Coaching Facilitates New Neural Pathways

Slow Down to Focus

Tech changes quickly. Neural pathways, however, need a bit more time to develop. In a world where new apps, technology platforms, social media hubs, and websites appear seemingly overnight, the tacit assumption starts to sneak into the brains of students – I can learn at the speed with which I create a meme, search for a research link through Google, or order my dinner on Grub Hub – right? 

It's logical that they should make this assumption, given the world that swirls around them. However, it's incorrect – and it often hampers the motivation to put in effort over time. In the first few weeks of a semester, most students haven't gotten to where they know their new class meeting schedule solidly, nevermind the new content being delivered in those courses.

Perspective shift questions, ones that ask students to consider previous learning processes and paths, can help ignite understanding of just what it takes to learn something in a deep and lasting fashion. Coaches, when you get the sense that a student is experiencing struggle because they are not giving themselves the time and chance to learn, consider questions that ask students to look back at their own experience:

  • Think for a moment: What do you know or do extremely well? 
  • When did you begin learning this?
  • Why did you want to learn it?
  • How did it feel when you first started learning this? 
  • How many hours do you think you've put in practicing this skill or working with this content? 
  • What does this experience tell you about what learning demands?

Let students know there is no judgment as to what they've deeply learned – it could be a challenging video game, a complicated recipe, an ethnic dance, anything that they've automated in their minds over time with effort. Anything that tells them the story of learning can help them write a new chapter with the learning that is set in front of them.

LifeBound inclusive coaching training helps coaches deepen and extend their own learning. Join LifeBound for 1-Day or 3-Day Training Classes or Coaching Certification! 

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September 27

3-Day Inclusive Coaching

October 11, 18, 25

November 1, 8, 15

December 12, 13, 16

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September 24 - January 7

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3-Day Inclusive Coaching

This class will address challenges that freshman, first gen, and under-served populations can face in navigating a myriad of issues in today's world. You will learn how to help students transition more effectively to college, build accountability and self-management skills, and achieve fulfillment at school, work, and in their personal lives.

3 days (6 hours each)


Oct 11, 18, 25 (Fridays)

Nov 1, 8, 15 (Fridays)

Dec 12, 13, 16 (Thur, Fri, Mon)




$1,500 per person

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1-Day Introduction to Coaching

This class will give you coaching strategies to help students grow to their full potential. Students are navigating a time of extreme uncertainty while managing partially- or fully-online college coursework. Coaching strategies can support students as they face financial, social, emotional, and academic issues.

1 day (6 hours)


Friday, Sept 27




$497 per person

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Coaching Certification

The course is designed to build your competencies through active participation and demonstration of abilities. Prerequisite: Completion of the LifeBound 3-Day Inclusive Coaching class.


Spring, Summer, and Fall Cohorts

Fall 2024/2025 Session

Tuesday, September 24 – Kickoff

Tuesday, October 22 – Session I

Tuesday, November 19 – Session II

Tuesday, December 17 – Session III

Tuesday, January 7 – Capstone session


Online or in-person as available


$5,000 per person

Register for Coaching Certification

Books for College Students

Read by more than 3 million students, Keys to College Success sets the standard for academic success strategies for college, career, and life. You will find practical tips on resilience, persistence, purpose and strength. Available in e-book format, with online interactive assessments.

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