highlights include:
  • Resources for smoke/wildfire
  • COVID data
  • Point in Time (PIT) Report with city level data
  • COVID and homelessness meeting series
  • Homelessness Awareness Month planning opportunity
  • Council on Homelessness seeking applicants
  • Heartwarming success story
Emergency Response
Our hearts and minds are focused on the safety and health of you all, your loved ones, and those who are experiencing homelessness in our community during these fraught times.
Wildfire and the resulting smoke is impacting many of us in Contra Costa County. The following are links to some resources that may be helpful:

Our partners at HUD and the State Homeless Coordinating and Financing Council have also provided the following HUD resource links which include information and guidance on homelessness disaster response and recovery:
As of August 24, 2020, nearly 2,500 people experiencing homelessness have received tests for COVID and 125 people experiencing homelessness have tested positive.

For the most up to date information on testing, cases and hotel placements for people experiencing homelessness in Contra Costa, visit the full dashboard using the button below.
Health, Housing and Homeless Services (H3) has adopted a streamlined process for accepting, processing, and responding to requests for H3 staff presentations and/or meeting attendance and for printed materials like resources cards. 
To make a request, please click the button below
The full 2020 Point in Time (PIT) report, including city level has been released.

To view the full report, click here.
The Council on Homelessness is seeking applicants for the following seats:

  • Affordable Housing Developer
  • Behavioral Health Representative
  • City Government Seat
  • Consumer/Consumer Advocate
  • Educational and Vocational Services
  • Emergency Solutions Grant Representative
  • Healthcare Representative
  • Homeless Service Provider
  • Public Safety Representative #2
  • Veterans Administration Representative
  • Workforce Development
  • Youth Representative

Applications must be received by Friday, September 18, 2020.

For more information about the Council on Homelessness, the open seats and application process, please click the button below.
Success Stories
Leticia and Anthony [names changed for privacy] had been chronically homeless for over year and were living out of their car when they began working with CORE outreach. With multiple complex health and legal challenges as well as criminal justice involvement and trauma history, finding and maintaining housing was a significant struggle for the couple.  

CORE was able to support with critical issues such as getting a copy of an out of state birth certificate, service & benefit referrals to supplement their food, medical, & financial needs and a referral to a new Transitional Age Youth (TAY) Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) program through HOPE Solutions. After a three week hotel stay, with the assistance of a deposit payment and case management through the new program, the couple was successfully housed in a one bedroom apartment.

The couple continues to participate in life skills classes with a re-entry program at Bay Area Community Resources (BACR) and remain in good standing with probation. After more than a year of homelessness, the couple is finally housing & food secure and Leticia is working on reunification with her child.  This success story wouldn’t have been possible without their hard work and the collaboration of many community partners. Congratulations all!  
Upcoming Meetings
We are holding a series of community-wide meetings called “Contra Costa’s Homeless System of Care Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic” to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the homeless system and the homeless system’s ongoing response; to share relevant information and data, mid and long range system strategies; receive and respond to community input and questions; and identify and brainstorm next steps. Each meeting will have a specific topic of focus. Please find the information for the meeting below.

Meeting 2: Where We Are”
Thursday August 27th
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Discussion of the current efforts under way, including programs, funding, policy, and data, and interim strategies
   Meeting Link:
Call in:408-826-0365 Access Code:146 140 3007

Meeting 3: “Future Considerations”
Friday, September 4th
9:00 am – 10:30 am
Discussion of emerging issues, system mapping and updated models for funding and interventions, upcoming funding, policy, and program opportunities, strategies for system buildout.
Call in:408-826-0365 Access Code: 146 376 9532

These meetings are open to the public and the role of participants is to attend and listen to the presentations, learn, and ask questions relevant to the meeting topic.

H3 realizes this is a weighted topic and will respond to questions to the extent possible in the meetings. In an effort to answer all questions, we are soliciting questions prior to each meeting. Please send any questions about Contra Costa’s homeless system response to the pandemic to Jaime Jenett at [email protected].
National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week takes place the week before Thanksgiving every November. The Contra Costa Council on Homelessness, on behalf of the Homeless Continuum of Care, celebrates the entire month of November and we need your help to plan activities and identify resources to highlight!

Homelessness Awareness Month (HAM) Planning Meeting
Friday, August 28th
10 am - 11:30 am
Meeting link:
Call in: 1-844-517-1271
Access Code: 146 441 2456 
Join our next Council on Homelessness meeting.
Thursday, September 3
1 pm - 3 pm
Call in: 1-844-517-1271
Access code: 146 096 2995  
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